U.S. Federal Register Update

August 29, 2009 – September 4, 2009

The U.S. Federal Register Update contains summaries of entries in the U.S. Federal Register that relate to the standards and conformity assessment community. Summaries are divided into items that would be of broad interest to the entire community (top section) and items that may be more targeted toward specific stakeholders (bottom section). This update is provided on a weekly basis by ANSI as a service to its members as part of the ANSI What’s New? email newsletter.

To access the full Federal Register entry for any of the summaries below, please visit http://www.gpoaccess.gov/fr/retrieve.html, select Volume 74, and enter the first page number of the announcement you would like to view.

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Broad Interest Items

Topic International Code Council: The Update Process for the International Codes and Standards

Date-FR-Doc.-Pages 8/31/2009 E9-2139 pp. 45820-45821

Standard Ref. ICC

Summary On behalf of the International Code Council (ICC), the National Institute for Standards and Technology has announced that the ICC is revising its process for updating the

International Codes based on receipt of proposals from interested individuals and organizations involved in the construction industry as well as the general public.

Starting with the 2009/2010 Cycle, ICC is transitioning to a development cycle where there will only be a single cycle of code development with the codes split into two groups. For each group of codes, there are two hearings for each code development cycle; the first where a committee considers the proposals and recommends an action on each proposal and the second to consider comments submitted in response to the committee action on proposals.

Topic Third Party Testing for Certain Children's Products; Notice of Requirements for Accreditation of Third Party Conformity Assessment Bodies to Assess Conformity

Date-FR-Doc.-Pages 9/2/2009 E9-21134 pp. 45428-45431

Standard Ref. ISO/IEC

Summary The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has issued a notice of requirements that provides the criteria and process for Commission acceptance of accreditation of third party conformity assessment bodies for testing pursuant to specific CPSC regulations relating to bicycle helmets, dive sticks and similar articles, rattles, bicycles, and bunk beds.

Targeted Interest Items

Topic Extension of Public Comment Period: Second External Review Draft Integrated Science Assessment for Particulate Matter

Date-FR-Doc.-Pages 8/31/2009 E9-20921 pp. 44842-44843

Standard Ref. N/A

Summary The EPA has extended the public comment period for the draft document “Integrated Science Assessment for Particulate Matter--Second External Review Draft.” The document was prepared by the National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) within EPA's Office of Research and Development as part of the review of the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter.

The document is available online at National Center for Environmental Assessment's home page, under the Recent Additions and Publications menu. EPA will consider any public comments submitted in response to this notice when revising the document. Comments must be received on or before October 12, 2009, and can be sent to .

Topic Energy Conservation Standards for Refrigerated Bottled or Canned Beverage Vending Machines; Final Rule

Date-FR-Doc.-Pages 8/31/2009 E9-19392 pp. 44913-44968

Standard Ref. AHAM, ASHRAE

Summary The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is adopting new energy conservation standards for refrigerated bottled or canned beverage vending machines. DOE has determined that energy conservation standards for these types of equipment would result in significant conservation of energy, and are technologically feasible and economically justified.

Topic Request for Comments and Notice of Public Hearing Concerning China's Compliance With WTO Commitments

Date-FR.Doc.-Pages 8/31/2009 E9-20891 pp. 44895-44896

Standard Ref. N/A

Summary The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has announced that the interagency Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) will convene a public hearing and seek public comment to assist the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) in the preparation of its annual report to the Congress on China's compliance with the commitments made in connection with its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Persons wishing to testify at the hearing must provide written notification of their intention, as well as a copy of their testimony, by noon, Friday, September 18, 2009. Written comments are due by noon, Tuesday, September 22, 2009. A hearing will be held in Washington, DC, on Friday, October 2, 2009. Comments should be submitted electronically via the Internet at www.regulations.gov

Topic Vessel and Facility Response Plans for Oil: 2003 Removal Equipment Requirements and Alternative Technology Revisions; Final Rule

Date-FR.Doc.-Pages 8/31/2009 E9-20311 pp. 45003-45030


Summary The Coast Guard is updating its requirements for oil-spill removal equipment associated with vessel response plans and marine transportation-related facility response plans. These changes will add requirements for new response technologies and revise methods and procedures for responding to oil spills upon the navigable waters of the United States, adjoining shorelines, and the exclusive economic zone. The Coast Guard is also revising the compliance date for updates of vessel response plans (VRPs) required by the Salvage and Marine Firefighting final rule. This extension of the compliance date will ensure that plan holders are not required to update their VRPs twice within a 12-month period.

Topic Safety Standard for Infant Walkers

Date-FR.Doc.-Pages 9/3/2009 E9-20946 pp. 45703-45714

Standard Ref. ASTM, EN

Summary The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is accepting comments on a proposed safety standard for infant walkers. The proposed standard is substantially the same as a voluntary standard developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM F 977-07 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Infant Walkers, but with several modifications.

Comments must be submitted by November 17, 2009, to www.regulations.gov.