Heart of West Midlands Regional Optical Committee – 25/09/2014


Charles Barlow (CB)Dudley

Ian Hadfield (IH)Birmingham

Debbie Graham (DG)Optometric Advisor

Peter Hampson (PH)Sandwell

Peter Rockett (PR)Wolverhampton

Spencer Parkes (SP)Solihull

Louise Sarjeant (LS)Sandwell/Minutes

Paul Sidhu (PS)Dudley

Dan Sanders (DPS)Solihull

Dave Stevens (DKS)Walsall


Peter Bainbridge (PB), Spencer Parkes (SP)

Minutes of previous meeting

Proposed as correct by IH, seconded by DKS

Matters arising- nil

Update on Community Services

DG spoken to Stuart Burdett who reports potential advances. IH had no response to tender. Sandwell are being slow, so Solihull are going ahead in tendering for all schemes. We've sent in the bills from Webstar, but they are not being paid by the CCGs as shared services don't have “backing data” (px name, address, NHS number so can check registered with GP).

PR in Wolverhampton we've discussed the backing data with both Webstar and the CCGS so they know what's needed. DG concerned that Webstar not helping in Birmingham. CB maybe BLOC need to suspend payments to LOCSU until Webstar help?

IH still issues with uptake for IOP repeat measures, especially at bigger practices. PR same issue in Wolverhampton, but hopefully with PEARS and cataracts it will increase momentum. PH how do we increase numbers? Emails? Info on website? PS company website is patient facing.IH need to concentrate on payments first.

CB Dudley have got cataract referral, working towards others but not pre-xmas.

DKS in Walsall we have draft specifications for IOP, PEARS and pre and post cataracts. There's a meeting in Nov and we'll look at tendering process. The CCG are keen. CB the catalyst was the EHNA. DKS we’re drawing a levy now so getting some money in, 1.4%.

PS in Dudley they are trialing a Healthy Living Scheme through public health. CB Dudley are pathfinders and there will be training. The idea is to have a “Healthy Living Champion” in each practice, and a designated area to promote healthy living. Consists of BP checks, alcohol and smoking cessation etc, for payments of up to £100.

CB Solihull have got contracts, nothing happened over summer, but likely soon.

David Brown was talking about co-commissioning and that GOS contracts could move to CCGs. CB the Optical Confederation are working to ensure this doesn't happen.

PR Wolverhampton have the same service specs as a Walsall, so should be able to expand quickly. CCGs pushed for launch on 1st Sept, but things weren't fully ready. 20 practices launched PEARS, fewer with IOP and cats. People are keen on PEARS as more relevant. The roll out of NHS emails has been complicated. PH have they done the information governance toolkit? According to HSCIC should have to, unless covered by bigger scheme eg. DRS.

PR we've had lots of help from Darmesh Patel (LOCSU lead, Stockport LOC) and we've done two sets of OSCEs. DG have you offered guidance re ST or PEARS appointments? PR yes, there's a triage form to help. There's a worry that people might try and put all referrals through PEARS. The aim is to reduce A&E activity and costs, but GPs may send all eye stuff through PEARS and so there may be a big bill. CB but that’s still good, as will free up GP appointments. May be worth doing a questionnaire to see where patients would have gone if scheme didn't exist. Good to have lots of data. DG could look at other areas and start collecting data now? DPS could assess by looking at ocular prescribing by GPs, eg chloramphenicol. What does happen in scheme if px needs prescription? PR scheme includes pharmacies so they are primed to accept written orders for ocular drugs, so functions without GP involvement.

Diabetic Retinopathy Screening

IH the shutdown week has been announced. PS they will be due to talk to us about contracts soon. Dudley are happy to pay for representatives to discuss fees.

PR before joining the scheme we had regular meetings, now we don’t know what’s happening and have had little guidance. Can we network amongst ourselves, not necessarily meetings but a forum? PH we could set up a forum or mailbase, maybe ask Heartlands to moderate. CB could put on a wish list to Heartlands? Ask PB to enquire. DG it could go on NHS networks.

LOC Company Update

IH received contributions from Birmingham, Sandwell and Wolverhampton. Have paid one bill for OSCEs to Aston Uni, £5000 for 40 people for PEARS. The Medical Institute would be cheaper, would have to borrow slit lamps. CB may be worth buying slit lamps, especially if have to do 4/5 OSCEs a year.

PS do we want 2 websites, one for patients, one for optoms? Will company pay for hosting. IH yes, send invoice. CB have to have company website, leave practitioner one for now. Not discussed fees for time yet, so will have to discuss that at company meeting.

PH would be good if website did postcode look ups for practices and what community services they offered.

CB when will Wolverhampton have data? PR should have 3 months by the end of November. CB need to share data electronically for company to look at. Also the clinical governance lead should report to the company.


DG the Area Team want optoms involved in “making every contact count” scheme. I’ve been asked to do training and look at how/if we can incorporate it. Might be a brief intervention, up to 30 mins. Training is at least 4 hours.

There is no payment. PS Dudley’s Healthy Living Scheme sounds a better option.

CB call to action response? PS we had replies from 2 optoms, and sent a 6 page response from Sandwell and Dudley.

IH would like to thank CB for his LOCSU work across the region. CB it has been a lot of work, and would like to concentrate on local issues so have stepped down.

Date of Next Meeting

6.30pm Thursday 20th November 2014 – to be hosted by Dudley

To Do

PB to ask Heartlands about forum.