Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Ibberton Parish Council on19th May 2016
The Annual Meeting of Ibberton Parish Council was held in the Village Hall on Thursday 19th May 2016commencing at 7.30 pm.
Present:Councillors: D Old (Chairman); S Harris; I Freeland, C Doran and C Carsley
Parish Clerk:M Wilson
Apologies:Received from NDDC Cllr A Burch
85. To elect the Chairman of the council for the coming year: It was agreed to elect Cllr Old as Chairman and he signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
86. Apologies for absence: Received from NDDC Cllr Burch
87. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 11th February 2016: These were approved and signed by the Chairman.
88. Matters arising: The question of the Leigh fingerpost had been covered at the preceding Annual Assembly.
89. Finance matters: i) to approve the annual accounts for the year ending 31st March 2016: The accounts had been subject to internal audit by Christopher McCann. He had given them a clean bill of health. Copies had been circulated in advance to councillors and the accounts were approved. ii) to approve and authorise the Chairman to sign the Annual Governance section in the Annual Return: The annual governance statement was approved and the Chairman was authorised to sign this iii) to approve and authorise the Chairman to sign the Accounting Statements section in the Annual Return: The accounting statement was approved and the Chairman was authorised to sign this
90. Insurance – to review and agree arrangements for the coming 12 months: A renewal quote had been received from Community First Trading (underwritten by Zurich Insurance) of £168.60. The clerk had received a quote via Came and Co (underwritten by Hiscox) of £164.25. In view of the small difference it was agreed to remain with our current insurers.
91. To review and agree the annual risk assessment: This had been updated and circulated in advance and was agreed without amendment.
92. To consider any planning applications received before the meeting: Details of the amended application for Shoemakers – 2/2016/0315 – had been circulated and there were no objections.
93. To approve accounts for payment: The following payment was approved;
Cheque 147 – Community First Trading - £168.60 – insurance premium
The clerk noted that payments would soon be due to the village hall (hire costs), DAPTC (subscription) and Normtec (contribution towards Leigh fingerpost). It was agreed these payments could be made in line with the budget when invoices were received with payment being formally ratified at the next parish council meeting
94. Correspondence and other items of interest: Nothing to note
95. Date of next meeting: It was decided to be flexible about dates for remaining meetings, but noted that at least four must be held in the year from April to March. The clerk will organise the next meeting as required.
96. Close of meeting: With no further business to discuss the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.20 pm.