Curriculum Vitae (Short Version)

Carolin Isabel Susanne Arlt


Jan. 2007- Post-Doctoral Research Employee, Center for the Tebtunis Papyri, Bancroft Library, University of California-Berkeley (USA)

Duties: editing unpublished texts, work on the APIS-database, and supervising undergraduate research using the papyrus collection.

Feb.-Dec. Research Associate (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin), Multilingualism

2006 and Multiculturalism in Graeco-Roman Egypt, Director, Prof. Dr. Mark Depauw, Seminar für Ägyptologie, University of Cologne (Germany)

Duties: checking data for database of Demotic and bilingual texts; analysis of the use of language in mummy labels.

Oct. 2005 Research Assistant (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft), Altägyptisches Wör-

-Jul. 2006 terbuch, Datenbank demotischer Texte, Prof. Dr. Günter Vittmann, Lehrstuhl für Ägyptologie, University of Würzburg (Germany)

Duties: digitally linking Demotic words with Egyptian (Hieroglyphic and Hieratic) entries in the online database.


Ph.D. 2006 University of Würzburg, Lehrstuhl für Ägyptologie

Dissertation: Deine Seele möge leben für immer und ewig. Die Mumienschilder im British Museum (May Your Soul Live Forever and Ever: The Mummy Labels in the British Museum)

M.A. 2002 University of Würzburg, Institut für Ägyptologie

Thesis: Die ägyptischen Notare ptolemäischer Zeit (The Egyptian Notaries of the Ptolemaic Period)

Major: Egyptology

Minors: Ancient History, Classical Archeology


2003-2006  Graduate School Fellowship, interdisciplinary research group: “Wahrnehmung der Geschlechterdifferenz in religiösen Symbol-systemen” (The Perception of Gender Differences in Religious Symbol Systems), University of Würzburg


“Zweisprachigkeit in Mumienschildern”, in M. Depauw (ed.), Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Graeco-Roman Egypt, Leuven (publication in preparation)

“Scribal Offices and Scribal Families in Ptolemaic Thebes”, in B. Bryant, P. Dorman (eds.), Perspectives on Ptolemaic Thebes, Chicago (forthcoming)

“Die thebanischen Notare,” in M. Chauveau, D. Devauchelle, and G. Widmer (eds.), Acts of the Ninth International Congress of Demotic Studies, IFAO, Cairo (forthcoming)

“A Demotic School Text,” in T. Hickey, A. Verhoogt, and K.-Th. Zauzich (eds.), The Tebtunis Papyri VI, University of Chicago Press, Chicago (forthcoming)

“Mummy Label,” in T. Hickey, A. Verhoogt, and K.-Th. Zauzich (eds.), The Tebtunis Papyri VI, University of Chicago Press, Chicago (forthcoming)

“Mummy Linen,” in T. Hickey, A. Verhoogt, and K.-Th. Zauzich (eds.), The Tebtunis Papyri VI, University of Chicago Press, Chicago (forthcoming)

M. Depauw et al., Chronological Survey of Abnormal Hieratic and Demotic Sources, Version 1, Köln and Leuven (2007)

“Bibliographie Karl-Theodor Zauzich,” in F. Hoffmann and H.J. Thissen (eds.), Res severa verum gaudium: Festschrift für Karl-Theodor Zauzich, Studia Demotica 6, Leuven (2004), 1-9

In Preparation

Deine Seele möge leben für immer und ewig. Die Mumienschilder im British Museum (May Your Soul Live Forever and Ever: The Mummy Labels in the British Museum), monograph, for publication in Studia Demotica, Peeters Publishers, Leuven

“The Egyptian Notary Scribes in the Fayyum,” article

“Illiteracy and Age Rounding: Mummy Labels in their Social Context,” article

“Mummy Labels from the University of Michigan Collection,” article

“Mummy Labels from the LA County Museum of Arts,” article