All Saints School Association
President Mrs Alison Wyld
`Minutes of the Meeting held
Thursday 21st May2015
Tracey Stone (Chair), Lisa Rust (Treasurer), Christina Perks (Minutes), Jo Pullen, Natascha Logan, Julie Francis
- Apologies
Richard Lewis (Deputy Head), Margaret Thorne (Secretary), Carol Sheircliff, Katharine Bullcock, Sue O’Flinn, ChristeleHyde, Sandy Poulter, Sarah Threadgold, Caroline Coleman, Vicky Lovelock.
- Approval of previous minutes
Amendment to apologies and present: Sue O’Flinn was not present but sent apologies; Christina Perks was omitted from the apologies section. Minutes approved Tracey Stone, Christina Perks seconded.
- Matters arising from previous minutes
The umbrella film licence cost £78 for the year and was purchased in March. ASSA is now saving £120 per annum as £99 was paid per film night under previous licensing. It was agreed to reflect the amount as an annual charge against ASSA, as the benefit will include the 2015/2016 financial year, therefore being disproportionate if expensed against the two remaining film nights held during 2015.
Richard Lewis agreed to provide a letter on “Why All Saints needs ASSA”. Action: Tracey liaise with Richard Lewis.
- Treasurer’s report
Lisa reported the following receipts/payments:
Receipts / PaymentsFilm Night / £584
Raffle Summer Fair / £104
Father’s Day / £518
Film Night / 95.46*
Bank Balance @ 21 May / £8,888
- The expenses £95.46 for popcorn, crisps, drinks and cups. The MPLC was recorded under the previous minutes.
Awaiting final Christmas Fair and Mother’s Day figures and updated information on Dropbox. Action: Lisa
- Club 200
1st Prize / Christina Perks
2nd Prize / Emma Graves
- Past events
Film Night (8th May)Ruth Lewis, Sarah Sewell, Bernie Hughes, Donna SprulesProfit: £488.64
Bernie and Donna will be taking over for 2015/2016 and reported a smooth handover. There was an event report completed: 191 tickets were sold at £3 each. Expected takings: £573, amount banked £584.10. The expenses were £95.46 for popcorn, drinks, cups and crisps, Profit (excluding licence) £488.64 Food allergy child was booked in advance. Leftover stock: 60 packets of crisps for the next event, enough plastic cups and popcorn for the next film night. An Email address will be requested on reply slips. The umbrella film licence will be charged as an annual expense to ASSA (section 3 above).
- Forthcoming events
i)Summer Art Project KimCook has in hand.
ii)Father’s Day Sales (18th/19th June) Christéle Hyde –590 gifts purchased and wrapped. Christele has purchased small bottles of PiriPiri sauces; these will be sold within small gift bags. This year only 2 gifts per child can be purchased. The expenses are £1,006.48p so far. A new organiser is required for next year. Jane Garratt has previously offered to help with purchasing.
iii)Summer Fair (27th June) Tracey Stone.
It was agreed that the donations letter will detail dates when each item is required. It was also considered that as parents are not obligated to provide all items listed the request letter will follow previous formats.
Each Class Rep will be allocated a stall and asked to find 6volunteers (2 people for 3 one hour slots). Action: Tracey to email to each Class Rep to this effect. Tavistock Infant School’s PTA (TAFF) have a “pull a string” stall. We are still awaiting confirmation from the GardeningClub, Phoenix Cards, and the Pampered Chef. External stall holders are charged £20 with a discount for parents. June White Dance will pay £20 for an advertising banner. Lisa will place advert via Fleet Parents social network, for any jewellery and craft stall holders, stating £20 per stall.
Lisa is the raffle promoter and has ordered the tickets. Action: Lisa to place the information on dropbox. The raffle tickets will be distributed with a slip stating that Under 16’s are not to sell raffle tickets; this is to ensure compliance with legislation. Kumon has donated £100 towards the price of the raffle tickets. Various raffle prizes have been donated, the main prize being a Toshiba camcorder. Sarah Threadgold has separately organised various prizes. Action:Maggie Thorne will send out a list of items required for the Summer hamper.
Tracey will supply her chest freezer with a capacity for 190 cones to sell for 80p each. Nicky Wright will order food to cater for approximately 400 people (250 sausages and 150 burgers). It was agreed that the Fox and Hounds can erect the marquee on Friday (takes 3-4 hours) and will confirm whether the school will permit for it to be disassembled on Sunday. Action: Tracey to liase with office an Jo.
iv)End of year Discos(17th July)Caroline Coleman, Ursula Davidson –all in hand.
v)New Parents evening (1st July) Commence at 7pm. Tracey will supervise the ASSA stand,include ASSA letter and new parents booklet. Cater for 200 parents as expecting approximately 170 to attend. Set up 5.30pm for parents arrival at 6.30pm. Lisa, Christinaand Jo assist. Vicky to confirm availability. Action: Tracey to provide milk and cups, check tea and coffee
- Website, Parentmail, Facebook, Class Reps
Tracey to send out Summer Fair class stall allocations for class reps to organise.
- Any other business
- Bag2Schoolwill be replaced with Rags2Riches as the school with receive 60p per kg as opposed to 40p per kg from Bag2School. Dates have been booked for Tuesday dates: 3 November 2015, 19 April 2016, and 15 June 2016. Rags2Riches also supply stickers for children. Organiser required.
- End of year social: Cellar Magneval in Fleet was proposed for either Monday 20th or Tuesday 21st July. Action: Tracey to send out Doodle schedule invitation
- SingALong Film Evening: Agreed to postpone until September term to include new year 3 parents.
- Elvetham Heath PTA: Tracey met with Annabelle Wright and Jo Williams to discuss and share ideas and information. Annabelle confirmed their race nights and grow a sunflower competition have been successful. They also provide sweet peas in cups to giveaway on Mother’s Day rather than Mother’s Day sales and organise a circus instead of Summer Fair, and will lend their coconut shy for ASSA to borrow if required. Annabelle and Jo will keep in touch.
- Volunteers Required:
- Rags2Riches Coordinator
- Summer Fair Coordinator from 2016
- Mother’s Day/Father’s Day Sales Organiser
- Date of next meeting: Thursday 25th June, 7.30pm – 9.00pm, at school.
Registered Charity No. 1038424. For further information contact:
Mins: 21/05/2015 | 1 of 3