WGRC, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 25, 2012
Directors/Officers Present: President Dan Wheatman, Vice President Connie Glazik-Pierce, Secretary Claudette Gonsiorowski, Marsha Grove, Ken Gunji, Bethany Hearn, David Hood, Sarah Tufte
Directors/Officers Absent: Marjorie Williams
Other Officers Present: Treasurer David White
Ex-officio Directors Present: Fay Rouseff-Baker, Rotary President; John Calderon, Rotary President Elect
Ex-officio Directors Absent: Bill Malone, Rotary Past President
Guests: None
1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 8:01 a.m. by President Dan Wheatman.
2. Review and Discuss Agenda – Items added to the agenda were tax preparation and Canon funds. See Old Business section of these minutes for details.
3. Minutes of September 27, 2012 Meeting – A motion to approve the minutes was made by Ken Gunji and seconded by Connie Glazik-Pierce. The motion was unanimously approved. Dan noted that the minutes will be posted on ClubRunner.
4. Treasurer’s Report
a. Approval of Financial Statement – The treasurer’s report from September was presented by Treasurer David White. Total assets as of September 30, 2012 were $236,490.60. A motion to approve the financial statement was made by David Hood and seconded by Bethany Hearn. The motion was unanimously approved.
5. Old Business
a. Funding request for WGRC, Inc. – Backpack Project – President Dan reiterated that the final amount WGRC approved for funding the Backpack Project was $5,000.
b. Tax Return Preparation – Bethany Hearn informed the group that CliftonLarsonAllen has offered to do the tax returns for WGRC with the returns being due November 15, 2012.
c. Promoting Canon grant funds and other WGRC funds – Members again discussed resources available for informing Rotarians of the various types of WGRC funds available for disbursement. It was agreed that sharing this information more often at the regular Monday Rotary meetings was important and that utilizing the good news segment of the meeting could be one good way. Another good resource would be using the slide projector, however, it was noted that there are already others that want things shown on the screen before and/or during the meeting and it was problematic unless there was a volunteer who would coordinate everything.
6. New Business
a. Policy Statement #18 Project Planning Committee – The current policy was reviewed and discussed. The consensus was that the WGRC board should be informed of every application even the requests where the project planning committee and/or the Rotary board have rejected a project. It was noted that there could be some cases where the sponsor of a project may be invited to give a presentation at the beginning of the WGRC board meeting.
b. WRGC Recurring Funding Obligations – The list of recurring funding obligations that was last revised on July 29, 2010 was reviewed and a lengthy discussion followed on whether the Student Recognition and Rotary Challenge programs actually qualify for WGRC funds because those monetary awards actually go to individuals. President Dan shelved this item to look into it further.
c. Funding Request – Rotary Essay Contest – The request for partial funding of this project submitted and sponsored by Rotarian Mike DeLorenzo was reviewed. Bethany Hearn made a motion to approve the requested funding amount of $1,074.15 and David Hood seconded it. The motion was unanimously approved.
d. Funding Request – First String Batting Cage – The request for partial funding of the project submitted by John Cooper and sponsored by Rotarian Jeff Lehmann was reviewed. Ken Gunji made a motion to approve the requested funding amount of $1,800. The motion was seconded by Bethany Hearn and Sarah Tufte and was unanimously passed.
7. Good of the Order
8. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 a.m. with a reminder that the next WGRC board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 29, 2012.
Respectfully submitted,
Claudette Gonsiorowski
Secretary, WGRC, Inc.
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