Participants: Webb, Hosenfeld

Date: 4/24/13

Our Annual Goal: By June 2013, all students will show 80% participation in lessons on the Extended Common Core Standards as documented on individual data sheets.

Quarterly goals for core subjects would be written here for core subjects (also SMART Goals)

By April 2013, all students will demonstrate appropriate behaviors during class instruction according to IEP goals as documented on data collection sheets with 80% accuracy.

I. Announcements…

·  Morning staff meeting.

II. Kid Talk….

·  See Attached Form

III. Planning/ Curriculum…

·  Special Olympics is next Thursday. Need to ask Mrs. Purvis to check on the bus. We will still have the bus come at 9:30, but we may not leave until 9:45 since it is at Cary Academy and it will reduce the amount of time we need to wait there. Ms. Hosenfeld will bring a cooler with ice. Mrs. Webb is going to ask her parents to donate water. Ms. Hosenfeld will ask her parents to donate snacks.

·  Yesterday the two classes tie dyed a sheet for the banner at Special Olympics. In art on Friday they are going to trace their shoe and write their name on it. Then they will decorate it and put it on the banner.

·  Mrs. Webb is going to have an end of year celebration on the last day of school. She is not sure of the details yet. Ms. Hosenfeld is going to find out the performance schedule for the rest of the school before planning date for their end of year celebration. She wants to plan a date when there will be less parking issues.

·  Mrs. Webb has completed the TA evaluations for her TA’s. Ms Hosenfeld will work on hers ASAP so that Mrs. Charbonneau’s can be reviewed before she leaves on maternity leave.

Action Steps:

·  Follow up with Kid Talk items

·  Find out performance schedule

·  Talk with Mrs. Purvis about bus for Special Olympics

·  Get permission for Mrs. Webb to drive separately to Special Olympics

***Remember S-M-A-R-T focuses on specific, measurable, achievable goals that are result-oriented and have a particular time frame!!!

Critical Questions of a Professional Learning Community:

What is it we expect our students to learn?

How will we know when they have learned it?

How will we support them when they don’t learn it?

How will we respond when they already know it?