Lincoln High School

Student Bulletin

Friday, May 12, 2017

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CLEAN CAMPUS: Green flag!

PROM 2017: This year’s prom:Bollywood Ball is May 13th from 8pm-12am at Brookside Country Club. Bring your ID to the Prom in order to check in.

PROM ROYALTY: PROM ROYALTY voting opens Friday, May 12th at 8am. This vote is for all juniors and seniors. Voting will continue until Saturday night at 9pm before the King, Queen, Prince, and Princess are announced around 10:30pm. Go to

ELIGIBILITY:If you know, or you suspect you are ineligible for prom or Disneyland due to unexcused absences or tardies, you must see your alpha secretary immediately as there is only 1 Saturday school left before Disneyland. The date is: May 13th, (for Disneyland only).

SUMMER SCHOOL: If you received a Summer School form from your Counselor during Registration, please turn forms in ASAP. Students who have any D/F grades in May, should see their Counselor againto discuss Summer School options. Do not wait until June, as classes will be full! Students who fail classes and do not attendSummer School areat risk of not graduating.

CAASPP EXAMS: CAASPP Exams in Mathwill be taken byGrade 11 studentsinUS History classes onMonday, May 15, 2017 – Friday, May 26, 2017.

NATIONAL PRACTICE TEST WEEKEND: Take a free SAT vs. ACT Combo Test and see which exam is right for you. Join Kaplan on May 20 and 21 Live Online to try both tests. Register

LINCOLN CHARITY RUN/WALK: Save the date—May 20, 2017. Registration forms are available at school or online at

SENIORS GOING TO DELTA: If you plan to attend Delta next year, please see your counselor to find out how to sign-up for “New Student Saturday’s” at Delta College.

GRAD NIGHT: Attention Seniors - Don't put off buying your Grad Nights - Purchase in the month of May and you still save money! Tickets are $40 and you still get 10 raffle tickets! Don't get stuck buying your ticket at the door. Tickets are available in Room 1104 during lunch.

GRADUATION FLOWERS: Graduation is fast approaching. Get your orders in soon for graduation leis and flowers by going online toWWW.KAHUNAFLOWERS.COM and follow the easy online ordering instructions. Make sure to indicateLINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL STOCKTON, CA., GRAD NAME AND BUYER’S NAME as you wish it to appear on our checklist at the distributionbooth the night of the graduation ceremony.


Club meetings today during lunch:

Hmong Club—room 1312

Programming Club—room 1118

Science Fiction Club—room 1128

BLOOD DRIVE: Did you know one in three people will need donated blood in their lifetime? The LHS spring blood drive will be held on Wednesday, May 24th. Sign-ups will now be held at lunch in front of the school only. The sign ups for the Blood Drive end this Friday, May 19th. Don’t wait to sign up register and save three lives!

LINK CREW: Link Crew results are posted on the EPC windows.

2nd ANNUAL LHS PRIDE PARADE: The 2nd Annual LHS Pride Parade is this Friday May 12 at lunch! Please meet in front of Room 1324 at lunch and the parade will start marching at 11:30. Bring flags, posters, balloons, noisemakers etc. and be as colorful as you can be!!


Badminton at Playoffs

Swimming at Sections

Track at TCAL Finals

X-SPORTS: All X-Sports athletes need to pick up their grade-sheets from the Administration Office OR in the Athletics’ Office. X-Sport grade-sheets will be due on May 31st in the Athletics’ Office.

Please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance

“It’s a great day to be a Trojan. At Lincoln High School we promote human kindness and acceptance of all. Please pick up your trash.”