Together We MoveLessons
Sparks: Hang Glider

Date / Lesson / Page
Week 1 / Mission M-Possible / 138
Week 2 / Mission M-Possible / 142
Week 3 / God talks to us through the Bible / 10
Week 4 / We talk to God through prayer / 16
Week 5 / Sibling rivalry / 26
Week 6 / God still loves us / 22
Week 7 / Get up and go, Abraham Lesson 1 / 30
Week 8 / Wanting the best, Abraham Lesson 2 / 34
Week 9 / B/B In the beginning / B/B 28
Week 10 / B/B God saw it was good / B/B 32
Week 11
Week 12 / B/B Adam & Eve sin / B/B 36
Week 13 / B/B Noah & the flood / B/B 42
Week 14 / B/B Noah & God's promise / B/B 46
Week 15 / B/B The tower of Babel / B/B 50
Week 16 / Jacob's dream / 50
Week 17 / Joseph's background / 58
Week 18
Week 19 / Joseph's rules / 66
Week 20 / Dreams come true / 70
Week 21 / Forgiveness is sweet, Joseph helps his family / 74 & 80
Week 22 / B/B God saves baby Moses / B/B 70
Week 23 / B/B-God Helps Moses, Aaron - A good servant / B/B & 84
Week 24 / B/B-God saves the Israelites, The tabernacle / B/B & 100
Week 25 / Easter - The resurrection / SK - 68
Week 26 / B/B The Israelites complain, The day that didn't end / B/B & 104
Week 27 / B/B Joshua & Caleb trust God / B/B 88
Week 28 / Joshua & the Israelites make good choices / B/B 92
Week 29 / God's Way - All the way / 114
Week 30 / Not Fair! / 120
* Black letter lessons are out of the WHO book #1 *
* Red letter lessons are in the Hangglider handbook *

awanacarolinas.orgTogether We Move