March 3, 2017

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  • Senate Confirms Secretaries of Commerce, Interior, Housing and Urban Development, and Energy
  • Register Today for the 2017 Washington Policy Conference; Early Bird Deadline Extended to March 10
  • Save the Date: Economic Diversification Forum for Coal-Reliant Regions in West Scheduled for April 19 – 21 in Denver
  • NADO Research Foundation Releases RTPO Peer Exchange Summary


Senate Confirms Secretaries of Commerce, Interior, Housing and Urban Development, and Energy

This week, the Senate confirmed more nominees to lead cabinet-level agencies. The Senate approved Wilbur Ross as Secretary of Commerce by a vote of 72 to 27; Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-MT) as Secretary of the Interior by a vote of 68 to 31; Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development by a vote of 58 to 41; and Rick Perry as Secretary of Energy by a vote of 62 to 37.

President Trump Delivers Address to Congress
This week, President Trump addressed a joint session of Congress for the first time. His fiscal priorities as laid out in his remarks include rebuilding the military, improving health care for veterans, and launching a $1 trillion infrastructure program financed through both public and private capital. No specifics of his fiscal year (FY) 2018 budget request were addressed. The administration’s slimmed-down budget proposal is expected on March 16.


Register for the 2017 Washington Policy Conference; Early Bird Deadline Extended to March 10

The 2017 NADO Washington Policy Conference: NADO on the Hill is fast approaching! The conference will be held March 20 – 22 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA. Attendees will spend the afternoon of Tuesday, March 21 on Capitol Hill for meetings with members of Congress and/or their key staff. The Washington Policy Conference offers NADO members an opportunity to engage on federal policy issues critical to our nation’s regional development organizations, local governments, and communities.

Highlights of this year’s conference include:

  • David Wasserman, the U.S. House Editor for the Cook Political Report, will provide analysis on the current political environment;
  • Dr. Scott Huffmon, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Winthrop Poll at Winthrop University, will provide tips on how to talk politics effectively;
  • Plenary sessions on the challenges facing the U.S. Economic Development Administration and the new administration’s initiatives in rural communities;
  • Concurrent sessions on strengthening regions through economic diversification, aging programs, workforce development, and transportation and infrastructure;
  • A special NADO on the Hill reception on Tuesday, March 21; Click here to view a PDF version of the invitation.

To register for the conference, click here. Click here to view the agenda. Early bird registration rates have been extended until March 10. For hotel room concerns, please contact Vicki Glass at .

Application Deadline Extended for Round 2 of Training Program for Emerging Leaders in EDA Austin Region

The NADO Research Foundation is pleased to announce that we are accepting applications for round two of our Training Program for Emerging Leaders (TPEL). With generous support from the U.S. Economic Development Administration Austin Regional Office, this training program is designed for staff of Economic Development Districts (EDDs). The goal of the program is to provide EDD staff members with the education and skills required to lead a high-performing EDD. The curriculum is designed for planning directors, deputy directors, and others who may be interested in becoming an EDD executive director. Staff from all EDDs in the five-state EDA Austin Region (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas) are eligible to apply.The application deadline is extended for one week until Friday, March 10, at 5 p.m. EST.

To access the application package, click here.

In October 2016, the first TPEL class completed their training and was recognized by former Assistant Secretary Jay Williams and Austin Regional Director Jorje Ayala during NADO’s Annual Training Conference in San Antonio. The 10 participants found the program to be incredibly educational and useful in their current roles and as they look to moving along on their career paths. In 2017, we are aiming at having up to seven participants. The program will include at least three site visits to EDDs (most likely two EDDs per visit) in three states as well as webinar-based training; the participants will also be able to attend the SWREDA conference in Baton Rouge July 25 – 28.

A major focus of the program is to provide the participating emerging leaders a unique opportunity to learn about successful community and economic development approaches of other EDDs in the five-state region through on-site workshops and web-based training. TPEL is also an opportunity to create a peer network across the Austin Regional Office service area that can add value to EDD activities long after the training program is finished.

We are inviting interested EDD staff to apply for the 2017 round of the TPEL. Applications are due March 10 and the training will be completed by November 2017. Costs will mostly be covered by the NADO Research Foundation although we are asking each participating EDD to cover minimal costs related to travel. Please review the application package for more details.

Please feel free to contact NADO Deputy Executive Director Laurie Thompson ( or 202.624.5948) with questions.

Earn Recognition for Your Efforts! Apply for an Excellence in Regional Transportation Award

In 2016, the NADO Research Foundation and RPO America recognized 30 projects for their outstanding efforts in regional transportation planning, programs, and service delivery. This diverse set of projects included encouraging bicycle tourism; improving safety, freight and passenger movements, and economic development in one intersection project; developing a spatial analysis method to propose possible rail station locations; public education and input through Complete Streets demonstrations; recommendations for statewide approach to rural transportation performance measurement; streamlined processes for local applications for state and federal funds; and many, many more examples.

This diverse set of award-winning efforts had one thing in common: YOU, regional development organizations and transportation organizations and your partners, making your communities better connected, more mobile, and more accessible.

The application period for the 2017 Excellence in Regional Transportation Awards is open until March 17. Apply online here. Award winners will be recognized at a special networking reception during the 2017 National Regional Transportation Conference, June 28 – 30, 2017. Contact NADO Associate Director Carrie Kissel with any questions, at .

Save the Date: Economic Diversification Forum for Coal-Reliant Regions in the West Scheduled for April 19 – 21 in Denver
The NADO Research Foundation and the National Association of Counties, with support from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Denver Regional Office, are hosting an educational and interactive forum on economic diversification for Western coal-reliant communities and regions. This free conference, scheduled for April 19 – 21 in Denver, is designed for stakeholders from Colorado, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming to assist counties and regions that are experiencing economic challenges due to the contraction of the coal industry. A draft agenda and more information will be available in the coming weeks. This forum is the kick-off event for a larger three-year program funded by the EDA Denver Regional Office to provide training, capacity building, and technical assistance to support coal-reliant counties and regions in four states by strengthening their economies through place-based economic development strategies. Questions? Contact Brett Schwartz at .

NADO Research Foundation Releases RTPO Peer Exchange Summary

The NADO Research Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of a new document summarizing a peer exchange event that occurred in fall 2016. The Regional Transportation Planning Organization Peer Exchange Summary covers discussion of a small group of regional transportation planners and state Department of Transportation planning staff, as well as engagement with a larger and diverse group of professionals attending the summit Moving Rural America: National Working Summit on Transportation in Rural America. The peer exchange summary includes discussion and short descriptions of practice on several topics, including: addressing rural mobility challenges, aligning transportation with economic development, rural public involvement, opportunities to increase economic development by having a safe transportation system, and connecting to transportation safety. Learn more at

National Regional Transportation Conference: Draft Agenda Available

The 2017 National Regional Transportation Conference will provide information on updating transportation planning practices and innovations in the field for new and seasoned regional transportation professionals from rural and small metropolitan regions. Occurring June 28 – 30 in Denver, Colorado, the conference will offer unparalleled networking and learning experiences for RDO and RTPO staff.

The draft conference agenda (PDF) offers information on the sessions under development for the conference, including aligning transportation and economic development plans, data for regional planning, public engagement, performance measurement, and more. Many of these session topics were requested by prior attendees and other NADO members in training needs surveys and conference evaluations. Keep an eye on the conference website soon for registration information and more session details! Registration should be available around mid-March.

Save the Date: Economic Development Finance Service (EDFS) Conference

Registration and a draft agenda will be available soon for the 2017 Economic Development Finance Conference, which will occur June 28 – 30 in Denver, CO. Organizers are preparing workshop content related to business plan and credit analysis, loan workouts, technical assistance for borrowers, loan loss reserves, loan fund committees, current innovations in and challenges to small business lending, federal program updates, and much more…including mobile learning outside of the hotel!

For more information or to suggest ideas for the agenda, please contact NADO Deputy Executive Director Laurie Thompson at . The event will occur at the Grand Hyatt Denver,

1750 Welton St, Denver, CO 80202; (303) 295-1234. The special conference room rate is $178 single/double.


Appalachian Regional Commission, National Endowment for the Arts to Host Workshop for Appalachian Gateway Communities
The Appalachian Regional Commission and National Endowment for the Arts,in partnership with the Conservation Fund, are hosting the Appalachian Gateway Regional Workshop on May 9 – 11 in Ringgold, GA. The workshop will provide teams with skills to capitalize on opportunities related to sustainable drivers for local economic development, cultural heritage and natural resource tourism, public arts promotion, and preservation and stewardship of community character. In addition to enhancing a community's natural and historic assets, the role of the arts – particularly in revitalizing downtowns – will be explored by community teams to assist in developing strategies to safeguard community character and drive local economic development. The Appalachian Gateway Regional Workshopis open toteams of 4 – 7 members from communities that are entry points to Appalachia's national and state parks and forests. The deadline to register is March 24. Click here for more information.

WIOA Annual Reports Available

The Employment and Training Administration(ETA) has released WIOA state annual plans from Program Year 2015 (July 2015 – June 2016). Additional information is available as well, including state Workforce Investment Act / Wagner-Peyser plans, modification, annual program narratives and tables, and annual workforce information and economic analysis reports. Click here to review.


Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design to Host Webinar on Creative Placemaking

On March 23 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET,join the Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design for a free webinar tracing creative placemaking's economic development outcomes. The webinar will feature Zachary Mannheimer of Des Moines, IA, and his approach to economic development in small towns with a focus on retaining young people and creative professionals. Participants will learn about the implementation of creative projects like a downtown building in Earlham, IA that is being converted into a new culinary school and restaurant, and about an abandoned hotel that is being developed into market rate housing. Overall, the webinar will provide listeners with an overview of the ways creative placemaking enhances livability and economic opportunity for small towns and rural communities. Click here to learn more and to register.

Minnesota Housing Partnership Seeking Requests from Rural Communities Nationwide to Receive Free Technical Assistance

Rooted in Minnesota but recognized as a leader nationwide, Minnesota Housing Partnership (MHP) specializes in working with rural communities and tribal entities to strengthen their communities. Through a competitive application process, the Strengthening Rural Communities Program provides technical assistance to rural communities to overcome impediments to successful planning and implementation of affordable housing and community development projects. MHP is seeking Requests for Technical Assistance from rural housing development organizations, community development corporations (CDCs), community housing development organizations (CHDOs), local governments, and tribes for services related to affordable housing, community development, project financing, organizational capacity building and development, and regional planning. Apply by March 31. Click here for more information.

Applications for Route 66 Corridor Preservation Grants are Due April 3

The National Park Service’s Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program is dedicated to preserving the diverse history of U.S. Highway 66. The program provides financial assistance in the form of competitive, cost-share grants for building, structures, road segments, and cultural landscapes along the length of the Route 66 corridor covering Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. Applications are due April 3. Click here for more information.

Appalachia Funders Network Gathering Scheduled for March in Abingdon, VA

The Appalachia Funders Network 8th Annual Gathering will be held on March 28 – 30 in Abingdon, VA. This annual meeting is a space for learning and analysis, where members build trust and relationships, expand their connections, develop lasting partnerships, and align their investment strategies to accelerate large scale change across Central Appalachia. Click here for more information and to register.

Call for Session Proposals Open for the 2017 Brownfields Conference in Pittsburgh

The 2017 National Brownfields Training Conference will occur in Pittsburgh, PA December 5 – 7. Attendees will enjoy opportunities to participate in training events, observe success stories first hand during mobile workshops, learn from experts regarding best practices for meeting brownfields challenges, and network with thousands of other stakeholders. The call for session proposals is now open through March 17. Learn more about this year’s eight topic areas and available session formats by clicking here.

NASWA and LinkedIn Form Partnership to Improve Online Job Search

The National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) and LinkedIn have come together to bring states’ job banks to LinkedIn. The National Labor Exchange (NLx) job listing through state workforce agencies is now available to all LinkedIn users. LinkedIn will also offer training curriculum on online job searching and networking as well as providing NASWA members with information for statewide workforce development projects. More information on the new collaboration is available here.

RUPRI Continues Digital Exchange Series with Arts Webinar

The Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI) is hosting a session on arts in rural communities as a part of the Next Generation 2017 Digital Exchange Webinar Series. The webinar, “State Innovations in Arts Engagement, Investment, and Infrastructure,” is scheduled for Wednesday, March 14 at 11:00 a.m. ET. Click hereto register.

Growing Rural Communities Fund Available for Rural Businesses and Nonprofits

Rural LIS and Northern Trust have created the Growing Rural Communities Fund to help small businesses and nonprofits in low-income rural communities through the New Market Tax Credit program. The Fund leverages New Market Tax Credit equity with other capital to finance real estate acquisition and construction costs for projects which are oftentimes limited in receiving traditional lending. More information on the Fund and Rural LIS’s other loan products is available here.

NADO Calendar of EventS

2017 NADO Washington Policy Conference
March 20 – 22, 2017
Marriott Crystal Gateway, Arlington, VA

2017 National Regional Transportation Conference
June 28 – 30, 2017
Grand Hyatt Denver, Denver, CO

2017 SWREDA Conference
July 26 – 28, 2017
Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center, Baton Rouge, LA

2017 NADO Annual Training Conference | NADO’s 50th Anniversary
September 9 – 12, 2017
Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center, Anchorage, AK

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by other organizations or outside publications referenced in NADO News do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of the National Association of Development Organizations or its members.