July 27th-31st Trip Aims to Bring Life and Tourism Back into Israel

JNF-JDate Singles Mission group at Rosh Hanikrah in Israel July 15, 2014

New York, NY: July16, 2014 – Jewish National Fund today announced that the L’Chaim Solidarity Mission is departing for Israel on July 27 to show support for residents there and to meet with leaders and government officials.

“It is crucial that we show our support for and unity with the Israeli people,”said JNF CEO Russell F. Robinson. “I hope all join with me and mission chairs Lauren Mescon, Melinda Wolf, Vivian Grossman and Vice Chair Rabbi Brian Glusman as we lead this important journey. Now more than ever, we must stand with Israel and her people.”

The L’Chaim Solidarity Mission will allow participants to engage with residents of the Northern Negev who will share their personal stories and experiences, hear exclusive security updates and attend insider briefings with top Israeli officials, volunteer at JNF’s Indoor Recreation Center in Sderot, speak with Iron Dome IDF representatives for a unique look at this remarkable system, and help deliver much-needed supplies to Israeli firefighters and IDF soldiers and hear their stories of bravery and courage.

No matter the conflict, Israel is open for business. At the present time, more than 100,000 foreign tourists are on holiday in Israel, enjoying the many attractions and activities the country has to offer. Along with the worldwide Jewish community, JNF stands with Israel, and will continue to show support by moving forward with its scheduled trips. Presently,the JNF-JDate Singles Mission to Israel, which left the US July 13 and returns July 19, reports that all of its travelers are enjoying a wonderful experience while searching for love and a great vacation.

Another annual mission made up of young professionals from across the US, the JNFuture Leadership Institute Mission, also departs for Israel July 27-31.

The L’Chaim Solidarity Mission is open to all and the special land-only portion is priced at $900.00. Flights are not included but may be arranged upon request. The single supplement price is offered at $400. For more information or to register, visit or contact René Reinhard at or at 212.879.9305 ext. 235.