BOE Meeting Minutes 02/11/08




Work Session 5:30 PM – No Action

Monday, February 11, 2008

Location: Board of Education Office

Attendance: Board members Paul Kircher, Jim Vallacqua, Jimmy Allen, John Cleek, Lou Davis, Scot Rogers, Tom York; Superintendent Rick Doll; Clerk Nina Turec; Mike Clevenger, Director of Buildings and Grounds; Richard Griffin, Network System Engineer; Ed Carlson and Keegan Jackson, Hollis and Miller; Mike Vieux, J E Dunn; Kristen Waggoner, Louisburg Herald.

Mike Vieux presented details of the bids received January 31, 2008 and the budget for the Stadium Improvements and Broadmoor Elementary Improvements. The recommendation is to accept the stadium bids with no alternates and the Broadmoor bids with alternates 1 through 5.

The stadium portion of the project bids are $2,392,854. This results in $551,250 over estimated construction budget. Question No. 2 bond issue states $2,220,000 for stadium improvements. This results in an over budget amount of $172,854.00.

The improvements at Broadmoor Elementary project bids are $585,398 and include alternates No. 1 through 5. This results in $35,398 over estimated construction budget.

He explained that two low bids, Earthwork and Painting, be withdrawn due to errors in calculation by the bidders.

Richard Griffin explained the low bid by Alexander Open Systems for a district wide telephone system. AOS is a state contract bidder. Total project $181,273.78. Professional services portion at $37,980.00 to be contracted as a not to exceed price.

Broadmoor Elementary improvements are to be paid under Question 1 which is $2,000,000 under budget at present time. Interest on idle funds may be used to pay the overage on the stadium improvements.

The possible reduction of mill levy rates over a five year period were discussed. This is to be determined at the end of construction and improvements.

Work Session concluded at 6:50 PM.

Regular Meeting Minutes

A regular meeting of the Board of Education, UnifiedSchool District #416, Miami County, Kansas was held Monday, February 11, 2008 in the Unified School District Board Room, 29020 Mission Belleview, at 7:00 PM.

Those in attendance were: Board Members Paul Kircher, Jim Vallacqua, Lou Davis, Scot Rogers, Jimmy Allen, Tom York,John Cleek; Superintendent Rick Doll; Clerk Nina Turec; Principals Becky Bowes andSally Lundblad; Assistant Principal Dave Tappan; Mike Clevenger, Director of Buildings and Grounds; Richard Griffin, Network System Engineer; Mike Vieux, JE Dunn Construction; Ed Carlson and Keegan Jackson, Hollis and Miller ; Kristen Waggener, Louisburg Herald; district patrons.

  1. President Paul Kircher called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

1.1.President Paul Kircher led the flag salute.

  1. Routine Items

2.1.Approval of Minutes 01/14/08

2.2.Treasurer’s Report

2.3.Payment of Bills and Claims



Tom Yorkmoved to approve the agenda approve androutine items along with bills in the black book. Scot Rogersseconded the motion. The motion passed 7-0.

  1. Consent Items

3.1. Personnel resignation: Neal Luthye, Custodial

A motion was made by John Cleek and seconded by Tom Yorkto approve the consent items.

Motion passed 7-0.

  1. Comments from the Public – There were no comments from the public.
  1. Reports

5.1. Principals’ Reports. John Cleek noted the excellent effort by all staff to work together as a team. Boardcomplimented the principals on an excellent job of reporting.

5.2 Superintendent’s Report

5.2.1Superintendent Doll remarked on the present enrollment. He commented that the enrollment has not changed since the September 24th count day. The outgoing senior class is equal to the first gradeclass next year which may impact the budget for 2008-2009.

5.2.2 Dr. Doll reported that John Cisetti has sent an application to the 2009 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

  1. Old Business

6.1. Construction Update

Mike Vieux handed out spreadsheets explaining the bids opened January 31stfor the Broadmoor Elementary building remodel and stadium improvements projects.

John Cleek moved to accept the bids (withdrawing the low bid by All in One per owner due to error on bid application) for the stadium improvementsin the amount of $2,392,854 plus unit pricing for asphalt track crack repair and unit pricing for sealing concrete in the stadium buildingfloor to be paid by Question 2 bond proceeds and interest money generated by investment of idle funds. Jim Vallacqua seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

John Cleek made a motion to accept the bids (withdrawing the low bid by A. T. Switzer for painting in the Broadmoor improvement project due to an error on bid application) for the Broadmoor Elementary School renovations and safety improvements project including alternates One through Five in the amount of $585,396 paid by Question 1 bond proceeds. Jim Vallacqua seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote 7-0.

Scot Rogers moved to accept the low bid by Alexander Open Systemsof $181,273.78 for a new district phone system. Bond proceeds from Question 1to pay for the Broadmoor Elementary, RockvilleElementary and the LouisburgMiddle School phones. High School and CircleGrove phones to be paid by Capital Outlay funds. Jim Vallacqua seconded the motion. Motion passed 7-0.

John Cleek moved and Scot Rogers seconded a motion to approve Change Order No. 7 to the General Construction Contract for RockvilleElementary School in the amount of $6,071. Motion carried 7-0.

6.2Scot Rogers made a motion to approve the Calendar for 2008-2009 school year as amended. Change second snow day from May 1st to April 10thresulting in May 1st being a regular school day. Jim Vallacquaseconded the motion. Motion passed 7-0.

  1. Future Agenda Items

7.1 Teacher Evaluations to be discussed next month.

  1. Announcements.

8.1 Next Regular Meeting March 10, 2008, 7:00 PM.

  1. Executive Session

Scot Rogers moved that the Board of Education and Dr. Doll retire to a 30 minute executive session to discuss negotiations and personnel with no action to follow. Tom York seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

Executive session began at 7:40 PM.

Executive session ended at 8:10 PM.

Regular session resumed at 8:11 PM.


Lou Davismovedthe February 11, 2008 Regular Meeting of the USD 416 Board of Education adjourn. Jim Vallacquaseconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

Adjournment time: 8:13 PM.

Nina B. Turec, Clerk

USD #416 Board of Education

Paul Kircher, President

USD #416 Board of Education