Jolly Rodgers Preschool Newsletter June 2016


Our learning through play will continue to progress well throughout our monthly activities. The children will continue to build on new skills daily, please encourage these at home. This month our theme is about travel, transport, space, holidays and of course Father’s Day. We will talk about travelling on aeroplanes and buses/boats etc. to get to our destination/holidays. We will find out if any of our children are going on holiday and we will look at various countries using the map to find where we are going and where we have been. We will discuss ‘space travel- ships and rockets’. J We will hopefully have lots of outside play with lots of sun!!

THIS MONTH’S SONG’S (please encourage your child to sing these with you)

We are going to the Beach

The waves at the beach

You are my sunshine

Mr Sun

Twinkle twinkle

Four little stars

Climb aboard the space ship

Down by the station

The wheels on the bus

I’m a little Airplane

The big ship sails

Five little men in a flying saucer

The Daddy song

Father’s Day

And many more…


The sand tray will be filled with sand we will use buckets and spades in the sand, sea shells, starfish, cars, buses, vehicles, foil and ‘moon rocks’ and moulds will all be added throughout the month.

The Water Tray will change throughout the month, fish, fishing rods, nets, buckets, pebbles, boats; these will all be added during the month.

THIS MONTH’S ARTS (we will send home children’s work for you to display)

All art work will include gluing, sticking, colouring, painting and cutting relating to our theme.

We will be making beach pictures, sand pictures, and shell paintings, pictures of how we travel to our holiday destination, postcards, and passports.

We will also be making Father’s Day cards along with a surprise for a special someone this month!

Free play art resources and junk art available throughout each week.

We will also be doing cooking activities this month which will moon rock cookies & summer smoothies.

THIS MONTH THE LOFT WILL BE “P1 Classroom & Sensory area”

Ground level – will be developed as a sensory area

Upper level – will be developed into a primary one classroom

The sensory den will encourage the children to explore all of their 5 senses and different textures colours and sounds.

The primary one classroom will contain items such as pencils, desks, paper and resources which can be found within a classroom.

All children will be encouraged to create their own items for the loft area and create their own artwork. Children will also be encouraged to add any items they wish to bring from home relating to the loft area.


Within the classroom we will use “Circle Time” to read stories, poems etc to develop each child’s love of books and language.

We will read books and learn our new songs. Our songs & stories will all be theme related and will include the following:

Just like Daddy

Going on Holiday

Spell shell

Transport books

The house by the sea

Selection of holiday brochures

We will also use circle time to discuss:

Our daily calendar

Days of the week

The colour yellow

Also during circle time we will look at transport vehicles & how we move around & get to our holiday destinations, holiday pictures, different types & different patterned shells, sea creatures, space travel and space rockets etc.

In addition during circle time children will have an input to make plans and they will also discuss what they have liked in the room and anything they would like to change. Their input and feedback will help staff shape plans to meet the children’s interests and needs.


We will continue to care for our fish. We will also continue to explore natural items relating to the season. Theme related items will also be on display including transport books, transport vehicles, holiday photographs summer clothing and items e.g. sunglasses.

The colour table will focus on yellow items; we will look for yellow items in pre school which we can identify.


Each month we may have a birthday celebration; we will create a birthday chart and sing “Happy Birthday”. Each child will be added to this chart as their birthday occurs throughout the year. If you wish you may send a cake/or healthy option to celebrate during break. (All Cakes must be nut free).






Physical activities will be continued to be promoted through both indoor and outdoor weekly plans.

We will also be spending lots more time in the garden and hopefully, it will continue to stay warm and we will be able to bring even more fun outdoors. Arts and crafts will be moved outside, along with other activities.

We will have lots of fun digging in the sand, splashing in the water, using our gardening tools & having lots of messy fun in our mud kitchen!! Busy fun times ahead!! If the weather stays good we might also go for a walk so can you please ensure you have sent a coat to nursery.

Could you please ensure you have suppled a sun hat & sun cream.J


As there are a number of children attending the same nursery schools could we please ask that you ensure all items of uniform are labelled.

Jolly Rodgers staff are here to discuss any aspect of pre-school with you at anytime, either speak to one of us directly, phone or email and we will get back to you.

Can we ask that you please be extra cautious when driving around the car park area and always be aware of adults and children. We are sure you can appreciate that there are a lot of children within the nursery being collected at different times and it can be busy. Please always be attentive of this. Can we please remind you not to block the area where nursery vehicles are parked. This must be kept clear at all times so the vehicles can get in and out and we can safely off load the children. Thank you.

If you have any holidays planned over the next couple of months could you please give us any dates as soon as possible as this really helps when working through staff holidays. Happy Holidays!!

As it is coming into holiday period we will have a few new faces about the nursery – Rebecca & Emily will be in working with us to help with staff holidays, along with Jess & Gemma who have been with us the last few years.

Please note: Nursery will be closed on Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th July and will re-open again on Thursday 14th July 2016.

Thank you – Pre -school