Attitude, Attitude…it is ALL ABOUT Attitude

Performance Classes (i.e. Drama, Advanced Drama, Stagecraft etc.)

This is a performance based

class. Your attendance is of utmost importance where your grade is concerned. Since you receive daily points for attendance and for performance during the class, it is to your benefit that you be here EVERY DAY.

2. It is important to remember that this is a TEAM effort class. Check your personal

emotions at the door and remember that you will work with one another no

matter your true feelings of the day. Do not plan on taking days off because you

are “not up to it”.

3. If you have to be absent for some legitimate reason (ie. Doctor’s appt. school

trip, dentist appt. etc) it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to notify ME, not your friends.

YOU are responsible for work that is missed. It is YOUR responsibility to get that


4. NEVER, never come TARDY to my class. If you do, you better have a pass from

the office or the teacher who made you late. Tardys will be handled according to

school policy.

5. Come to class prepared to work. This means that you will need a notebook, pen/

pencil, and any other things you may need for the day. Do NOT leave “stuff” in

your car and then ask to go get it during class.

6. Hats, sunglasses or anything else deemed inappropriate by the teacher may not

be worn in class.

7. You must be DRESSED appropriately to perform. Wearing clothes that are too

tight, too loose, too short, too long or that you must constantly pull up or tug

on are NOT appropriate. Likewise, ALL under clothes need to be worn for guys

and gals. It may not appear necessary, but trust me, it is. When you perform,

your entire body, spirit and mind are involved. Do nothing to distract from this.

No performing equals no points and you need to be dressed appropriately to


8. There are varying degrees of talent in this class…respect that.

9. School property and other’s property is not to be abused. IF you take something

out of a cabinet or storage etc. etc….it is YOUR responsibility to replace it.

10. ALL purses, school backpacks, bags etc. are to be placed UNDER the table or at

back of the room. Do not place properties where people can trip over them.

  1. DO NOT apply make-up or perfume or cologne during this class. Likewise, you are not allowed to read magazines, or other materials that are not in logic with the class. I think it goes without saying that you are not to “write” notes in class.
  2. You are EXPECTED to work daily. Failure to do so will result in the loss of points for your letter grade. An ACTOR or Craftsman is ALWAYS prepared.
  3. When you have a performance, you are expected to perform on the day assigned; failure to do so will result in a loss of points.
  4. Do NOT go into my office without permission. Do NOT take anything out of my office without permission.
  5. NO cell phones are to be used during my class, likewise, no IPODS, CD players, electronic games or other items deemed inappropriate by me.
  6. You may not drink coffee, soda, Gatorade etc. in my class. You may drink bottled water provided you provide it.
  7. There is to be no food in class. You may not EAT in this classroom. No gum may be chewed in my class.
  8. Common courtesy is to be shown at all times to one another and to the teacher.
  9. You MUST be in your chair by the time the tardy bell rings. This does not mean in the dressing rooms. You will be counted tardy if you are in the dressing room and not seated at your place.


*All students should actively participate in this class no matter the activity or job.

*Be ready to work upon entering the room.

*You are to be responsible for all your actions.

*Have no food in class and only water to drink.

By signing this you indicate that you have read and understand the procedures and the expectations set forth for this class syllabus.


Student signature date


Parent/guardian signature date