Computer Enhancement Systems
8038-D Liberty Rd.
Frederick, MD 21701
Phone: 301-620-1580 Fax: 301-620-1586
Web Page:

Web Site Information

Please fill out and provide as much information as you can about your business. This will insure we are designing the best web presence to present to your customers on the World Wide Web!

Does your Company have a Logo?YESNO

Please provide this Logo on disk or paper so it may be scanned for the web site!

Does your Company have any printed material?YESNO

If you have any business cards, brochures, fliers, advertisements or business mailers, please provide a sample of each.

Does your Company use certain colors?YESNO

What colors does your Company use throughout your business? If none then what colors would you like to see on your web page? Two or three choices would be good to blend together. Keep in mind what may already be on your Logo or printed material.

Does your Company have a profile?YESNO

Do you want to include any Company history, product or relevant information that your customers may want to read about? Please provide in print or on disk.

Does your Company have profiles on Employees?YESNO

Does your business have certain key people that need to be included on the web page? If so please provide profile information on each person.

What Domain Name do you want?YESNO

Your Company name if the best choice for a Domain name, but if not available what other choices would you consider?

Design Preferences? YESNO

Do you have any design thoughts or preferences that you have already considered or have you seen any web pages on the Internet that you like the look of?

Do you have any photos?YESNO

Do you have any photo's ready to use or photo's on disk? Do you want to have photo's taken of your business or employee's for the web site?

Want to retrieve information?YESNO

Do you want to retrieve any information from the people that visit your web site? Such as, order information, class sign up or e-mail addresses for future contact. Please explain your needs!

Please use this last page to include any information that would be needed for the Design of your business Web Site!

Do you want to be found on Search Engines?YESNO

Once you have your Web Site up and running you need to be found by the general public. Would you like more information on being listed on search engines?

Please provide a list of 25 to 40 keywords that describes your company, industry and products that you are including on your web page.

Thank you for the information you have provided and for using
Computer Enhancement Systems, Inc.

This information will help us design the best web presence for your business
to present you to the World Wide Web.

Please contact CES at

Thank you!