Southwestern Michigan College


Dowagiac, Michigan

Course Syllabus: Fall 2004

Course Title: Graphic Design I Course No.: Art 219

Section No.: 1145; TR, 3:00-5:00

Credits: 3 credit hours

Instructor: Mr. Bill Rothwell
Office hours: M: 4:00-6:00 W: 4:00-5:00, TR: 11:30-12:30, Room 130, Lyons Building
Phone/Voice mail: (269) 783-2109 E-mail:

Prerequisite: Art 213 (Typography in Design)

Course Description: This course provides a brief history of graphic design, basic graphic design principles, terminology and procedures. The focus is on two-dimensional problem solving in the design of logos and promotional graphics. The student will work from the initial problem through design concept to finished presentation. The computer software introduced in previous courses will be used in addition to image editing software (Adobe Photoshop).

Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

• understand and apply the elements and principles of design to solve design challenges.

• work through the creative process from the initial problem through design concept to finished presentation.

• be an active part of a creative team.

• change an image’s size, crop, rotation and resolution.*

• adjust tonal range, adjust color balance and retouch.*

• composite and manipulate images using layers.*

• create drop shadows and apply other special effects to text and images.*

• save in various graphic file formats for use in print-media and the Web.

• use Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPress and Adobe Photoshop to produce finished layouts, designs and presentations.

• communicate using basic computer and graphic design terminology.

* using Adobe Photoshop

Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will demonstrate proficiency in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, graphic file formats, solving graphic design challenges, and related terminology.

Textbooks: Required: Graphic Design Solutions (second edition) by Robin Landa;
Published by Delmar Publishers.

Optional: Adobe Photoshop 7 (or CS), Visual Quickstart Guide;
Published by Peachpit Press

Required Materials: 1. You will save/back-up your files on your own disk. A USB jump drive/flash drive is recommended. 100MB or 250MB Zip disks can be purchased that will work on most of the lab computers. These disks can be purchased at the SMC book store, office supply stores or electronics stores.

2. You will need one CD-R (CD recordable) that will hold up to 650MB of data.
CD-Rs can be purchased at the book store and office supply stores.

3. Black presentation book with at least 12 acetate pages. All work will be placed in this book for grading as a portfolio. This can also be purchased at the book store and at office supply stores.

4. Folder or 1" three ring binder for class materials (syllabus, notes, handouts, etc.).

5. Small drawing pad (for thumbnail sketches/notes).

6. One black or medium gray mat board (11"x 14" or 15"x 20") for the student show.

Method of Instruction: The method of instruction for Graphic Design I will be in-class demonstrations,
exercises, assisted work time and projects.

Evaluation: Upon completion of this course, the student will demonstrate achievement of the course objectives by obtaining a final minimum grade of 73.4% measured by exercises, computer projects, performance tests and written examinations.

Evaluation Method: 1. A number of class exercises will be averaged together for 10% of the final grade.

2. Four projects, including a team project, will be graded on a 10 point scale and averaged for 50% of the final grade.

3. One written quiz on Photoshop and design principles worth 10% of the final grade.

4. Two performance tests using Photoshop worth 10% of the final grade.

5. A portfolio of completed work will be worth 10% of the final grade.

6. A comprehensive final worth 10% of the final grade.

All late projects will be graded down 2 grades for each class meeting late.

Grading Scale: 93.4-100% (9.34-10 points) A 73.4-76.7% (7.34-7.67 points) C

90-93.3% (9-9.33 points) A- 70-73.3% (7-7.33 points) C-

86.8-89.9% (8.68-8.99 points) B+ 66.8-69.9% (6.68-6.99 points) D+

83.4-86.7% (8.34-8.67 points) B 63.4-66.7% (6.34-6.67 points) D

80-83.3% (8-8.33 points) B- 60-63.3% (6-6.33 points) D-

76.8-79.9% (7.68-7.99 points) C+ 59.9% (5.99 points) and below F

Attendance Policy: Excessive unexcused absences will not be conducive to success in the class. After two classes have been missed, 1% will be deducted from the final grade for each additional class that is missed. Arriving to class more than 10 minutes late or leaving early two times will be considered an absence. The student is responsible for materials missed.

Testing Policy: One written quiz, two performance tests and a comprehensive final will be given. If the student is ill,
it is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor before the test and arrange a make-up time for the test.

Course Considerations: Extra lab hours may be necessary. Open lab hours will be posted next to the lab door during the second week of classes. It is the student’s responsibility to make time to complete their projects during the open lab times which are posted next to the computer lab door. The lab assistant is there to maintain order in the lab. In the event there is a question they can’t answer, please consult an Adobe Photoshop Visual Quickstart Guide.

NO eating, drinking, playing music or computer games in the lab except with
permission of instructor or lab assistant.

Use of E-mail or the internet during class time with permission of instructor only.

Notice: Information in this syllabus, was to the best knowledge of the instructor, considered correct and complete when distributed for use at the beginning of the semester. The instructor, however, reserves the right, acting within the policies and procedures of Southwestern Michigan College, to make changes in course content or instructional techniques.

Honesty Policy: Cheating or plagiarizing will absolutely not be tolerated at Southwestern Michigan College. Any student found cheating or plagiarizing materials in any manner may be assigned a failing semester/session grade in this course. A second such incident while at SMC could result in suspension or expulsion from the institution. A student found in violation of this section of the syllabus will not be allowed to drop this course. Copying works of art or photographic images from printed media or the internet, to use as original art without written permission from the artist, is considered a violation of the copyright laws and is considered the same as plagiarizing.

Art 219 • Graphic Design I: Semester Outline

Aug 31- Tue Overview of syllabus and introduction to graphic design (pages 2-7), KISS, UBERP, CASA.

Sept 2 Lecture/Demonstration: introduction to Mac OS X and Adobe Photoshop.

Thu Demonstration: Adobe Photoshop basic tools. palettes, selection techniques and modes,
basic composite image (Melon head)/file management in Mac OS X

Lecture: graphic design procedures (pages 8-9)

Sept 7-9 Tue Demonstration: Photoshop: selection techniques and image editing

Demonstration: black & white illustration editing
Lecture: graphic design critique, objectives and processes (pages 9-13)

Thu Demonstration: Photoshop selection techniques, photo editing and retouching

Exercise: black & white photo retouch (scanned family photo)
Lecture: formal elements of design (pages 14-22)

Sept 14-16 Tue Demonstration: Photoshop feathering, vignettes and modifying selections

Lecture: Photoshop: image resolution/color systems

Lecture: principles of design (pages 22-35)

Homework: black & white photo retouch

Thu Demonstration: Photoshop: image composites, layers and canvas size

Lecture: package design (pages 170-175, 186-197)

Homework: find images and develop thumbnail sketches for Project #1: CD cover design

Sept 21-23 Tue Lecture: file formats

Demonstration: colorizing photos: variations, airbrush and filled selections

Thu Demonstration: scanner basics, file formats

Demonstration: composites (sailboat), manipulating type in Photoshop

Review of thumbnails for Project #1/Work on Project #1

Photo retouch exercise due

Sept 28-30 Tue Demonstration: cropping images

Lecture: graphic design: unity and balance (pages 22-24, 27-29, 101)

Project #1 due at the end of class

Thu Critique of Project #1
Team project: Project #2 (logo design)

Homework: thumbnail sketches for Project #2

Oct 5-7 Tue Lecture: logo design (pages 116-121)

Work on Project #2

Thu Demonstration: Adobe Illustrator review

Review of thumbnails for Project #2

Oct 12-14 Tue Lecture: graphic design: positive/negative space and emphasis (pages 24-26, 30-32, 76, 96-99)

Critique of B&W version of logo

Work on Project #2

Thu Lecture: graphic design: rhythm and repetition (page 27)

Project #2 due at the end of class

Oct 19-21 Tue Lecture: graphic design history

Critique of Project #2 (color version)
Project #3 (book cover design)

Homework: thumbnail sketches for Project #3

Thu Lecture: book/publication design (pages 104-113, 170-183)

Demonstration: Photoshop layer masks/paste into

Work on Project #3

Oct 26-28 Tue Written quiz

Lecture: designing with type/review of typography (pages 58-95)

Demonstration: export file formats/importing graphics into QuarkXPress and Illustrator

Review of thumbnails for Project #3

Exercise: typographic image

Thu Demonstration: Photoshop composite images/output levels

Work on Project #3

Nov 2-4 Tue Demonstration: Photoshop filters

Demonstration: imaging/printing from Quark

Project #3 due at the end of class

Thu Review for Performance test #2

Critique of Project #3

Nov 9-11 Tue Performance test #2

Project #4 (identity package design)

Homework: Thumbnails for Project #4

Thu Lecture: identity package design (pages 130-136)

Work on thumbnails for Project #4

Nov 16-18 Tue Demonstration: Photoshop clipping paths

Review of thumbnails for Project #4

Work on Project #4

Thu Demonstration: bleeds, trim lines, crop marks and registration marks
Work on Project #4

Nov 23-25 Tue Demonstration: step and repeat in QuarkXPress

Exercise: 4-up business card

Work on Project #4

Thu No Class: Thanksgiving

Nov 30- Tue Project #4 due at the end of class

Dec 2

Thu Critique of Project #4

Prepare portfolios

Dec 7-9 Tue 4-up business card exercise due (in portfolio)

Portfolios due

Thu Review for final

Dec 14 Tue No Class: Preparation for finals

Dec 15-19 Final examinations