JohnJ.PershingMiddle School Chapter

National Junior Honor Society

Application Guidelines

  • Membership is open to all 7th grade students.
  • Must have an overall grade average of 90% for all of your time in middle school, including the first semester of 2013-2014 school year: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Foreign Language. Please realize that the three grading periods in the semester are averaged together, they are not looked at individually.
  • Students must be in good standing in regard to conduct. Students must have an

“E” average for the semester.

  • The application is used as an indicator for students’ achievements in the areas of service, leadership, and citizenship.
  • You must have a Cluster recommendation. These forms are to be turned in by your cluster in a sealed envelope to Mrs. Vaclavik.

Extracurricular Activities

Include clubs, teams, musical groups, etc. (Do not include classes that you are required to attend at Pershing.) Examples to use:Sports teams, plays, student council, band, scouts.

Leadership Positions

Beginning with your 5th grade year, include any leadership positions held in school or community. Examples: Church buddies, captain or co-captain of a sport team, student council, lead in a play, peer tutor, camp counselor.

Community Activities

This includes activities participated in outside of school for the betterment of hecommunity. Examples: Altar Serving, church nursery, Sunday School Helper, VacationBibleSchool,

  • Keep track of the service hours performed. They must be well documented and signed off by the adult in charge
  • Service forms are found inside the application. And the hours must be documented from 6thand 7thgrade.

NJHS applications should be filled out and turned in a sealed envelope to Ms. Vaclavik (room 202), Mr. Regev (room 226) or Mr. Mata, (room 222)by Wednesday April 9, 2014.

Be sure to have the signatures from the advisor or sponsor of the activity or group. Forms turned in without signatures will not be accepted. All forms and report cards are due by the end of the school day on April 9, 2014. No late forms or report cards will be accepted. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Vaclavik, (room 202), Mr. Regev (room 226), or Mr. Mata, (room 222).

JohnJ.PershingMiddle School Chapter

National Junior Honor Society


Directions: Please complete all sections. Do not be modest. Every bit of information can beused by the Faculty Council to assist with the selection process. Please remember thatcompletion of this form does not guarantee selection.

I. Administrative Information (Please type or print.)

Name: ______

Names and mailing address of parents:




(Street address)


(City, state, zip code)


(Home telephone)

II. Extracurricular Activities

List all activities in which you have participated in school. Include clubs, teams, musicalgroups. etc., and any major accomplishments in each.

Activity GradeAccomplishments







III. Leadership Positions

Starting with your 5th grade year, list all elected or appointed leadership positions held in school or community activities.Only those positions in which you were responsible for directing or motivating others should be included. For example: elected student body, class, or club officer; committee chairperson; team captain; newspaper editor; or community leader.

Leadership Position YearGradeAccomplishments







IV. Service/Community Activities

List service and community activities in which you have participated. Generally, service activities are those which are done for or on behalf of others (notincluding immediate family members) for which no compensation (monetary or other)has been given and may be done in or out of school. Community activities areaccomplished outside of school for the betterment of the community. For example:church groups, Boy or Girl Scouts.

No. ofMajor Signature of

Activity GradeHour/WkAccomplishmentsAdult Sponsor







V. Work Experience, Recognition, and Awards

List below any job experiences, honors or recognition that you have received,during middle school, whichsupport your bid to be selected for membership in the National Junior Honor Society.

Group or Activity/

Job Recognition or Award YearNumber of Hours Spent






IV. Persuasive Essay

Write a two paragraph essay on one of the following topics.

  • What would you say to convince the committee you deserve to be chosen to become a member of National Junior Honor Society?
  • What attributes would you contribute to the National Junior Honor Society team that may not be evident in this application?

This is to be type and attached at the end of this application. Please use black ink and 12 point font.

I certify that the information presented here is accurate and understand that completing this form does not guarantee selection to NJHS.


Student Signature Date

I have read the information provided by my son/daughter on this form and can verifythat it is true, accurate, and complete in its presentation.


Parent Signature Date

JohnJ.PershingMiddle School Chapter

National Junior Honor Society

Check off list

____Student Signature on application

____Parent Signature on application

____Service/Community Activities Sponsor Signature (located inside the application)

____Copy of the Report Card each middle school year and the last grading cycle

____Persuasive paragraphs


Student name – Print