Title of meeting:Professional Committee

Date:4 March 2015

Time:11:00 -13.30

Venue: Conference Rooms 1.10, 1st Floor, Riverside House, 2A Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 9HA

Name / Organisation
Alex Marshall / College of Policing: Chief Executive (Chair)
Richard Bennett / CollegeUniformed Policing Faculty
Fran Boag-Munroe / Police Federation
Oliver Cattermole / College Chief of Staff
Simon Cole / Head of Local Policing and Partnerships BA
Mick Creedon (for Sir Jon Murphy) / Crime BA
Harbinder Dhaliwal / College Strategic Planning and Public Interest
Chris Eyre / Head of Criminal Justice BA
Steve Finnigan / Head of Performance Management BA
Shirani Gunawardena / College Strategic Planning and Public Interest
Martin Innes / Academic representative
Sue Leffer / Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime
Cat McIntyre / Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
Ian Miller / Association of Special Constabulary Chief Officers
Caryl Nobbs / Unison
Lynne Owens / Head of Uniformed Operations BA
Sam Peach / College Curriculum Design and Accreditation Lead
Neil Rhodes / Chief Police Officers Staff Association
Sue Steen (for Phil Gormley) / National Crime Agency
Gavin Thomas / Superintendents’ Association
Sara Thornton / ACPO Vice President
David Tucker / College Crime Faculty
Rachel Tuffin / College Director of Knowledge Research & Education
Vaughan Willmore / College Strategic Planning and Public Interest Lead
Peter Vaughan / ACPO Vice President
Jayshree Vekria / College Strategic Planning and Public Interest
Giles York / Head of Workforce Development BA

Apologies: Tracey Bleakley; Alf Hitchcock, Katy Bourne, Sir Jon Murphy, Andy Fittes, Joan Donnelly, Julia Lawrence, Douglas Paxton, Irene Curtis, Rob Beckley, Nigel Green, Mark Rowley

Item 1: Welcome and administration

1.1Minutes from 8 January 2015 meeting: approved.

1.2Actions arising from the previous meeting: see update at the end of this paper

Item 2: Leadership Review (Alex Marshall)

2.1Members noted progress onthe College’s Leadership Review. A submission to the Home Secretary is currently being prepared following significant evidence gathering and consultation across all levels of the service. This will be submitted prior to the pre-election period. The public facing report will be published after the general election with the opportunity for the College’s membership and stakeholders to feedback their views prior to publication.

2.2Members understood the need for tight controls regarding sharing of the draft findings but noted the need to share withChief Constables and all key stakeholders

ACTION:Draft of Leadership Reviewto be shared with Chief Constables and key stakeholders

Item 3: Vetting Code of Practice (Richard Bennett)

3.1Members reviewed progress in developing the statutoryVetting Code of Practicefollowing feedback from the Committee and the Metropolitan Police. This will result in a much shorter Vetting Code, setting out the key principles. APP setting out how forces may implement the principles will be provided separately.

3.2Following the request at the January Professional Committee, CC Jacqui Cheer will review the EIA and revised Code and provide her feedback to Professional Committee members.

3.3The revised Code of Practice will be bought back to the May Professional Committee for formal consideration.

ACTION: The Revised Vetting Code of Practice to be brought back to the next meeting

Item 4: Continuous Professional Development (Dr Sam Peach)

4.1Members notedthe College’s work to develop a CPD modelfor the service. Initial work has been undertaken internally with a view to begin to shape the model with extensive engagement through a programme of events. The proposed model is comprised of core and individually driven components. Itis based on the principles of developing a simple approach, applicable to all in policing with an outcomes based focus. Guidance on the new model will reflect a much more flexible approach to CPD that is not necessarily course based or costly qualifications.

4.2Members provided feedback on the suggested definitions and emphasised the importance of the model being applicable to police staff, reflecting the findings from the Leadership review.Members also encouraged engagement on developing the model with the wider profession,beyond learning and development and HR as early as possible.

Item 5: Supporting policing organisations following changes to the national terrorism threat level to policing (Richard Bennett)

5.1Members reviewed and supported the interim checklist of options available to forces to support planning in response to changes to the threat level.

5.2The following points were discussed:

  • Splitting the severe category in twoto reflect the escalation process.
  • The need to manage and engage with local partners emphasised.
  • The need to identify and factor in additional costs into the model.
  • The need for a stronglocal communicationsapproachto reach all colleaguesacross the service and influence behaviour change was suggested.
  • Forces needed to examine their response to ‘critical’ now, to ensure necessary arrangements are in place

5.3The checklist will be finalised taking into account the feedback received today and from the POLKA consultation. The aim is to present this along with an implementation plan to Chief Constables Council in April for sign off as an operational document.

ACTION: Interim checklist of options and implementation plan regarding changes to the national terrorism threat level to be presented to April Chief’s Council meeting.

Item 6: Undercover Policing (David Tucker)

6.1DT set out Collegeproposals todevelop an accreditation scheme for undercover units and an approved list of psychologists and psychiatrists, with the College charging for this provision.

6.2The following points were discussed:

  • Whilst supportive of accreditation there are potentially significant cost implications and there is a further need to understand the figures.
  • A public inquiry is shortly due to be announced regarding historic cases by the Metropolitan Police. It is likely that disaffected UC officers may speak out. It is important that the service can demonstrate it has a comprehensive action plan to address these issues.
  • There is a need to avoid duplication between accreditation and certain revalidations that require inspection.

6.3Members approved the proposed approach in principle. The issue of forces paying costs for undercover licensing will be included in a paper for Chief Constables’ Council

ACTION: Cost implications of undercover accreditation proposals to be discussed at next Chief’s Council.

Item 7: PCSO Operational Handbook (Simon Cole)

7.1Simon Cole presented the final draft of the PCSO Operational Handbook, which is intended to replace the previous ACPO guidance published in 2007.Members welcomed the updated guidance reflecting the changes and developments to the PCSO role. Feedback included adding in further guidance on volunteer PCSOs, including the evidence base throughout the document.

7.2The handbook will be amended in light of comments received and shared with members.

ACTION: Professional Committee to provide their feedback on the PCSO Operational Handbook

Item 8: Bail update (Chris Eyre)

8.1Chris Eyre provided a verbal update on recent developments in relation to bail, in light of the Home Secretary’sproposals to cap the length of pre-charge police bail at a maximum of 28 days.

8.2The proposed way forward includes progressing the bail principles and standards developed by the service through Chiefs’ Council. Forces have also been identified for a potential pilot for the new standards.

8.3Members noted the update and supported the requirement for an independent evaluation of the pilot and developing the proportionality test. The College will continue to support the Criminal Justice BA on both these issues.

Item 9: College Business and Gateway Group Update (Rachel Tuffin)

9.1Rachel Tuffin presented an overview of the items presented at the last Gateway Group in January and provided highlights of current college activity including the Police Knowledge Fund, ongoing peer reviews and request for forces to volunteer data samples to assist with the Stop and Search evaluation.

9.2Members requested an update on Body Worn Video (BWV).

ACTION: To invite Andy Marsh to provide an update on BWV at the next Professional Committee.

Item 10: Any other business

10.1Members discussed the critical challenges for the service in relation to child sexual exploitation (CSE), in light of the recently published Government response to the Home Affairs Select Committee report and high level summit. CSE is now included in the Strategic Policing Requirement.

10.2The Chair provided details of the work to develop Professional Communities, including the recruitment of the Professional Community Chairs and review of Professional Committee membership. Members will shortly receive a letter outlining the College’s proposals for consideration and any changes will not be implemented until July 2015.

ACTION:To invite Simon Bailey to provide an update on CSE at the next Professional Committee.


Professional Committee Minutes4 March2015


Professional Committee Action Log: March 2015
No / Agenda Item / Topic / Action / Owner / Status / Notes
1. / Mental Health (January 2015) / Alex Marshall to consider inviting an appropriate Health representative to a future Professional Committee meeting. Suggestions include Dr Geraldine Strathdee, National Clinical Director for Mental Health, NHS England / Alex Marshall / Green / Open. Dr Geraldine Strathdee’s office contacted on several occasions to discuss how the College best engages with the Health Sector on shared areas of concern and potential health representation at professional committee. Still awaiting a response
2. / Digital intelligence and Investigation (January 2015) / College to consider an appropriate mechanism for gauging public consent for contentious matters within policing / Vaughan Wilmore / Rachel Claughton / Green / Open. The College has initiated a review to consider approaches used across different areas of work to secure public/community input. This work will help identify potential options for gauging public consent in contentious areas.
3. / Leadership Review (March 2015) / Share with Chief Constables and key stakeholders the draft findings of the Leadership Review / Harbinder Dhaliwal / Green / Closed: Leadership update provided to Chief Constables and key stakeholders.
4. / Vetting Code of Practice (March 2015) / The Revised Vetting Code of Practice to be brought back to the next meeting / Richard Bennett / Green / Closed. The Vetting Code of Practice on the May Professional Committee agenda
5. / Supporting policing organisations following changes to the national terrorism threat level to policing (March 2015) / To present the interim checklist of options
and implementation plan regarding changes
to the national terrorism threat level to April
Chief’s Council meeting / Richard Bennett / Green / Closed Shared with Chiefs
6. / Undercover Policing (March 2015) / The cost implications of proposals will be raised as part of a paper submitted to Chief’s Council to assist law enforcement agencies improve the management of undercover policing / David Tucker / Green / Closed. Paper agreed in full at Chief Constables’ Council
7. / PCSO Handbook
(March 2015) / Professional Committee to provide their feedback on the PCSO Operational Handbook. / All / Green / Closed. Handbook circulated to members for feedback.
8. / Body Worn Video
(March 2015) / To invite Andy Marsh to provide an update on BWV at the next Professional Committee. / Harbinder Dhaliwal / Matt Peck / Green / Closed. Agenda item at May Professional Committee.
9. / Child Sexual Exploitation (March 2015) / To invite Simon Bailey to provide an update on CSE at the next Professional Committee. / Harbinder Dhaliwal / Matt Peck / Green / Closed. Paper presented at May’s Professional Committee.

Professional Committee Minutes4 March2015