Healthy Kansans Action Plan 2020

County: ___ Partnership: Period Covered: CY 2007 – CY 2011


  • Priority issue: Prevent/Reduce Communicable Diseases
  • Was this issue described in your county’s most recent Community Health Assessment? X Yes No
  • List other sources of information about this priority issue:State Center for Health Statistics, KANSAS KDHE
LOCAL COMMUNITY OBJECTIVE - Please check one: __ New X Ongoing from last re/certification
  • By: December, 2011
  • Objective: Increase number of residents screened for HIV/AIDS by ten percent. Decrease prevalence of TB and other STDs by ten percent.
  • Original Baseline: ___ County has 2nd highest rate of gonorrhea compared to surrounding counties. ___ County has the 12th highest rate of primary and secondary syphilis in North Carolina. ___ County has 5th highest rate of TB disease in the State.
  • Date and source of original baseline data: 2002 – 2006 State Center for Health Statistics.
  • Updated information (For continuing objective only): Based on previous prevalence data, ___ County historically Kansas higher than the State for TB and STDs including HIV/AIDS.
  • Date and source of updated information: State Center for Health Statistics data prior to 2004.


  • Local population(s) experiencing disparities in relation to this local objective: STDs are most prevalent in African American males and females in age group 18 – 45. TB is more prevalent in underinsured population and over 40.
  • Describe the local population(s) that will benefit: Residents 18 – 45 years of age, minorities, and those with little access to healthcare.
  • Total number in population:20,000
  • Number you plan to reach: 3,500


  • Check oneKANSAS 2010 focus area:

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Access to Health Care
__ Chronic Disease
__ Community Health
__ Disability / __ Environmental Health
__ Health Promotion
__ Infant Mortality
X Infectious Diseases / __ Injury
__ Mental Health
__ Older Adult Health
__ Oral Health

Other - Please Describe:

  • KANSAS2010 Health Objective:

Roles and Responsibilities / EVALUATION MEASURES
1. Marketing/Communication activities related to this community objective:
LCHD will educate clients on HIV/STD/TB especially with emphasis towards the minority population. LCHD will participate in community health fairs. / Lead agency: ___ County Health Department
Other agencies: Local HIV/AIDS Coalition, KANSAS DHHS, faith-based community / Progress to date in marketing these interventions:
Recently revised strategic plan addresses how to promote services of the agency and informing the public.
2. Intervention: Clinic Services
Setting: ___ County Health Dept.
Start Date - End Date (mm/yy): Continuous / Lead agency: LCHD
Other agencies: / This intervention is:
New X Ongoing Completed
Please refer to instructions:
Appointments for screenings are available five days a week, spaced periodically throughout the day to accommodate client schedules.
Output/ Impact:
To provide at-risk populations access to HIV/AIDS/TB/Com. Disease prevention.
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Better informed community regarding HIV/STD/TB/Communicable Disease Prevention.
Progress to Date:
Participation in health fairs, community festivals as available.
3. Intervention: RAZA Festival
Setting: Grounds of ___ Community College
Start Date - End Date (mm/yy): September 27, 2008 (Done annually). / Lead agency: KANSAS HIV/STD Prevention Staff
Other agencies: ___ County Health Dept., Kinston Community Health Center, ___ Community College / This is
New X Ongoing Completed
Working with HIV/STD Prevention staff, LCC, KCHC to provide on-site HIV and Syphilis testing to Raza festival attendees (Latino population).
Output/ Impact:
To provide minority populations HIV/Syphilis testing. Educational materials will be available in give-away bags.
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Better-educated minority in our community.
Progress to Date:
Continued community collaboration to assist in outreach education and testing of all festival attendees.
4. Intervention:
Start Date - End Date (mm/yy): / Lead agency:
Other agencies: / This is New Ongoing
Completed Process:
Output/ Impact:
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Progress to Date:
5. Intervention:
Start Date - End Date (mm/yy): / Lead agency:
Other agencies: / This is New Ongoing
Completed Process:
Output/ Impact:
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Progress to Date:

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Healthy Kansans Action Plan 2008

County: ___ Partnership: Period Covered: CY 2007 – CY 2011


  • Priority issue: Prevent teen pregnancy and reduce infant mortality.
  • Was this issue described in your county’s most recent Community Health Assessment? X Yes __ No
  • List other sources of information about this priority issue: State Center for Health Statistics, KANSAS KDHE
LOCAL COMMUNITY OBJECTIVE - Please check one: __ New X Ongoing from last re/certification
  • By: December, 2011
  • Objective: Decrease teen pregnancy rate by ten percent in girls 15 – 17 years of age. Increase by ten percent the number of initial prenatal visits done before the 16th week of pregnancy.
  • Original Baseline: Teen pregnancy rate for ___ County from 2002 –2006 was 56.7 per 1,000. This translates into 318 pregnancies during that time. Infant mortality for ___ County is 11.4 per 1,000 and State statistics are 8.4 per 1,000.
  • Date and source of original baseline data:2002 – 2006 State Center for Health Statistics
  • Updated information (For continuing objective only): Based on previous statistical data, ___ County historically ranKansas higher than the State for teen pregnancy and infant mortality.
  • Date and source of updated information: State Center for Health Statistics prior to 2004.


  • Local population(s) experiencing disparities in relation to this local objective: Statistics for teen pregnancies in ages 15 – 17 show that black females have a rate of 78.8 per 1,000 and white females have a rate of 36.7 per 1,000. Statistics for infant mortality show minority infant deaths at 16.2 per 1,000 and white infant deaths are 6.7 per 1,000.
  • Describe the local population(s) that will benefit: Residents 15 – 17 years of age; minorities, and those with little access to healthcare.
  • Total number in population: 3,800 age 15 – 19 years old
  • KANSASNumber you plan to reach: 150


  • Check oneKANSAS 2010 focus area:

___ Access to Health Care
___ Chronic Disease
___ Community Health
___ Disability / ___ Environmental Health
___ Health Promotion
_X_Infant Mortality
___ Infectious Diseases / __ Injury
__ Mental Health
__ Older Adult Health
__ Oral Health

_X_Other - Please Describe: Teen Pregnancy

  • KANSAS 2010 Health Objective:

Roles and Responsibilities / EVALUATION MEASURES
  1. Marketing/Communication activities related to this community objective:
_CHD will educate clients on teen pregnancy prevention and making responsible choices and importance of early prenatal care in reducing infant mortality. / Lead agency: ___ County Health Department
Other agencies: ___ County Schools, Young Women’s Outreach Center, Eastern Pregnancy Care Center / Progress to date in marketing these interventions:
Recently revised strategic plan addresses how to promote services of the agency and informing the public.
2. Intervention: Clinic Services
Setting: ___ County Health Department
Start Date - End Date (mm/yy): Continuous and ongoing / Lead agency: ___ County Health Department
Other agencies: ___ County Schools / This intervention is:
New X Ongoing Completed
Please refer to instructions:
Appointments for Family Planning and maternity clients are available five days a week, spaced periodically throughout the day to accommodate client schedules. School Health Agreement prioritizes teen pregnancy prevention and prenatal care services for teens. Family Planning and Maternity appointments are available on teacher workdays/some school holidays.
Output/ Impact:
Access to early prenatal care and pregnancy prevention services.
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Better informed population regarding need for early prenatal care thus reducing infant mortality. Encouraging teens in making wise contraceptive choices including abstinence.
Progress to Date:
LCHD has a signed School Health Agreement that addresses Health Dept./School collaboration on needed educational information and services.
3. Intervention: ___ County Health Department
Setting: ___ County Schools and other organizations.
Start Date – End Date (mm/yy): Continuous and ongoing / Lead agency: ___ County Health Department
Other agencies: ___ County Schools, churches, other organizations / This is New X Ongoing
Completed Process:
Nurses are available to make educational presentations as requested by the schools or any other organizations.
Output/ Impact:
To provide at-risk populations access to educational information and services on teen pregnancy prevention and early prenatal care and reduced infant mortality.
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Better informed population regarding need for early prenatal care thus reducing infant mortality. Encourage teens in making wise contraceptive choices including abstinence.
Progress to Date:
LCHD has a signed School Health Agreement that addresses Health Dept./School collaboration on needed educational information and services.
4. Intervention:
Start Date – End Date (mm/yy): / Lead agency:
Other agencies: / This is New Ongoing
Completed Process:
Output/ Impact:
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Progress to Date:
5. Intervention:
Start Date – End Date (mm/yy): / Lead agency:
Other agencies: / This is New Ongoing
Completed Process:
Output/ Impact:
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Progress to Date:

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Healthy Kansans Action Plan 2008

County: ___ Partnership: Period Covered: CY 2007 – CY 2011


  • Priority issue: Reduce Obesity and Risk for Diabetes
  • Was this issue described in your county’s most recent Community Health Assessment? X Yes No
  • List other sources of information about this priority issue: State Center for Health Statistics, KANSAS DHHS
LOCAL COMMUNITY OBJECTIVE - Please check one: X New Ongoing from last re/certification
  • By: December, 2011
  • Objective: Implement educational strategies to increase knowledge of diabetes symptoms and complications in an effort to reduce ___ County’s diabetes death rate.
  • Original Baseline: Diabetes for ___ County is the 5th leading cause of death. The 2002 – 2006 ___ County death rate is 48.8 for 100,000 compared to the State rate of 26.4 for 100,000. It is estimated that 8.2% of the ___ County population (approximately 4,050) have diabetes. Of the ___ County residents with diabetes, 84% (approximately 3,140) are estimated to be overweight or obese.
  • Date and source of original baseline data: 2002 – 2006 State Center for Health Statistics
  • Updated information (For continuing objective only): N/A
  • Date and source of updated information: N/A


  • Local population(s) experiencing disparities in relation to this local objective: ___ County residents 40 – 59 years of age, minorities, and underinsured population.
  • Describe the local population(s) that will benefit: Residents age 40 – 59, minorities, and those with little access to healthcare.
  • Total number in population: 7,780
  • Number you plan to reach: 200


  • Check one KANSAS 2010 focus area:


__ Access to Health Care
X Chronic Disease
__ Community Health
__ Disability / __ Environmental Health
__ Health Promotion
__ Infant Mortality
__ Infectious Diseases / __ Injury
__ Mental Health
__ Older Adult Health
__ Oral Health

__ Other - Please Describe:

  • KANSAS 2010 Health Objective:

Roles and Responsibilities / EVALUATION MEASURES
  1. Marketing/Communication activities related to this community objective:
Increase community awareness and knowledge of diabetes. / Lead agency: ___ County Health Department
Other agencies: ___ Memorial Hospital, ___ County Cooperative Extension, Kinston Community Health Center / Progress to date in marketing these interventions:
Several agencies in ___ County are collaborating to reduce diabetes and lessen its complications. Obesity impacts an individual’s daily life and contributes to other medical problems.
  1. Intervention:
Assist with implementing a multi-agency community education on diabetes.
Setting: ___ Memorial Hospital
Start Date – End Date (mm/yy):
2006 and continuing / Lead agency: ___ Memorial Hospital
Other agencies: ___ County Health Department, Kinston Community Health Center, Registered Dieticians in private practice / This intervention is:
X New Ongoing Completed
Please refer to instructions:
Coordinate with ___ Memorial Hospital to provide “The Community Diabetes Nutrition Series”. LCHD Registered Dieticians are scheduled to lead a class held at LMH four times a year.
Output/ Impact:
Increase community awareness on diabetes.
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Community members will be able to recognize signs and symptoms of disease.
Progress to Date:
Will offer consultation and educational sessions as requested.
  1. Intervention: Clinic Services
Setting: ___ County Health Department
Start Date – End Date (mm/yy):
2007 and ongoing / Lead agency: ___ County Health Department
Other agencies: LCHD WIC Registered Dieticians, ___ Memorial Hospital Wellness Center, ___ County Cooperative Extension Agency / This is X New Ongoing
100% of clients seen in Family Planning and Maternity Clinics with BMI of 30 or greater will be offered nutritional counseling.
Output/ Impact:
To provide at-risk patients with nutritional counseling and/or educational materials to increase knowledge of all aspects of obesity and positive lifestyle changes.
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Better informed community regarding health impact of obesity. Obesity impacts an individual’s daily life and contributes to other medical problems.
Progress to Date:
All clients that come to the Health Department and are seen in the Family Planning and Maternity Clinics have their BMI evaluated. Anyone with BMI of 30 or greater is offered nutritional counseling. Participation in health fairs and educational sessions in the community is an ongoing goal.
  1. Intervention: Clinic Services
Setting: ___ County Health Department
Start Date – End Date (mm/yy):
Ongoing. / Lead agency: ___ County Health Department
Other agencies: ___ Memorial Hospital, WIC Nutritionists, Primary Care Physicians / This is New X Ongoing
The ___ County Health Department lab staff will provide blood sugar screenings for non-diabetic clients requesting this service for a set fee.
Output/ Impact:
Blood sugar screening is recommended for people over 45 years of age due to having a high risk of having diabetes. Also the screening is recommended for younger clients if overweight or have other risk factors. This service will provide at risk populations access to testing and referral if indicated.
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
It is estimated that 26% of ___ County residents with diabetic conditions have never had a diabetes test. Better informed clients and community leads to intervention/prevention.
Progress to Date:
All clients that are seen in the Family Planning with risk factors are offered blood sugar screenings. All Maternity Patients are screened. Any non-diabetic community member may make an appointment for a blood sugar screen. Clients are contacted with results by medical staff and appropriate referral if indicated. Educational sessions and participation in health fairs in the community is an ongoing process.
5. Intervention: Nutritional Classes
Setting: ___ County Health Department
Start Date – End Date (mm/yy):
2008 and ongoing / Lead agency: ___ County Cooperative Extension Agency
Other agencies: ___ County Health Department / This is New X Ongoing
The ___ County Cooperative Extension Agency offers classes on healthy meal preparation which is held on the premises of LCHD. Classes offer recipes and tips for cooking healthy and economically. Samples of prepared dishes are shared with attendees.
Output/ Impact:
Increase knowledge of healthy and economical food preparation.
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Healthy preparation of meals for the family.
Progress to Date:
LCHD will continue to support nutritional classes offered by the Cooperative Extension Agency which is held on the premises of LCHD.

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Healthy Kansans Action Plan 2008

County: Partnership: Period Covered:


  • Priority issue:
  • Was this issue described in your county’s most recent Community Health Assessment? __ Yes __ No
  • List other sources of information about this priority issue:
LOCAL COMMUNITY OBJECTIVE - Please check one: __ New __ Ongoing from last re/certification
  • By:
  • Objective:
  • Original Baseline:
  • Date and source of original baseline data:
  • Updated information (For continuing objective only):
  • Date and source of updated information:


  • Local population(s) experiencing disparities in relation to this local objective:
  • Describe the local population(s) that will benefit:
  • Total number in population:
  • Number you plan to reach:


  • Check one KANSAS 2010 focus area:

__ Access to Health Care
__ Chronic Disease
__ Community Health
__ Disability / __ Environmental Health
__ Health Promotion
__ Infant Mortality
__ Infectious Diseases / __ Injury
__ Mental Health
__ Older Adult Health
__ Oral Health

__ Other - Please Describe:

  • KANSAS 2010 Health Objective:

Roles and Responsibilities / EVALUATION MEASURES
1.Marketing/Communication activities related to this community objective: / Lead agency:
Other agencies: / Progress to date in marketing these interventions:
Start Date - End Date (mm/yy): / Lead agency:
Other agencies: / This intervention is: New Ongoing
Please refer to instructions:
Output/ Impact:
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Progress to Date:
Start Date - End Date (mm/yy): / Lead agency:
Other agencies: / This is New Ongoing
Completed Process:
Output/ Impact:
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Progress to Date:
Start Date - End Date (mm/yy): / Lead agency:
Other agencies: / This is New Ongoing
Completed Process:
Output/ Impact:
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Progress to Date:
Start Date - End Date (mm/yy): / Lead agency:
Other agencies: / This is New Ongoing
Completed Process:
Output/ Impact:
Health/ Safety Outcomes:
Progress to Date:

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