Symbolic Logic Educational Web Application

This Web application is being developed for use in Professor Paul Gregory’s logic class. The application will be used to give students practice on logic problems. There are three main types of users: a student, a professor, and an administrator. Each user has specific functionality associated with it. There is also a global view that anyone (even unauthorized users) can see.

Global View

This view will welcome and introduce people to the Web application. It will have links to documentation and for authorized users to login.

Desired Functionality

§  Link to login page

§  Links to documentation

§  Documentation will provide information to different types of users for how to use the application.

Professor View

A professor will log in to the application and be presented with professor-specific options. The professor can create new quizzes, which are associated with a chapter/concept/assignment, for the students to take. A professor can write/upload questions and answers associated with a specific quiz. The professor can see how many students took the quiz and how the students performed on the quiz.

Desired Functionality

·  Authenticated login

·  Navigation to functionality

·  Adding a new quiz (associated with a chapter/concept/assignment)

o  How many questions to student?

o  Questions are presented in what order?

·  Adding questions and correct answer(s) to a specific quiz

·  Updating questions, answers

·  Deleting questions, answers

·  Deleting a quiz

·  Viewing how many students took a specific quiz

·  Viewing results of student performance on individual quizzes

Optional Functionality

·  Statistics about student performance

·  Other information about student test (time taken, time to take, ..)

·  Aggregate results of student performance on quizzes

·  Timeout on quizzes for when students can take the quiz (Late penalty?)

·  Upload incorrect answers and why incorrect

o  Feedback for common, incorrect answers

Student View

A student will login to the application and be presented with student-specific options. A student can take a specific quiz. The questions are presented in some defined order, as specified by the professor. The students will know if they answered a question correctly. (Can they retry the question? Given feedback on why the answer is incorrect?)

Desired Functionality

·  Authenticated login

·  Navigation to functionality

·  Select a quiz to take

·  Given questions to answer

·  Feedback on correctness of answers to questions

·  Practice and test mode

Optional Functionality

·  Send professor email when student completes a quiz?

·  Send confirmation email to student when complete a quiz? (Security authentication?)

·  Syntax validation

Administrator View

An administrator can login and be presented with administrative-specific options. An administrator can set up a course, create accounts for students and/or professors, and assign appropriate permissions for the user accounts.

Desired Functionality

·  Authenticated login

·  Navigation to functionality

·  Set up a new course

·  Delete a course

·  Create professor accounts

·  Assign professors permissions with respect to courses

·  Create student accounts

·  Assign students permissions with respect to courses

·  Delete professor accounts

·  Delete student accounts

Optional Functionality

·  A professor can login and see both administrative and professor options, if the professor is also an administrator.


·  What is a good description/name for this Web application?

·  Should there be a restriction for how long a student can take a quiz? Or, can a student take a quiz as long as they want?

·  Should a student be able to logout and continue the quiz at a later time?

·  Should documentation only be available after a user has been authenticated?