Wirral MASH Update Briefing May 2016
The aim of this briefing is to provide an update and clarification about the current operation of the Wirral Multi-agency safeguarding Hub (MASH).
- The single door into the MASH can be accessed by contacting the Central Advice and Duty Team on 0151 606 2008 and outside of normal hours 0151 677 6557. The email address for CADT is . There is no longer a separate Gateway to access Early Help, and so all children and families who need multiagency support and intervention to meet their needs, including support and intervention keep them safe, should be referred through this single route. There are ongoing developments to establish a direct number for the MASH and you will be advised as soon as this is in place.
- The existing referral form, to make referrals to the MASH should continue to be used. This can be found on the WSCB website and the Council’s website. A pan Merseyside Multi Agency Referral form was presented during the training, this has not yet been implemented regionally, and work is continuing to complete this. Further updates regarding the development of the Pan Merseyside Referral Form will be communicated through the WSCB website.
- The power point used during the MASH briefings can now be found on the WSCB website ( you to use to cascade information within your service.
- The newly named Early Help and CAF Team sit within the MASH, alongside Children’s Social Care and partners. The teams role is work with colleagues todetermine whether children and families need early help support once referrals have been received; they also support the step down process from children’s social care to team around the family to ensure a seamless transition.
- The terms of reference and information sharing agreement for the MASH will be presented for full sign off by the WSCB on 17 May 2016. Once confirmed, both documents will be placed on the WSCB website.
- Please continue to use the current thresholddocument, which can be found in the Guide to Integrated Working:
Thesethresholds were used for case studies at the MASH briefings, and should continue to be used until further notice.
If you have any queries please contact Lynn Campbell, Senior Manager Children in Need and Child Protection (01516664292) or Liz Davenport, Senior Manager Children Looked After Services (0151 666 4338)