Independent Reading Journals

Ms. Keddy

For your independent book study you are required to complete three journals. You can write on any of the categories below.

Journals must be between 250 and 500 words each. These journals will not be as formal as an essay but you are expected to use proper paragraphing and other conventions. You are expected to make lengthy responses that go beyond mere summaries to receive a passing grade.

All journals are due on ______, ______, and ______

Journals Options

1.  Novel content (for text and graphic fiction books)

·  General overview of the story. What you like or dislike. Be careful not to summarize!

·  Setting: Discuss the importance or relevance of the setting.

·  What is the genre (horror, romance, realistic)? How does this novel fit this genre?

·  Conflict- Type? External or internal? Discuss the relevance?

·  Is there a focus on the use of dialogue, or on descriptive passages instead?

·  Point of view: First person or third person?

2.  Non-fiction content (for text and graphic nonfiction books)

·  General overview of the argument or main idea of the book. What you like or dislike. Be careful not to summarize!

·  What is the genre (biography, travelogue, instructional)? How does this book fit the genre?

·  Describe the style of the writing. Is it detached and factual? Humorous? Is information shared through story telling?

·  Describe the pictures, graphs, or other visuals included. Are they used effectively?

3.  Author (all fiction and nonfiction)

·  Briefly give background information on the author, if it is relevant to the writing.

·  Describe previous books you have read by this author.

·  Techniques employed or used by the author

·  Writing style (Is it an easy read? Are the words difficult? Are there too many twists to the plot? Is there an element of realism? Can the author break down a difficult topic to make it easier to understand? Is the initial introduction interesting, or long and boring? Is it descriptive?)

·  Issues you would like the author to explain further. Comparisons to other authors.

4.  Theme (all fiction OR creative nonfiction that tells a story)

·  Describe what you perceive to be the main theme and support with specific examples from the book. ( show the page number in parenthesis)

·  Fully discuss this theme, as it may relate to your own personal experiences and or our society in a worldly sense.

·  Where have you seen this theme delivered before? (other novels, plays, TV, movies, etc.) Explain the different ways it is presented.

·  Explain how the plot supports the theme. Does the title reflect the theme? Why or why not?

5.  Character(s): (all fiction books OR nonfiction that involves characters)

·  You may focus on just one character or a few.

·  Introduce and describe the main characters (give only brief physical descriptions and focus on personality traits) Describe the changes the characters may go through.

·  Describe if the character(s) are: Round or flat? Stereotypical or realistic? Explain your reactions to the characters. Describe your likes and dislikes for each. Explain how you regard their actions and responses to the plot.

·  Discuss the interpersonal relationships developed in the book.

·  Describe the direction the protagonist’s character has taken.( Is there a new maturity or does the character keep repeating the same old mistakes?)

·  Place yourself in one of the character’s position and explain how you would react.

5.  Graphic Elements (all graphic fiction and graphic nonfiction books)

·  Do the art and story work well together?

·  Is there anything in the art style or specific artistic elements that reinforces or adds to the imagery, symbolism, or themes of the story?

·  How does the artist differentiate the characters?

·  Are the characters and the backgrounds drawn with the same level of detail? Why might the artist have made this choice?

·  Is the art in colour, black and white, or monochrome? Was this a good choice?

·  Describe the choices the creators made in terms of panels, gutters, and borders.

·  Describe the lettering. Is the lettering the same throughout the graphic novel?

6.  Conclusion (for text and graphic fiction books)

·  Describe the conclusion.

·  Explain your reaction. (Was it predictable? Did you like it? Was it realistic? Discuss.)

·  Explain how the author’s voice may be delivered through the conclusion.

·  Does the author prepare the reader throughout the novel for the conclusion? Discuss insights you may become aware of upon completion of the novel.

·  What if any changes would you have made if you were the author.

·  Discuss what from the novel may leave a lasting impression on you.

·  Would you recommend this novel to other students? Explain.

·  Make sure you are not just summarizing the conclusion!

7.  Comparison (all fiction and nonfiction)

·  Watch or read another text (novel, film, television show, graphic novel, etc)

·  In what ways are the characters, themes, settings, conflict, and/or point of view similar?

·  Do you see other key similarities?

·  How do these similarities, as well as related differences, impact the messages behind these two texts?

·  How do these similarities, as well as related differences, impact you connection to and/or enjoyment of the two texts.

·  Make sure you are not just summarizing!