held at the JESSIE HUGHES VILLAGE HALL on Wednesay 25th January2017 at 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs.Jade Plumbley, John Sellers, Simon Roberts, Neil Thompson
In Attendance:Lindsey Worrall (Clerk)
Mr Mike Wilson
17.01.01Apologies for Absence and Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests
Resolved:that the apologies received from Cllr. Shaw,O’Shea, and Nicholas
be received and accepted.
17.01.02Finance Matters
Budget Plan
The predicted budget for 2016/17 and proposed budget for 2017/18 was explained in detail. Councillors agreed that sections of the budget need to available in more detail to understand the Councils yearly expenditure.
Action- Sections of the budget to be further broken down. Detailed explanation and figures be circulated to councillors before the February Meeting. Budget for 2017/18 to be agreed in the March Parish Council meeting. Clerk
Having looked through the budget for 2017/2018 the precept for the coming financial year was then assessed.A increase in the precept was propsosed and all present councillors voted to increase the precept by 20%.
The precept increase for the 2017/18 financial year, willraise the income that goes to the Parish from £4,167.00 to £5,000. For the average household (class D property) the rise in precept equate to£3.61 extra tax per annumi.ea total of £21.65 per year per household, much lower than other local parishes.
The last increases were in 2008, 2012, & 2015. This increase for the year 2017/2018 is needed due mainlyto the increase in facilities which the Parish Council now support havingintroduced them since 2008 (note: Councillors don't get any pay; just the Clerk). This includes a vibrant Youth Club, a much appreciated Play Zone, a professionally printed Quarterly free Newsletter and improvements to Road Safety (the Parish have had to pay for extra signs, plus the automatic speed display on Eaton Lane). The latest project is the exciting refurbishment and re-opening of the Millpool picnic area this year which we are sure will be a further asset to the Parish. Whilst we strive hard to balance the books and have gained grants (e.g. most of the £100k for the PlayZone and £10k for the Picnic Area) these assets have to be maintained and hence the need for the occasional increase in the precept. We are sure that our residents appreciate living in a Parish that is moving forward year on year.
17.01.03Planning Matters
a)Applications received since the last meeting
16/04838/FUL Oulton View Livery, Woodgate Lane Farm, Woodgate Lane, Rushton.
Proposal: Residential caravan on site
The Parish Council objects to this planning application.
The proposed caravan is not in keeping with the natural environment
Proposed : Cllr Thompson
Seconded: Cllr Roberts
17.01.04Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday,21st February 2017 at 7.30pm in the Jessie Hughes Village Hall.
17.01.05Any Other Business
There was no other business to discuss
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8:29pm.