This list of Greek and Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes will help you interpret the meaning of many biological terms. The first column gives many of the actual Greek or Latin prefix, suffix, and root words used in science. The second column contains the meaning of the root and the last column gives an example of the root, prefix, or suffix in a word.

This is only a guide to be used to assist in teaching the necessary vocabulary for

Biology 1 course of study.

Other sources that may be used are:

Root Words


Ab - away from ex: abnormal (departing from normal)

Ad – toward, near ex: adrenal (toward kidney)

Aer – air, oxygen ex: aerobic (with oxygen)

Ambi – on both sides ex: ambidextrous (using both hands)

Amphi – double, both ex: amphibian (lives on both land and water)

Ambul – to walk ex: ambulatory

Amyl – starch ex: amylase (starch enzyme)

An – without ex: anerobic

Ana – upward, back, again ex: anaplasia ( cell reverting to an immature form)

Andr – man ex: androgen (male hormone)

Angio – vessel ex: angiotensin

Ante – before ex: antenatal (before birth)

Antho – flower ex: anthophyta (flowering plant)

Anti – against ex: antibodies (proteins that work against invaders)

Aqua – water ex: aquatic

Archae – ancient ex: archaebacteria

Artho – joint ex: arthritis (joint inflammation)

-asis - affected with, with ex: homeostasis (with a steady state)

Asco – sac, bag ex: ascomycete (fungi whose spores are produced in a sac)

Aster – star ex: asteroid

Audi – to hear, ex: auditory, audible

Auto – self ex: autotrophy (self nourishing)


Be - throooughly ex: bedecked

Bene – good well ex: beneficial, benefit

Bi – two ex: bipedal

Bio – life ex: biology

Blasto – bud ex: blastula

Bryon – mass ex: bryophyte

Burs - purse, bag ex: bursa


Carn – flesh ex: carnivore

Centi – one hundred ex: centimeter

Ceph – head ex: cephalopoda

Chandro – grain ex: mitochondrion

Chloro – pale green ex: chlorophyll

Chroma – colored ex: chromosome

Cide – kill ex: insecticide

Circa – about ex: circadian

Con, cum, col, com – together ex: convergent

Cyst – bladder, sac ex: cystitis

Cyte – cell ex: cytoplasm


De – remove ex: decompose

Deca – ten ex: decameter

Deci – teneth ex: decimeter

Dendron – tree ex: dendrite

Dens – tooth ex: edentate

Derma – skin ex: epidermis

Di – two ex: disaccharide

Dia – apart ex: diastolic

Dies – day ex: circadian

Dorm – sleep ex: dormancy

Diplo – two fold, double ex: diploid

Dis – apart, away ex: disruptive


Echinos – spine ex; echinoderm

Eco – house ex: house

Ella – small ex: organelle

Endo – within ex: endosperm

Epi – upon ex: epidermis

Eu – true ex: eukaryote

Ex – out ex: extinction

Exo – outside ex: exoskeleton

Extra – outside, beyond ex: extracellular


Ferre – carry ex: porifera

Fissus - a split ex: binary fission

Flagellum – whip ex: flagellum

Follies – bag ex: follicle

Follies – dug up ex: microfossils


Gastro – stomach ex: gastropoda

Genesis – origin ex: parthenogenesis

Genos - make ex: genotype

Gons – reproductive ex: archegonium

Gravis – heavy ex: gravitropism

Gymno – naked ex: gymnosperm

Gyne – female ex: gynoecium


Halo – salt ex: halophile

Haplo – single ex: haploid

Helix – spiral ex: helix

Hemi – half ex: hemisphere

Hemo – blood ex: hemoglobin

Herba – plant ex: herbivore

Hetero – mixed ex: heterotrophic

Homeo - same ex: homeostatasis

Homo – human ex: hominid

Homos – alike ex: homozygous

Hydro – water ex: hydrolysis

Hyper – over, above ex: hyperventilation

Hyphe – web ex: hypha


Inter – between ex: internode

Intra – within ex: intracellular

Isos – equal ex: isotonic

-itis - inflammation, disease ex: arthritis


Jugare – join ex: conjugate


Karyon – seed ex: prokaryote

Keras – horn ex: chelicerae

Kinein – to move ex: kinetic

Kokkus – berry-shape ex: streptococcus

Koilos (coel) – hollow cavity, belly ex: coelom


Leukos – white ex: leukocyte

Logy – study ex: biology

Lympha – water ex: lymphocyte

Lysis - loosen ex: lysosome

Luminescere- to light ex: bioluminescence


Macros – large ex: macromolecule

Mega – large ex: megaspore

Meso - middle ex: mesophyll

Meta – after ex: metaphase

Micro – small ex: microscope

Monos – single ex: monocotyledon

Morphe – form ex: morphology


Nema – thread ex: nematode

Neuro – nerve ex: neuron

Nodus – knot ex: internode

Nomia - law ` ex: taxonomy


Oligos – few ex: oligochaete

Omnis - all ex: omnivore

Ornis – bird ex: ornithology

Osteo – bone ex: osteocyte

Ovum - egg ex: oviduct


Paleo – ancient ex: paleontology

Para – beside ex: parasite

Pathos – disease ex: pathogen

Pedis, ped, pod – foot ex: pseudopodia

Per – through ex: permeable

Peri – around ex: peristalsis

Phago – eat ex: phagocyte

Photo – light ex: phototropism

Phyll – leaf ex: chlorophyll

Phyton – plant ex: epiphyte

Pilus – hair ex: pilil

Pinna – feather ex: pinnate

Plasma - mold ex: plasmodium

Pod – foot ex: gastropod

Polys – many ex: polymer

Post – after ex: posterior

Pro – before ex: prokaryote

Protos – first ex: protocells

Pseude - false ex: pseudopodium


Radius – ray ex: radial

Re – again ex: reproduce

Rhiza – root ex: mycrrhiza

Rota – wheel ex: rotifer


Saeta – bristle ex: equis

Semi – half ex: semicircle

Scire – to know ex: science

Scop – look ex: microscope

Soma – body ex: lysosome

Sperma – seed ex: symnosperm

Stasis – staying ex: homeostasis

Stoma – mouth ex: stomata

Syn – together ex: synapse


Taxis, taxo – to arrange ex: taxonomy

Telos – end ex: telophase

Terra – earth ex: terrestrial

Therme – heat ex: endotherm

Thulakos – pouch ex: thylakoid

Tome – cutting ex: anatomy

Trans – across ex: transpiration

Trich - hair ex: trichome

Trope – trun ex: gravitropism

Trophe – nourish ex: heterotrophic

Turbo – whirl ex: turbellaria

Typos – model ex: genotype


Uni – one ex: unicellular

Uterus – womb ex: uterus


Vacca – cow ex: vaccine

Vergere – to slant, incline ex: convergent

Villis - shaggy hair ex: villus

Virus – poisonous liquid ex: virus

Vorare – devour ex: omnivore


Xeros – dry ex. Exerophyte

xylon – wood ex: xylem


Zoon – animal ex: zoology

Zygous – joined ex: homozygous