2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR
This Planner belongs to ______
Advisory Teacher ______
Pat Larson, Principal
Laurie Clark, Assistant Principal Clint Long, Assistant Principal
Foster Alma Mater
Hail, All hail to Foster!
Forever may we share
the memories that we cherished,
the friendships while we were there.
Uphold the white and purple, Wave forth for all to see.
Forever Alma Mater, All hail to thee.
Foster Fight Song
Cheer those Bulldogs, Watch them play, Boost those Bulldogs, All the Way, We'll stand by the Purple and White. They're All Right! Bulldogs from Foster High School, Cheer the Bulldog Varsity, Cheer that team to VIC-TOR-Y, Fight you Foster Bulldogs and gain another VIC-TOR-Y!!
Foster Alma Mater
Hail, All hail to Foster! Forever may we share the memories that we cherished, the friendships while we were there. Uphold the white and purple, Wave forth for all to see. Forever Alma Mater, All hail to thee.
Foster Fight Song
Cheer those Bulldogs, Watch them play, Boost those Bulldogs, All the Way, We'll stand by the Purple and White. They're All Right! Bulldogs from Foster High School, Cheer the Bulldog Varsity, Cheer that team to VIC-TOR-Y, Fight you Foster Bulldogs and gain another VIC-TOR-Y!!
Foster Loyal and True
We'll always be, loyal and true all through our school days and when we are through on Foster High three cheers for you, We pledge our hearts and ourselves to you Rah, Rah, Rah, FHS We'll always be (F) Loyal and true (0) All through our school (S) and when we are through (T) On Foster High (E) three cheers for you (R) We pledge our hearts and ourselves to you.
ster Fight Song
Cheer those Bulldogs, Watch them play, Boost those Bulldogs, All the Way, We'll stand by the Purple and White. They're All Right! Bulldogs from Foster High School, Cheer the Bulldog Varsity, Cheer that team to VIC-TOR-Y, Fight you Foster Bulldogs and gain another VIC-TOR-Y!!
oster Alma Mater
Hail, All hail to Foster! Forever may we share the memories that we cherished, the friendships while we were there. Uphold the white and purple, Wave forth for all to see. Forever Alma Mater, All hail to thee.
tudent Responsibilities
Successful Student Behaviors
At Foster High School, we foster caring, mutual respect and civility through our daily behavior, words and actions. In the interest of promoting a welcoming and positive atmosphere for all, studentscommit to the following:
- Participate in class making a positive contribution
- Participate in school activities showing good sportsmanship, courtesy and support for my peers who are attending and participating as well.
- Avoid violence that destroys school property or threatens students, staff or teachers.
- Participate in behavior that supports my peers in their learning makes others feel comfortable and welcome while being mindful not to make fun of another person’s appearance, behavior or performance
- To be tolerant of other mannerisms
- Respects other people’s property
- To seek conflict mediation to solve differences
- To speak up and intervene when I or someone else is being victimized
- To complete all classwork using my own thoughts, ideas and answers
- Use language appropriate for a safe and healthy learning environment
- To strive daily to meet the expectations for students stated in this handbook.
Staff Information
Role / Contact Person / Responsibilities / NumberMain Office / Darlene Aguiluz / Set up meetings with Principal
Events Calendar / 206-901-7902
Assistant Principal / Laurie Clark / Discipline concerns for students last name M-Z,
World Language Assessment, / 206-901-7915
Assistant Principal / Clint Long / Discipline concerns for students last name A- L,
Truancy, HSPE and EOC testing / 206-901-7927
Attendance / Diane Marestein / Absences, early release for appointments, truancy letters / 206-901-7903
Truancy Office / Kathi Turner / Attendance problems, Becca petitions, meeting with families / 206-901-7812
Counseling Dept. / Grades, graduation requirements, social issues/concerns, information on outside resources / 206- 901-7982
Counselor / Jorge Torres / Counseling students by last name A - G / 206-901-7987
Counselor / Laura Linde / Last name H - N / 206-901-7910
Counselor / Liz Hepner / Last name M – Z, / 206-901-7996
College and Career Counseling / Jenni Standard / Support and guidance for life after high school / 206-901-8067
Athletic Director / Oversees all athletics, manages coaches and players, manages site use by outside agencies / 206-901-7992
ASB Secretary / Rebekah Hunter / Collects money for all student events, athletic registrations, ASB Finances / 206-901-7991
Community and Schools Collaboration / Nikki Fogarty / Oversees the after school program for academic support / 206-901-7943
Drop Out Prevention/ On-Time Graduation / Katrice Cyphers / Alternative School placements, credit retrieval, graduation requirements / 206-901-7960
At Foster High School we believe good attendance is the backbone of a successful schoolexperience. The classroom experience is one that cannot be duplicated and regular attendance helps students to access this critical aspect of the school experience. Phone calls home will be made with every absence or tardy.
Students who do not maintain regular attendance may be referred to the Truancy Office to process a BECCA petition.
Excused Absences
Court, dental, medical, personal and/or legal appointments, personal illness, religious observances, school related activity, occupational skill development, bereavement, or an administration approved prearranged family vacation are all considered excused absences. Parents/guardians have 48 hours to submit absence notes for student absences. Excuse notes that are more than 48 hours past the date of absence will not be accepted and the absence will remain unexcused.
Truancy/Skipping Class
A student is considered truant when they are not in their scheduled class and don’t have a pass or note showing permission to be out of class.
Excessive unexcused absences will result in the following actions:
5 Unexcused Absences:Letter home, parent meeting, attendance contract.
7 Unexcused Absences:Letter home, parent meeting, attendance contract.
10 Unexcused AbsencesCourt Filing under the BECCA Bill
Skipping classes is strictly prohibited. Students must attend all of their classes each day. Skipping class could result in a discipline referral for insubordination/defiance.
Make-up Work
It is the responsibility of the student or student's family to contact teachers for student work.Teachers are required to provide make-up work for excused absences at the request of the student or parents. Certain educational classes are unique (i.e, labs, films, class discussion, etc.) and therefore teachers may have to provide an alternate assignment.Teachers may not provide and/or accept make up work for unexcused absences.
Absences due to suspensions from school are considered excused.Students are entitled to make-up work missed during a suspension or expulsion.
Tardy to Class
Tardies can be excused if the following things occur;
•If you are late from staying after with the teacher, get a note from them with time and date and take it directly to your teacher.
•If you are leaving an appointment in the offices (Main office, counseling, RAYS, etc), you will bring the purple pass they provide directly to your teacher.
Tardies / Teacher / Student / Administrator1 / Conference with student / Conference with teacher / Initiate auto call to parent/guardian
2 / Conference with student / Conference with teacher / Initiate auto call to parent/guardian
3 /
- Conference with student
- Teacher detention (at discretion)
- Phone call home
Attend detention / Initiate auto call to parent/guardian
4 /
- Conference with student
- Parent contact
- Lunch detention
Attend detention / Initiate auto call to parent/guardian
5 /
- Conference with student
- Parent contact
- After school detention A
Attend detention / Initiate auto call to parent/guardian
Arrange Administrative Conference (at teachers discretion)
6 - 9 /
- Conference with student
- Parent contact
- After school detention B
- Request Administrative Conference if desired
Attend detention / Initiate auto call to parent/guardian
Arrange Administrative Conference if needed
10 /
- Conference with student
- Parent contact
- Attend Administrative Conference
Attend Administrative Conference / Initiate auto call to parent/guardian
Arrange Administrative Conference
The use of vacations during the school year is strongly discouraged as it has a negative impact on a student's education.
In order to get credit for work missed, the absence must be pre-arranged through the attendance office. It is the student’s responsibility to acquire necessary assignments and make up labs, tests, quizzes and presentations.
Temporary Early Dismissals
Students who need to leave school early must have a note from an authorized custodial parent/guardian, nurse, Attendance Secretary or an administrator prior to leaving school. Students will not be allowed to leave school without a written note from an authorized parent or guardian. If an early dismissal is pre-planned, the note from an authorized custodial parent/guardian must be submitted to the Attendance Secretary before school, and early enough for the student to get to class on time.
When a student becomes ill at school and the nurse is not present, students are to report to the Main Office. The Main Office will contact the authorized custodial parent/guardian. Students are not to leave campus for any reason without permission from the office staff. Students who leave without staff permission will receive an unexcused absence.
LAttendance Office – Diane Marestein – 206-901-7903
Student Discipline Program
Each student has the right to learn, to be secure, and to be safe. It is the student's responsibility to behave appropriately and the school community's responsibility to provide guidance and hold students accountable for their actions. Students should not bring balloons into the school. They pose a safety hazard and are disruptive to the learning environment.
Behavior Expectations:
When a student’s behaviors are disruptive to the learning environment, but other than behaviors deemed exceptional misconduct (physical fighting; illegal behaviors such as stealing, illegal substances, weapons, etc.; extreme defiance), the student behavior is managed by the classroom teacher.
The classroom teacher may use a variety of strategies to stop the student from disrupting the learning environment to include:
- Private redirection
- Change student seating
- Send student outside room for time out
- Teacher Assigned Detention (lunch detention)
- Other interventions as appropriate
The following non-inclusive list is important information regarding school safety and behavior expectations:
- Students are expected to respect the laws of the state of Washington and the policies of Tukwila School District.
- Assault, harassment, intimidation, theft, fighting and stealing are strictly forbidden.
- No weapons of any kind may be brought to school.
- Tobacco free policy: Washington State Law (RCW 28A.31.170) prohibits the use of tobacco on school property. Tobacco use or possession, including electronic cigarettes or vaporizers, shall be prohibited in all district facilities and on all district property. This policy applies to students, teachers, staff and visitors. It also includes any group that wishes to use the campus.
- Sexual remarks, intimidation or inappropriate touching will result in a call to parents and/or school discipline.
- Fighting is not allowed. The striking of another student (either by accident or intentional) will result in disciplinary action.
- Verbal or physical assaults or disrespectful words or actions will result in disciplinary measures.
- Students shall be appropriate at all times in language, action and appearance.
See the “Tukwila School District Rights and Responsibilities Handbook” for full details of behaviors and discipline processes.
Here are definitions of critical aspects of the code of conduct:
Discipline —"Discipline" shall mean all forms of corrective action or punishment otherthan suspension and expulsion and shall include the exclusion from a class for a periodof time not exceeding the balance of the immediate class period. Discipline shall alsomean the exclusion of a student from any other type of activity conducted by or onbehalf of a school district, including its athletic program and transportation.
Emergency Expulsion—"Emergency expulsion" shall mean the immediate denial of school attendance for an indefinite period of time due to an immediate and continuing danger to the student, other students, or school personnel or an immediate and continuing threat of substantial disruption of the educational process.
Emergency Removal—"Emergency removal" shall mean the immediate removal of a student from a class, subject or activity when the student's presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to the student, other students or school personnel or an immediate and continuing threat of substantial disruption of the class, subject, activity or educational process of the student's school.
Expulsion—"Expulsion" shall mean a denial of attendance at any single subject or class or at any full schedule of subjects or classes for an indefinite period of time.
Long-Term Suspension—"Long-term suspension" shall mean a suspension which exceeds ten (10) consecutive school days.
Parent/Guardian—"Parent" or "parents" shall mean any natural, adoptive, or custodial parent or guardian. Students of majority age shall be entitled to parental rights.
School Business Day— "School business day" shall mean any calendar day except;
Saturdays, Sundays, and state school holidays, upon which the office of the Superintendent of the school district is open to the public. School business days shall be concluded upon the closure of the Superintendent's office for the calendar day.
Short-Term Suspension—"Short-term suspension" shall mean a suspension for any portion of a calendar day up to and not exceeding ten (10) consecutive school days.
Suspension—"Suspension" shall mean denial of attendance, other than for the balance of the immediate class period for corrective action purposes, at any single subject or class or at any full schedule of subjects or classes for a stated period of time.
Search and Seizure
A student is subject to search by district staff if reasonable grounds exist to suspect that evidence of a violation of the law or school rules will be uncovered. School staff shall report a student’s suspicious activity to the principal prior to initiating a search, except in emergency situations.
A search is required when there are reasonable grounds to suspect a student has a firearm on school grounds, transportation or at school events.
General Locker/Storage Area Searches
Lockers, desks, and storage areas are the property of the school district. When assigned a locker, desk, or a storage area, a student shall be responsible for its proper care. A student may be subject to a fine for any willful damage to school property. Students are encouraged to keep their assigned lockers closed and locked.
Principals may search all lockers, desks, or storage areas without prior notice given to students and without reasonable suspicion that the search will yield evidence of any particular student’s violation of the law or school rules.
Administrative inspections, or health and welfare inspections, may be conducted at any time for the purpose of locating misplaced library books, textbooks, or other school property or to ensure that all lockers, desks, or storage areas are being kept clean and free from potential health or safety hazards. Periodic inspections of lockers will reinforce the District’s ownership of lockers and theminimal expectations of privacy students have in the contents of their lockers. During a search of all student lockers, if the school official conducting the search discovers any container within the locker which may conceal contraband, the container may be searched according to district procedures governing searches of students and their property.
A “container” for the purpose of this handbook may include, but is not limited to: an article ofclothing, a handbag, purse, backpack, gym bag, or any other item in which contrabandmaterial may be concealed.
Violating Academic Integrity - Cheating
"Integrity" is "adherence to moral and ethical principles; honesty." The key to integrity is consistency--not only setting high personal standards for oneself (honesty, responsibility, respect for others, fairness) but also living up to those standards each day. One who has integrity is bound by and follows moral and ethical principles even when making life's hard choices, that may be clouded by stress, pressure to succeed, or temptation.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Copying work from another student, or allowing another student to copy your work
- Cheating on a test (cheat sheet, talking to another student, etc.)
- Turning in work that is not your own
- Plagiarism for a presentation /paper/project (e.g. cut and paste from the Internet, copying from a magazine/book)
- Not using citations for a presentation/paper/project
- Using the same work in more than one class without getting permission from both teachers
The consequences for academic dishonesty are:
1st Offense: Zero on the assignment. Student referral to administration and parents will be notified.
2nd Offense: Zero on the assignment. Discipline at discretion of Administration up to and including suspension. Parents will be notified.
3rd Offense: Further administrative discipline including and up to failure of course for semester and suspension. Parents will be notified.
Dress Code
We believe that our clothing, in addition to our behavior, should promote and support a Culture of Learning. Appearance which causes a disruption of the educational process or presents health or safety issues will not be allowed. Following are the dress and appearance expectations for Foster High School.
- Clothing and jewelry must be free from inappropriate language, violence or sexual connotations. These items shall not make reference to tobacco, drugs, alcohol, weapons or gang affiliation (including bandanas).
- Clothing should cover the body entirely from the shoulders and mid-thigh being careful to keep covered at all times during the day.
- Undergarments including bra straps must be unseen. Sagging pants will not be tolerated.
- Shoes must be worn at all times
Defiance of School Authority