Cambridge Latin Course
North American Fourth Edition
Literature and Literary References
Stage / Text / Selection / Author, work / TM pp. / Comments / Unadapted (U) or Adapted (A) or publisher created*Unit 1
1 / 1 ff. / Caecilius and family / inscriptions / 22, 27 / marble shaft, business records, graffito, amphora / U
3 / 38 / tonsor / ref: Martial VIII.83 / epigram Unit 4 OW 42.2 / A
5 / 77 / Poppaea / Plautus, comedies / 49 / Also cultural info. SB p. 84 / A
5 / 83 / Actius / graffito / 49 / U
7 / 106 / fabula mirabilis / Petronius, Satyricon 62 / 58-59 / U
8 / 125-129 / Tacitus Annales XIV.17 / 63-64 / see also Student Text p. 138 / U
8 / 131 / pastor et leo / Gellius, Androcles and the Lion / 65 / Noctes Atticae V.14.300 / A
8 / 138 / graffito / 63-64 / gladiator / U
9 / 155 / quotation / Seneca / U
10 / 177 / illustration of lines of poetry / Menander / 74 / U
11 / 197-198,200 / graffiti / 79 / municipal elections / U
12 / 206-210 / stories: Vesuvius / based on Pliny VI.16, 20 / see also OW 12.10 / A
Unit 2
13 / 13-14 / Salvius fundum inspicit / based on Cato / 13-14 / De Agri Cultura II / A
13 / 17 / quotes / Catullus, Caesar / 15 / Catullus 11; Caesar De Bello Gallico V.12 / U
13 / 19 / inscription / Arch of Claudius / 15 / inscription C.I.L. 920 / U
13 / 24 / Salvius gravestone / Dessau 1012 / 17 / dedicatory inscription C.I.L. IX.5533 / U
15 / 55-56 / caerimonia / after Herodion / 29-30 / History IV.2 / A
15 / 60-62 / ludi funebres / based on Vergil / 31-32 / Aeneid V.114-285 / A
15 / 66 / dedicatory inscription / R.I.B. 91 / 32 / also ref to Tacitus: Agricola 14 / U
17 / 98-99 / ad templum / Horace, Satires I:9 / 46 / A
17 / 100 / mercator Arabs / based on Arabian Nights / “The Second Voyage of Sindbad” / A
17 / 109 / quote / letter of Claudius / to the Alexandrians / U
19 / 141-158 / Isis / following Apuleius / 65-66 / Metamorphoses XI. 3-4, 9-11, 16-17 / A
19 / based on Theocritus: Idylls XV / OW 19.7 / A
20 / 172 / letter / papyrus, from Alexandria / 68 / U
20 / 176 / cultural section / Hippocratic Oath, excerpt / U
Unit 3
21 / 12 / statue base inscription / reference to Memor / 16, 18 / U
22 / 27, 41 / curse tablet / reference to Vilbia / 28-29 / U
22 / 30 ff. / Modestus and Strythio / based on Plautus Miles Gloriosus / 26 / OW 22.8 / A
22 / 41, 42 / defixiones / Aquae Sulis, Hadrumetum / 24, 29 / additional texts in L & E provided in TE / A
23 / 58 / line drawing of silver plaque / dedicated by Censorinus to Mars-Alator; other inscriptions to gods / 33 / U
25 / 101 / Vindolanda writing tablets / 47 / U
26 / 118 / lead water pipe, Chester / re: Agricola / 54 / also forum inscription, Verulamium / U
26 / 119-120 / quotes and references / Tacitus: Agricola / 57-58 / U
28 / 156 / ref: Caesar; Tacitus / De Bello Gallico; Agricola / A
28 / 161-163 / inscriptions / military tombstones / 71 / U
29 / 165, 170 / inscription / Arch of Titus / 80 / U
29 / 170 / nox / Vulgate Psalm 22:1 / 76 / based on lament of the Jewish women / A
29 / 172-175 / Masada / based on Josephus: The Jewish War / A
30 / 207 / inscription / relief panel, tomb of the Haterii / 84 / identification of representation of Arch of Titus / U
31 / 214 ff. / Euphrosyne / character suggested by inscription / 93-94 / A
31 / 226 / quote from Juvenal III / U
32 / 241-242 / cena Haterii / Petronius Satyricon / 103 / details from Trimalcho’s dinner party / A
32 / 251 / quotes / Epictetus: Enchiridion V, XVII / 106 / (Arrian) / U
33 / 257 ff. / Paris / epitaph (Martial XI.13) in OW 34.8 / U
33 / 257 / Tychicus / Vergil Aeneid IV / 110 / see also OW 33.2 / A
33 / 258 / Tychicus / speech: echoes of Vulgate: Thess 4:16-17, Acts 17:23-24 / 111 / name: Acts 20:4, Eph 6:21-22, Col. 4: 7-9 / A
33 / 260 / in aula Domitiani / Homer Odyssey VIII.266 ff / 112 / Mars and Venus story see also OW 33.1, based on Ovid: Metamorphoses IV 169-189 / A
33 / 260 / in aula Domitiani / Lucian: De Saltatione 63 / 112 / based on depiction of Mars-Venus story / A
34 / 273,275 / inscription / honoring Epaphroditus / 117 / U
34 / 282 / honores / Suetonius: Domitian / 120 / based on historical details / A
34 / 286 / tombstone / of an Augustalis / 117 / U
34 / 287-288 / tombstones / of freedmen and freedwomen / 121 / U
34 / 290 / tombstone / of Myropnous / 117 / U
Unit 4
35 / 9, 11 / quote from Pliny on villa / Pliny II.17 / 21 / U
35 / 17 / inscription / 18 / epitaph to a young secretary / U
35 / based on Pliny I.6 / OW 35.1 / A
36 / 22-25 / Marcus Valerius Martialis / Martial I.32, V.43, VII.3, I.38, VIII.36 (adapted), I.47 / 25-26 / U, A(see reference in col. 4)
36 / 28-30 / epigrammata Martialis / Martial VII.77, II.87, V.9, XII.73, III.8, VIII.69 / 26-27, 34-36 / References to Vergil: Aeneid VI.860-886, Pliny VII.17, Pliny IX. 27. OW 36.2: Martial II.38, V.81, XII.12, X.43, XII.47; see also OW 42.2 / U
37 / 41-42 / epistula / based on Tacitus Agricola 36-37, 21, 24 / A
37 / 42 / inscription / sestertius of Domitian A.D. 84 / 31-32 / obverse and reverse / U
37 / 43-44 / amici principis / characters appear in Juvenal IV / 34 / Messalinus also in Pliny IV.22 / A
37 / 46-48 / consilium Domitiani / Juvenal Satire IV.111-113 / 35 / Veiento in Pliny IV.22; Veiento and Fuscus in Juvenal IV / A
37 / 57 / Pliny’s cursus / C.I.L. V.5667 / 32 / OW 37.3 based on Pliny IV.22; OW 37.4 based on Tacitus: Agricola 43 – death of Agricola / A
38 / 70 / confarreatio II / excerpts from Catullus 61 / 44 / a longer excerpt in OW 38.5 / U
38 / 78 / quotes from Pliny VII.5, IV.9, and Cicero / ad Atticum V.1 plus tombstones C.I.L. VI.11602, 29580,29149 / 46 / OW 38.1 Pliny VI.7; Cicero: Fam. XIV.20 / U
39 / 82ff. / heredes principis / paraphrasing Latin verse based on Quintilian Institutio Oratoria I.9.2 / 49 / OW 39.1 Quintilian: Institutio Oratoria I.3.1, 2, 3, 7; / A
39 / 85 / inquisition / stabbing flies based on Suetonius: Domitian 3 / OW 39.6 Suetonius: Domitian 9-10 (selections) / A
39 / 89-91 / versus Ovidiani / Metamorphoses I.253-255, 260-262, 264, 266, 269, 274-275, 283-285, 291-296, 299-300, 304, 307-308 / 51-52 / U
39 / 97-98 / quote from St. Augustine / Confessions VI.3 / 54 / U
40 / 103ff. / all stories / told in style and tone of Tacitus: Annales / 58 / A
40 / 104 / coin of Domitian / 56 / U
40 / 117 / quote from Pliny / Pliny VI.33 / 63 / OW 40.1 based on Pliny II.11; OW 40.2 based on Pliny IV.11 / U, A (OW)
41 / 122-123 / quotes from Vergil / Vergil: Aeneid VI.851; Pliny VIII.2, 7; Ulpian: Digest I.18.4, 13 / 67 / U
41 / 124ff. / Letters X.17a-b, X.18, X.19, X.20, X.29, X.30, X.33, X.34, X.120, X.121 / U
41 / 144-146 / quotes / Acts 25; Tacitus: Agricola 21, 30 / 76-77 / U
41 / OW 41.1 Pliny X.96, 97; OW 41.3 Pliny X.37, 118, 98, 65; replies in TM 305-306: Pliny X.38, 119, 99, 66 / U
42 / 149, 168 / 3rd century C.E. mosaic of Vergil and Muses / quote from Vergil: Aeneid I.8, start of 9 / 79 / U
42 / 150-151 / Phaedrus / Phaedrus: Fables I.1 / 80 / U
42 / 152-154 / Catullus / Catullus 39, 101 / 81-83 / for 101 see also OW 42.1 / U
42 / 155-156 / Horatius / Horace: Odes I.11 / 83-85 / U
42 / 159 / Ovidius / Ovid: ars amatoria I.469-478 / 85-86 / U
42 / 160 / papyrus exercise / Vergil: Aeneid II.601 / 80 / U
42 / 160-163 / Vergilius / Vergil: Aeneid III.192-206 / 86-88 / see also OW 42.3 / U
42 / 166 / quotes / from Quintilian: Institutio Oratoria X.1.27; Horace: Ars Poetica 333-334; Pompeian wall graffito / 90 / U
43 / 172-176 / matrona Ephesia / Petronius Satyricon / 92-94 / U
43 / 178-182 / Turia / “laudatio Turiae”I.L.S 8393 adapted / 95-98 / U
43 / 182 / inscription / part of the Turia inscription / see also TM 100-101 / U
43 / 187 / quote / from Egyptian papyrus re: divorce / 99 / U
43 / 187 / quote / from Juvenal VI.225ff. / 100 / U
43 / 188 / quote / from Seneca: De Beneficiis III.16.2 / 100 / U
43 / OW 43.1, 44.1 Ovid: Metamorphoses XI (excerpts); 43.3 Ausonius: To His Wife Epigram 18 / U
44 / 192ff. / Daedalus et Icarus / Ovid metamorphoses VIII.183-235 / 104-110 / U
45 / 212ff. / Lesbia / Catullus 51, 5, 3, 70, 72, 85, 8, 11 / 114-124 / U
45 / OW 45.1 Catullus 2, Martial I.109; OW 45.2 Pervigilium Veneris (excerpts); 45.3 Ovid: Amores II.6 / U
46 / 234ff. / orator / Cicero pro Caelio XIII.30, 31, 32; XIV 33,34; XV.35 / 126-133 / U
46 / 250 / quote / from Cicero: De Oratore / U
46 / OW 46.1 Cicero: In Verrum II. IV.48; 462. Catullus 49, 53 / U
47 / 254ff. / Dido et Aeneas / Vergil Aeneid I.421-429, 437-438, IV.68-73, 160-172, 265-276, 351-361, 621-629, 651-666 / 136-141 / U
47 / OW 47.1 Vergil: Aeneid I.1-7; OW 47.2 Vergil: Aeneid IV.305-332 / U
48 / 274ff. / Romulus et Remus / Livy I.3, 4, 6, 7 / 145-149 / OW 48.1 Ovid: Fasti V.451ff.; OW 48.6 Horace: Odes III.30 / U
*Publisher, or author, created literature
All other literature found in the Cambridge Latin Course, from Stages 1 through 40, the model sentences and readings that comprise the story-line of the book are publisher, or author, created with the purpose being a gradual introduction of grammar, vocabulary and culture through this literature, with all interwoven into the fabric of each segment. As you can see from the chart, aspects of ancient literature, both adapted and unadapted, were blended in with the story until Stage 40. At this point, the story line of the series ends, and the works of the ancient authors take its place. The original authors of the course were classicists who created a compelling story that also served the purpose of informing the readers about the culture of the time, at the same time that they were assimilating the vocabulary and structure of the language. Combined with the cultural notes in English, this has given those who study with the course the history and background on arts, government and daily life that they need for an appreciation of Latin language and the times in which it was spoken.
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