Doc# 124476


Rev. 9.14.04

Copyright 2004 Recruitmax Software, Inc.

KnowledgePoint LLC., a subsidiary of Recruitmax Software, Inc.

1129 Industrial Avenue, Petaluma, CA 94952-6508

Tel: 800.727.1133


Web Site:


Use the Home Page 2

Employee Overview3

Employee Information4


Document Access6

Copy From and To7

Goal List and Progress Notes8

Routing Goals9

Log Events10

Route Log Event11


Start a New Review14

Evaluate Current Goals15

Rate Competencies16

Add Coaching Ideas18

Summary Calculations19

Summary Examples20

Print Reviews21

Routing the Review22

Multi-Rater Feedback24

Multi-Rater Comments26

Feedback Reports27

Help/Advice Function28


Rev. 9.14.04


Rev. 9.14.04

Use The Home Page

Use the Performance Impact Home page as

your entry into and out of this program. The

employees assigned and/or shared by you are

displayed, as well as, links to other intranet/

internet sites tools, reports, help, and tasks box.

Employee Overview

The Employee Overview page allows you to edit and

view employee data, create and edit goals, log

events, and reviews. Tasks for the displayed employee

can also be opened and worked on from this page.

Employee Information

Choose Employee Overview

on the Home page and then select Edit

Employee Information in order to review

or adjust any employee information. Scroll

down to see additional fields. Fields within

the blue background are required, all others

are optional.


The Goal page is designed to follow the

SMART goal concept. Within the goal

function, you can copy the goal to other

employees, route to others for input or

approval, and add or view progress notes

about performance toward a goal.

Using the Tools menu, you can create and maintain User Pool goal pools. You can then assign these goals to one or more of your employees. You can also access goals you have previously created for other employees. Finally, you can access Organization Pool goals created by others, including yourself if you have appropriate permission.

Document Access

For each document you created and can access (for example, a goal),
you can also see who else, if anyone, is a Shared With, and therefore
is able to view or edit the document. Go to that document and click on
the Document Access icon to see this list.

The owner of a document can choose not to share an item with others
who would ordinarily have access through their Shared With permission.
For example, a manager might draft a Log Event, but choose not to make it
accessible until it is finalized. To withhold access, the owner can check the
Do not share checkbox. Later, the owner can uncheck the box and make the
item accessible to the other Shared With users for the employee for whom that
item is associated.

Copy From and To

Pooled goals can be easily copied to employees.

From the Goal page, click Copy From.

Select the goals to be copied to your employee and

click Done.

Copy To

You can copy an employee goal to several other employees.

Select the employee(s) to receive the copied goals on the left side of this page. / Then choose the specific goals to copy from the list. Note that you can display the pooled goals as well as other goals for employees assigned to you.

Goal List

The Goal List provides a summary of all goalsfor a specific individual.

You can access the list from the Employee Overview page by clicking List View.
Note that the owner of the goal is included.

Progress Notes

From the Goal list page select View Progress Notes to see past notes

and select Add Progress Notes to include additional notes throughout

a goal’s duration. You can also add Coaching Ideas to your note.

Routing Goals

Goals can be routed to other individuals for comment

They can also be routed for transfer to your manager or

a shared with user. For example, an employee can create a

goal and route it for transfer of ownership to his/her supervisor.

When Route for comment is selected, the person to whom the goal is routed for comment sees the following page:

Log Events

Create a new Log Event entry from the Home page

or the Employee Overview page. Note the Do Not Share
option as previously explained. Some examples of common Log events:

  • Special assignments or actions that are unusual
  • Praise and/or complaints from others
  • Exceptional abilities or deficiencies
  • Training/development courses or staff/organization changes

Complete the discussion fields after meeting with the employee and sharing the appropriate coaching/counseling feedback. Consider adding Coaching Ideas to your employee discussion.

Route Log Event

Log Events can be routed to other individuals for

comment. They can also be routed for transfer to your

manager or a shared with user. For example, a manager

could create a log event and route it for transfer of ownership

to a supervisor and/or team leader.

When Route for comment is selected, the person to whom the log is routed for comment will see the following page:


Choose Reports from the Home page to display these options.

Two reports, the Goal and Log Event, are shown on the next page.

When requesting most of these reports, you are able to choose:

  • All or only specific employees
  • Items within date ranges
  • Sorting options

The Review Status Report can help you stay organized when employee reviews are scheduled at various times throughout the year.

Print a Blank Review Form for an employee to complete a self-evaluation, or simply to review the current forms in use.

The Employee Information Report provides you a current picture of the information you have on file for your employees.

Other reports show comparisons over time for goals, competencies and summary ratings.

Printing directions are shown on the left side of the page. Notice the reports can easily be emailed to yourself or someone else.

Start A New Review

Start a new review from the Home page or the

Employee Overview page. The format of the

review, based on the chosen form, is displayed in the

right frame. As you complete various sections, those

results will be displayed here. You can click on the

underlined text or use the left frame to move into any

specific area for rating or editing. The left frame will

display  to help you know which areas are completed.

Use the options in the left frame:

  • Save: saves current work while remaining on same screen.
  • Done: saves work and returns to a previous screen.
  • Cancel: cancels task without saving and returns to the previous page
  • Print: to preview the printed page and select a print option: print from the browser, download, or email.

Evaluate Current Goals

Rate each current goal, and then type your evaluation

in the Result area. A current goal is one with a due

date that falls within the review period.

Future goals, those outside the review period or with no due dates, are normally not rated. They must be displayed during the review process in order to be copied to the form itself. You can rate a future goal as a current goal on the review if you choose to. Click Help for more information.

Rate Competencies

Rate the appropriate factors under each competency

to display suggested text. Weighting options are

decided by your organization. Weights may not be

assigned to all forms.

Choose Edit to customize the text for the employee and…

to add appropriate notes from the Event Log or past reviews.

You can open past reviews and copy and paste information into a current review.

Add Coaching Ideas

You can add coaching ideas to the review to better describe your expectations and help the employee improve or strengthen performance. Note that the coaching ideas are related to specific factors. Most review forms have a Development Plans section to place coaching ideas.

Summary Calculations

To access this page click on the Calculator icon in the top left frame

or from the Summary screen. You can use the Summary Calculation page

to verify weights for goals, competencies, and sections.

Summary Examples

The Summary section allows you to summarize

your view of the employee’s performance.

You can write your own summary text, or start

with an example provided by Performance Impact.

Print Reviews

A language checker looks for inappropriate

text, such as references to gender or age and the

use of fuzzy language such as the words “attitude”

and “understands”.

Routing the Review

Reviews can be routed to other individuals for

comment or routed for transfer of ownership.

The person who receives a request for approval of a review opens up the task and sees the page shown below:

Optional Feature

Multi-rater Feedback

For the purposes of 360- style feedback, you can request

feedback on an employee from several people at a variety of levels

within the organization.

Select the appropriate classification from the list

of categories and identify the appropriate feedback

givers by double-clicking on the desired name(s).

Then click Next.

Multi-rater Comments

To provide feedback on a competency, simply rate

the competency. To provide comments, enter any

additional comments and/or appropriate examples.

To provide feedback on development plans, type your suggestions, comments, and examples and click Copy to Report.

Feedback Reports

Once the feedback giver has completed all the

sections for comment and/or rating, a feedback

report can be viewed prior to sending the

information back to the feedback requestor.

What appears on the report is dependent upon the

feedback requested: ratings, comments or both.

When you receive feedback from a feedback giver, you will receive a message in the task box indicating the task you requested is completed. You can then access the information by opening from the task box or from the review screen by selecting Feedback Report.

Help/Advice Function

You can select Help within any page to obtain help on any part of the software. The Help function is context sensitive; meaning the displayed help/advice is associated with the current page. Additionally, the Help function provides information and advice on a wide variety of performance management related issues. Below are two examples of advice found using the Help function:

The Tools function provides additional options that you may have permission to use, for example, the Change Password option. We advise you to change your original password after the training session is completed.

Remember to Log Off properly.


Rev. 9.14.04