South Carolina B.A.S.S Nation High School
Team Championship Tournament
Lake Murray – November 1, 2014
Dreher Island State Park Shelter 15 (the large tournament site)
Tournament time 7:00 or safe light until 2:45
Check– in time for fisherman and boat captains will be 5:30 until 6:30. This check-in is for the boat captains to establish their team’s arrival. During check-in, you will receive your boat blast off number and then you may launch your boat with the anglers. I ask that you find a spot away from the dock while waiting for blast off.
Blast off will begin at 7:10 depending upon entrees and light or fog conditions. No late anglers will be admitted to tournament.
· Parental / guardian permission and entree forms, must be filled out and received by me two weeks prior to the November 1st tournament.
· All competitors are to be paired with a boat captain as chosen by each individual club and these pairings must be listed on the entry form.
· The captain may assist in lure selection and instructional situations during the course of the day. The captain will not be allowed to fish, cast or help land a fish during the competition.
· The Captains will determine if the catch is legal based on B.A.S.S. Federation Nation guidelines. The team limit will be 5 fish, 14 inch or longer for this tournament.
· Culling the fish is mandatory after a five fish limit is reached.
· A 4 ounce penalty will be accessed from the total weight for any dead fish that are brought to the scales.
· Each angler is responsible for having a valid SC fishing license as SC law dictates.
· Each angler must have a Coast Guard approved life jacket for that youth’s size and age.
· The life jacket must be worn at all times
· Extreme weather will dictate fishing times during the day
· The boat Captains will be asked to supply ice for the boat.
· All Captains and anglers will report in with Tournament Director before leaving the lake for the day with all anglers accounted for.
· Cell phones are not permitted during the tournament to gain additional fishing knowledge and will result in that competitors catch being disqualified. Phone calls to parents for emergencies will be acceptable.
· I am asking that each boat captain not exceed 50 miles per hour boat speed during the tournament.
· Winners are determined by the net total weight of their catch minus any penalties.
· Tie breakers will be the largest fish weighed, the most fish in their limit or a flip of the coin as a last resort.
· There will be a one pound per minute deduction for any teams that do not check-in at the designated time.
· Teams that are more than 10 minutes late for afternoon check-in time will be disqualified.
· The top three finishing teams are ask to remain for photos and statements for BASS Times Magazine.
· The top Team from this tournament will be invited to participate in a special fishing exposition and will weigh in on the Bassmaster Classic Stage in February 2015. They will also become members of the 2015 S. C. BASS Federation Nation State team and compete with the team in the Southern Divisional to be held in April on the Waccamaw River.
· The first and second place team will be eligible to represent South Carolina in the BASS High School National Championship to be held in the summer of 2015. TBA at a later time by BASS.
· Randy Vaughn SC BASS Nation Youth Director 864 843 5038 Cell