Meeting of:Portobello High School Parent Council

Held at:Portobello High School Library

Date:Monday 16th January 2017

Time: 7pm


Ruth Mckay, Jacquie Robertson (Treasurer) , Sandy Macdonald (Chair), Vicky Gardiner (Secretary), Susan McVie, Lynn Myles, Tom Ballantine, John Hill, Hazel Bett (Fundraising), Donald McGregor, Helen Shoemark, Shelagh Rodger, Charlie Mariott, Donald Canavan, Louise Kelly, Jacqui Canavan, Dave Cooper, Brian McIntyre, Lesley Muirhead, Marie Swinney, Colin Brown, Laura Brown, Karen Lochiel, Melinda Garvie, Neil Hardie, Paul Ford.


Michael McTernan (Chair)

  1. Minutes of last meeting

Approved as fair and accurate.

  1. Parent Council Finances

Progress made and signatories are now up to date. The balance of funds falls at £7280.87 and further discussion was held on ideas for spend including provision of outdoor seating (all weather structures, recycled and eco school status) Action for school to confirm costs following identification of preferred option.

  1. Parent Council Fundraising

Update from open day with nearly £1000 raised. Very good attendance and outcome and thanks from Sandy.

Cabaret date 9th June 2017 – to be confirmed if this is feasible.

Fundraising meeting to be arranged and Vicky to send out invite to full parent council and facebook.

Easy fundraising link (to be added to facebook page)

School lottery. Regulations have been checked via Sandy and this should be easy to implement. Action Sandy / Michael to provide update at next meeting.

  1. Report from Ruth McKay

Ruth reported that the new school now feels like home and that the 2nd Dec official opening was a success. The event was council run and included a tour, entertainment and speeches from the Lord Provost, BalfourBeatty and the education convener.

Key items reported were as follows:

  • Positive feedback for 1st parents evening with some tweaks to be made for next one
  • Christmas concert and Strictly were very successful and special events
  • P6 cluster pizza challenge was a great success
  • Interdisciplinary studies will commence with ‘Scotland and its people’
  • Roll out for S3 Ipads – thanks to the staff that helped out with a delayed roll out due to transfer of IT
  • Extend Ipads to S2 by end of school year
  • Overview for a number of staff changes with leavers, promotions and new welcomes. Home Economics is still outlined as a challenge with some hope that this will improve in the future
  • Ruth to pass on special thanks to Gillian Kennedy for her support as Business Manager through the school move as she takes a career break.
  • IT – big difference with Wifi and cashless catering issues now seem to be ironed out.
  1. Introduction to Margaret Williamson, Deputy Head

Margaret’s remit covers Head of Chrichton House, Pastoral Care, Allocating Courses, Interdisciplinary Learning, S1 topic (S2 and S3 to come later) and Partnership and Community Links.

Other areas also cover Primary cluster work, professional staff review, ethos co-ordinator and quality assurance for the S6 programme.

Very varied and exciting role and further discussions also covered:

  • Careers and Enterprise – discussion with regards to how more companies can be recruited, how parents can get involved and how the events will take place – speed dating etc. 1st Thursday after the February break is the careers event.
  • Last day of term – how to make this a positive event through recognition and the marking of a milestone.

Thanks to Margaret for a very concise overview.

  1. Curriculum Review – Ruth McKay

Overview provided by Ruth who will be looking for how the PC and the wider parent body can be included in future decisions. Areas discussed included:

  • SLT has 6 members, 4 being new and new ideas are being surfaced and it is felt that now is the right time to step back and assess whether the current curriculum meets the needs of all learners.
  • W/C 20th Feb a survey will be sent out to all families. This will be the largest survey for the school which will take into account the parent and student voice and enable an insight into which areas to focus on.
  • Key areas referenced were:
  • Overview of when youngsters need to make choices and what are the structures within this.
  • First year broad general structure across 8 different areas of the curriculum.
  • Choice point is at the end of S2 and is making a choice on what exams to sit. There is some evidence that learners may be making decisions too early.
  • Further refinement is required for S3 to focus on which subjects to take forwards for exams.
  • For S4 and seniors the learning must be at a pace to suit them and the courses to also suit. Expectation is that schools will work with colleges and other partners to ensure the students are getting the relevant insight and opportunities.
  • Consistent feedback is too much pressure for 8 exams with some students not being committed to 1 or 2 subjects because they felt they had to choose them which can lead to disengagement.
  • Some courses are only available after S4, do we keep this same pattern or can we mix things up.
  • How can we link up with partners and develop long term partnerships?
  • How can we focus on skills relevant for the workplace, softer skills that employer’s value?
  • Duke of Edinburgh, include as an option rather than a competitive add on?
  • No changes will be in place for this year’s options due to school move so focus moves to next year. This allows for good quality conversations and discussions.
  • Focus groups will be from all years with different views and opinions based on different experiences.

It was agreed that this subject would have a section on each agenda going forwards.

  1. AOB

Tom – Values and vision paper to come back to a future Parent Council.

Jacqui – Insurance in place for Parent Council.

Sandy / Michael – invitation list for the new school event.

  1. Date and Time of Next Meeting

Monday 6th March 2017 – 7pm