Support Program:____Academic Senate______By:_____Christen Smith______Date:__10/14/16______

1. Progress Report. Review previous year’s institutional review. Describe the progress made on any recommendations or areas of need identified in your previous year’s review. Specifically, describe progress made toward current department goals and objectives, and learning outcomes.

Last year’s goals:
1.  Provide new and expanded opportunities for faculty development-
a.  Senate has significantly increased the number of Senate Exec. Members attending Senate Plenary from 1in 2014/15, to 4 in 15/16 to 6 in 16/17. Additionally a team of 5 attended the Curriculum Institute in summer 16. Distance Ed created online faculty development that can be completed throughout the year; currently 63 faculty have completed at least one of the required DE certification courses and another 25 twenty-five faculty are now fully certified.
2.  Expand the use of instructional technology in student learning-
a.  There are seven-hundred and fifty course shells in CANVAS that have been published and are being utilized by students in face-to-face and online courses this fall. This is a significant increase in use and reflects last year’s intense faculty development efforts. Distance Ed & Instructional design professional development is being offered weekly in the BFIC (days & evenings), and at the Indio campus.
3.  Make better use of existing data for improved decision making and planning.
a.  Outcomes and Assessment worked with Institutional Research on the format of data provided for Program Review Updates; additionally, they continue to refine data in Sharepoint. Strong Workforce Training is in the process of offering Launchboard training to CTE faculty to utilize market data. Enrollment Management is working with deans and chairs to utilize the new Sandbox enrollment tool. An ongoing challenge is that faculty often struggle with being prioritized when requesting data from Institutional Research.

2. Provide effective data sources to evaluate this department. Insert qualitative and quantitative data elements that can be used to evaluate this department—what information do you typically use to document your success and justify expanding your department or budget.

The senate oversees 5 standing committees: Educational Technologies, Outcomes and Assessments, Curriculum, Educational Policies & Procedures, and Faculty Development.
Educational Technologies (Sara Butler, Instructor, Political Science, Chair) –Faculty have successfully implemented the Online Education Initiative (OEI) standards in their online courses. Training has been underway for faculty who want to teach and continue to teach online offerings of their courses. Multiple training events and workshops have been offered by the Distance Education Coordinator and Educational Designer and by faculty who attended the Online Teaching Conference in June 2016. Ed Tech continues to play an expanding role in Faculty Development. The Distance Education subcommittee of the Educational Technologies committee will continue its work evaluating online courses using the Online Education Initiative (OEI) rubric. Ed Tech is working with IT on the approval process for small technology requests by faculty.
·  132 COD faculty have completed some of the training for online teaching certification. Thirty-two faculty are fully certified as of October 10th.
·  College implemented Canvas learning management system.
·  Updated technology master plan.
·  Distance Ed Sub-committee reviews all online course shells.
Educational Policies and Practices (Nancy Moll, Professor Geology, Chair) – Ed Policies updated Policy on Student Prerequisite Challenges and AP 7120 Faculty Hiring committees. Ed Policies is developing a policy on a stand syllabi template and working on a Senate procedure for faculty hiring practices. They will be drafting a proposed policy for the rights of administrators to retreat to faculty.
·  Updated Faculty handbook
·  AP 7120 (Faculty Hiring Committees)
·  Best Practices template for Syllabi
·  Faculty Retreat Rights (policy in progress)
·  Equivalency Reviews 12 in 15/16
·  Updated Policy on Student Prerequisite Challenges
Faculty Development (Michael McJilton, Assistant Professor Math, Chair) – This group is responsible for faculty development and new faculty orientation. This committee coordinates/oversees/approves Flex, sabbatical requests and professional advancement. This committee votes to approve funding for travel requests.
·  New Faculty Orientation offered to all new full time faculty
·  Spring 16 Flex sessions 57
·  Fall 16 Flex sessions 87
·  Travel Funding Request 15/16 72
·  Up to 4 Sabbaticals per year
Outcomes and Assessments (Courtney Doussett, Instructor Kinesiology, Chair) – SLO assessment can now be fully completed online through the portal. Additionally Distance Ed has identified a tool within CANVAS that allows for SLO assessment within courses, and OAC is working with Distance Ed on training faculty and the Institutional research process for how those assessments could be used. OAC is working on developing a similar electronic process for submitting Program Review Updates on the portal expected to be completed Fall 2017.
·  % of courses with SLO's 100%
·  % of programs updating PRU's 100%
Curriculum (Donna Greene, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education, Chair) - Curriculum is working to provide training to all reps, technical review faculty, and department chairs. We hope to create webinars that can be watched and reviewed after the training. We are also putting the procedures for writing new curriculum courses and programs in the portal. The addition of a second curriculum specialist will enable us to implement many of the new initiatives, like the Strong Workforce and the AEBG.
·  Courses reviewed and approved 336
·  Programs reviewed and approved 64
·  Courses submitted for C-ID 178
·  Total ADT's 24
Senate -
·  112 Hiring Committees (includes full time, adjunct, leadership, & classified) Faculty appointed to serve on from 7/1/15 – 6/30/16;
·  6 Senate (1 AFS, 5 Main Committees) Academic Unit & adjunct reps = 72 faculty and 2 students appointed;
·  20+ CPC/Other committees, sub-committees, and task forces Faculty appointed to serve on 7/1/15 – 6/30/16;
·  Number of faculty leadership attending ASCCC Senate Conferences:
o  Curriculum Institute Summer 15 5
o  Fall 16 Plenary 6
o  Area D Meeting 2
o  Spring 16 Plenary 3
o  Leadership Summer 16 Conference 2
o  On-line Summer 16 conference 25+

3. Program assessment. Assess needs of your department dictated by changes in staffing, equipment, training, software/technology and facility needs.

1.  The senate currently has 1 part-time administrative support person. This position supports 5 Senate committees, the All Faculty Senate, the Senate’s President’s responsibilities (including the appointment of faculty on all hiring committees, as well as, Senate and CPC committees. Additionally, the senate is also tasked with many of the requirements of SSI, ADT’s, C-ID, the OEI, SSSP, Equity and Strong Workforce. The senate needs more dedicated administrative support.
·  The senate requests the current part-time admin support positon be made a full time position.
·  On-going part time support is needed for all Senate committees, particularly faculty development. Currently committee chairs must negotiate assistance with note-taking and minutes of Administrative support of Ex-officio Administrators on their committees since most committees meet at the same time and the Senate Administrative support cannot cover all meetings at the same time. A more formal assignment of duties would ensure ongoing support on the 5 Senate committees that have not always had support.
·  Accreditation committee under OAC is leading the faculty workload for 2017 accreditation; ongoing part-time temporary administrative support is needed.
2.  Current professional development budget needs to be increased from $25,500 to $35,750 per year. The additional funds would be used for sending Senate Leadership to state senate conferences. This is the strongest way to ensure that the Senate is able to act proactively to State & Chancellor changes rather than be reactive after the fact.
3.  There are an increasing number of required commitments in the summer for Senate Exec members (CPC committees meetings, need for Senate committee meetings, Senate Leadership conference, Curriculum Institute, etc.). Per appendix J of contract, this is work outside of contract and should be compensated at the lab rate.
Item / Object / Budget
Part-time Classified Academic Senate Secretary
Office Supplies / 4500 / 2,250
Copying/Printing services / 4555 / 350
Meeting food/bev / 4710 / 2,700
Postage / 5045 / 300
Conferences / 5220 / 35,750
Dues / 5300 / 2,400
Summer work / 10,000
Mac Book Airs / 5,394
Sub Total w/o Salaries / $59,394
* 32 hours week, 11 month
1) Supplies: Printer supplies/toner/paper; plaques; name plates, labels
2) Copier/Printing services - ie ballots, handouts, logo envelopes
3) Food/bev: 8 AFS@250=$2,000, 8@25 = $200; 2 retreats @250= $500; Area D host October $1,000, curriculum Training day 1 @ $250
4) Postage: Elections & bylaws
5) Conferences: ASCCC bi-annual plenary 6@$1500, leadership 3@$1500, Curriculum Institute 5 @$1400 , Curriculum Regional 2 @ $350, Area D meeting 2 @ $350, Student Learning Outcomes Symposium 2 @$350, Online Teaching 3@1500
6) Dues: ASCCC based upon faculty count per previous Fall
7) Summer work outside of contract compensated at lab rate: Curriculum Institute 5 @ 15 hours +$3,750, Leadership 3@15 hours = $2,250, Committee Meetings 8@10 hours = $4,000
8) 6 Macbook Air (or similar technology recommended by IT), to be used by Senate Exec members. 6 @$899 = $5,394

4. List accomplishments department has made in the last year.

a)  Two new members of senate exec attended Senate Leadership Training Conference in summer 16.
b)  Team of 5 attended the Curriculum Institute in summer 16.
c)  Distance Ed created online faculty development that can be completed throughout the year; 63 faculty have completed at least one of the required DE certification courses and another 25 twenty-five faculty are now fully certified.
d)  College implemented CANVAS learning management system.
e)  Updated technology master plan.
f)  Faculty Development offered 57 Flex presentation in Spring 16 and 87 Flex presentations in Fall 16.
g)  Faculty Development approved 72 travel funding request in 15/16.
h)  Partnered with administration to deliver new faculty orientation.
i)  Implemented electronic SLO tracking program through Sharepoint.
j)  Updated AP7120 (Faculty Hiring Committees).
k)  Updated faculty handbook and moved it from paper to electronic.
l)  Developed a best-practices template for syllabi.
m)  All faculty senate met twice a month.
n)  The Student Success Initiative has increased the workload of the senate. Specifically, the senate has consulted on the BSI, SSSP, Equity, Strong Workforce plans.
o)  Joint taskforce from Senate/CPC brought Career Workforce Solution Center opening to fruition.

5. List the department’s current goals and objectives. (2 – 3 measurable goals that are congruent with College of the Desert’s Strategic Master Planning Goals.

·  Improve Senate access to existing data for improved decision making and planning.
·  Keep faculty informed about Senate & CPC committee, sub-committee, and task force work.
·  Keep Senate Exec well informed through State-wide ASCCC Senate participation.

This report prepared by:______Christen Smith______10/14/16______

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