March 9, 2010
The Board of Education of the Borough of Manasquan, MonmouthCounty, met for a Special Action Meetingon Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.,in the Manasquan High School Media Center.
ThePresident, Mr. McLaughlin, called the meeting to order in accordance with the Open Public Meeting Law, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975 advising that notices were forwarded to newspapers, Board Members and were posted as required.
Roll Call: Christopher J. Brennan, Trisha K. Brown, Linda DiPalma, Chris Haley, Peter J. Kenny, John F. McLaughlin, Chris Mulyand Cynthia O’Connell, Manasquan Board of Education Elected Members (MEB) Gary Abadrabo and Karen Surgent, Sending District Representatives (SDR). Absent: Thomas B. Bauer(MEB), Cherie Adams (SDR),Kate Ferraro and Matt Sanders, Student Liaisons.
Also Present: Geraldine Margin, Superintendent of Schools, Margaret M. Hom, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Wayne J. Oppito, Board Attorney, representatives of The Coast Star and members of the public.
Mrs. Hom presented an overview of the Preliminary 2010-2011 School District Budget and the process and factors involved in the development of the budget. Mrs. Hom hoped to have state aid figures by March 18th.
Mrs. Margin reported that the Board would be meeting on March 16th and March 23rdat which time any available updates would be provided on the status of the budget. She reported that the Public Hearing on the budget was scheduled for Tuesday, March 30th.
On a motion by Mr. Abadrabo, seconded by Mrs. Haley, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the adoption of the Preliminary 2010-2011 School District Budget, as specified in Document A. 03/09-02 (MEB/SDR)
Roll Call Vote as follows:Mr. Abadrabo – yesMr. Kenny – abstain
Mr. Brennan – yesMr. McLaughlin – yes
Mrs. Brown – yesMrs. Muly – yes
Mrs. DiPalma – yesMrs. O’Connell – yes
Mrs. Haley – yesMs. Surgent – yes
On a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the modified request for the waiver of compliance with respect to the Manasquan School District’s participation in the Special Education Medicaid Initiative (SEMI) Program for the 2010-2011 school year, as specified in Document B. (Participation would not provide a cost benefit to the district based on the projection of the district’s available SEMI reimbursement for the 2010-2011 budget year). 03/09-02
Mrs. Hom explained the purpose for re-approving the SEMI waiver.
On a motion by Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mr. Kenny, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve to accept the SEMI Waiver as approved by the CountySuperintendent. 03/09-03 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr. Kenny, seconded by Mrs. Brown, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the change in the mid-term examination schedule from April 20th and 21st, to April 21st and April 22nd (due to school closings for inclement weather). 03/09-04 (MEB/SDR)
Roll Call Vote as follows:Mr. Abadrabo – yesMr. Kenny – yes
Mr. Brennan – noMr. McLaughlin – yes
Mrs. Brown – yesMrs. Muly – yes
Mrs. DiPalma – yesMrs. O’Connell – yes
Mrs. Haley – yesMs. Surgent – yes
Mrs. Hom explained the process involved in calculating the tuition rates.
On a motion by Mrs. O’Connell, seconded by Mrs. Haley, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the tuition rates for the 2010-2011 school year and the amendments to the Maximum Capital Reserve Account and M-1, as per Documents C(1) and C(2). 03/-0-05 (MEB/SDR)
Roll Call Vote as follows:Mr. Abadrabo – abstainMr. Kenny – yes
Mr. Brennan – yesMr. McLaughlin – yes
Mrs. Brown – yesMrs. Muly – yes
Mrs. DiPalma – yesMrs. O’Connell – yes
Mrs. Haley – yesMs. Surgent – abstain
On a motion by Mrs. Haley, seconded by Mrs. Brown, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the High School personnel, as specified in Document D(1). 03/09-06 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mrs. Muly, seconded by Mrs. Brown, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the Elementary School personnel, as specified in Document D(2). 03/09-07 (MEB)
Mr. McLaughlin opened the second Public Forum. 03/09-08
Mr. Frank Diane, 401 1st Avenue, Manasquan asked how the board could justify giving the employees a 4% increase over the next three years. He also questioned the health benefits buyout.
There were no additional questions or comments from the public. Mr. McLaughlin closed the Public Forum.
03/09-09 – There was no Old Business orNew Business to report.
03/09-10– Mr. McLaughlinreported that the Board wouldbe adjourning to closed executive session to discuss negotiations and asked for a motion to adjourn.
On a motion by Mrs. Haley, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, pursuant to Chapter 131, P.L. 1975, also known as the Open Public Meetings Act, that authorizes a public body to meet in executive or private session under certain limited circumstances, and whereas, said law requires the Board to adopt a resolution at a public meeting before it can meet in such an executive or private session, it was RESOLVED by voice vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to hereby determine that it is necessary to meet in executive session on March 9, 2010 to discuss negotiations and that any matters discussed will be made public if and when confidentiality is no longer required and action pursuant to said discussion will take place at a public meeting. (MEB/SDR)
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret M. Hom
Business Administrator/Board Secretary