Kentucky/Appalachian Studies

Rowan County Senior High School

Mrs. Peyton 2013

This class is officially listed as “Kentucky Studies,” but we will broaden the focus to include Appalachia, then narrow our study to the Eastern Kentucky region, and then broaden it again to the state of Kentucky. The content will include history, culture, perceptions, and current issues.

Course Objectives:

• To develop a comprehensive knowledge of the historical, political, social and economic development of both Appalachia and Kentucky.

• To understand both the historic and current issues facing these two regions and the connection between the past and the present.


Biggers, Jeff. The United States of Appalachia

Caudill, Harry. Night Comes to the Cumberlands

Eckert, Allan. The Court Martial of Daniel Boone

Giles, Janice Holt, The Kentuckians

House, Silas. Clay’s Quilt

Klotter, James. Kentucky History

Offutt, Chris. Kentucky Straight

Stuart, Jesse, Jesse Stuart Reader

Still, James. River of Earth

Method of Instruction:

This class will include a significant amount of discussion, connecting the student’s knowledge from their own experiences to the history of this area. We will also use lecture, discussion, activity centers, collaboration with the Kentucky Folk Art Center and MSU History department, and students will conduct research projects and oral histories.


• Viewing documentaries and clips, particularly regarding perceptions of Appalachia and the addressingthe issues of coal mining, the timber industry, and poverty.

• Readings from authors such as Jessie Stuart, James Still, Silas House, Allan Eckert Janice Holt Giles, and Chris Offut during our unit on literature. You will pick a piece of Appalachian fiction to read and describe its portrayal of the region.

• Mapwork on both the Appalachian Region and Kentucky.

• Student Choice Research Project: Students will partner to research and present a project about different regions in Kentucky.

• Oral History Project: Students will interview a local resident who has grown up in Kentucky.


The class will be a combination of formative and summative assessments:

•Formative: this will include daily discussions and learning target assessments, mapwork, research on issues and assigned readings. Some of these will be scored for the gradebook, some will not. I will also keep record of daily participation, which will reflect in your grades in that we’ll see whether you wereinvolved in class each day!

•Summative: This will include our individual topic tests, a unit exam, research presentation

andoral history paper.

Re-take Policy: For a student to be allowed to retake, they must complete a 30 minute study session with me in my room during my available after-school hours OR complete a designated study guide. The study period cannot take place in the 30 minutes prior to the retake! So plan ahead. In addition, an up-to-date notebook is your “pass to re-take.” You must have all notes and assignments completed before you may re-take in order to show your preparation.


We will be utilizing a composition book in this class. All handouts, notes, and important information will be in this book. If you have issues with remembering to bring stuff to class, I have a bin in which you can place the notebook each day. I am NOT RESPONSIBLE for what may happen to it, however! It’s at your own risk to leave it

Course Outline:

(Note: This outline is tentative—as we study issues, we might rearrange or change the course of our class!)

I. Introduction to Appalachia

a. Geography

b. Stereotypes

Reading: Biggers--preface

II. Pre-American Revolution through early settlement

a. Native American presence

b. Hunters/trappers and trade

Reading: Caudill--chapters 1-2

III. American Revolution through the Civil War

a. Position during the War

b. Grants of land and settlement

c. Role during the Civil War

Caudill, chapters 3-5

IV. Late 1800’s-early 1900’s

a. Coal Business

b. Lumber Business

Caudill, chapters 6-10

Still’s River of Earth

V. Early 1900’s through the 1960’s

a. Decline of major industries

b. Rise of the welfare state

c. War on Poverty

Caudill, chapters 11-16

VI. Current Issues

a. Coal

b. Poverty

c. Education

d. Drug Abuse

Caudill, chapters 17-22

VII. Kentucky’s Most Notables

a. Folk Art

b. Bluegrass Music

c. Literature

VIII. Kentucky Geography

a. Regional divisions

b. Waterways

c. Land use

IX. Kentucky’s Population/Regions

a. Counties

b. Cities


Kentucky Studies

Opening Day activity:

Think about your connection to the Appalachian Region.

What are your family roots?

Were your parents born in this community?

Your grandparents?

Have you always lived here?

If not, where else have you lived?

In what ways are you involved in the community?

Where do you (or your family members) work?

How old is the business in which you work?

Is it a family owned business?

Does religion play a role in your life or in your family’s lives? If so, how?

Are you active in any sports, clubs or any other extracurricular activities?

Do you or your family follow any traditions? Think beyond holidays.

What is a favorite story that has been passed down?

YOUR UPCOMING ASSIGNMENT: Capture an image in a photograph that represents your “place” in this Appalachian community. We will compile these in a power point presentation, so you will email me the picture.