October 2013


Andrew Michael Tangye MOORE

Date of Birth

27 April 1945




Family Status

Married. Two children.

Address and contact information

12 Walbach Street

P.O. Box 902

New Castle, NH 03854-0902


Home tel: (603) 319-8111

e-mail: ;


D. Phil., University of Oxford, 1978. Thesis entitled The Neolithic of the Levant, prepared under the supervision of Dame Kathleen Kenyon.

Postgraduate Diploma in Prehistoric European Archaeology, University of London, 1969

M.A., University of Oxford, 1972

B.A. in Modern History, University of Oxford, 1967


Institute for Management and Leadership in Education (MLE), 2003. Graduate School of Education, Harvard University.


University of Oxford, 1969-1978

Institute of Archaeology, University of London, 1967-1969

University College, University of Oxford, 1964-1967

President, Oxford University Archaeological Society 1966

Academic Career

2012-present Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus, Rochester Institute of Technology

2011-2012 Professor of Archaeology, Rochester Institute of Technology

2007-2011 Dean of Graduate Studies, and Professor of
Archaeology, Rochester Institute of Technology

1999-2006 Dean, College of Liberal Arts, and Professor of Archaeology

Rochester Institute of Technology

1991-1999 Associate Dean, Graduate School, Yale University

Lecturer, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures

1990-1991 National Endowment for the Humanities, holder Fellowship for University Teachers

1987-1990 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Yale University

1983-1987 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Yale University

1981-1982 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Oriental Studies, University of Arizona

1979-1983 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona

1973-1979 Wainwright Fellow in Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Oxford

1969-1971 Randall MacIver Student in Archaeology, The Queen's College, University of Oxford


1990-1991 National Endowment for the Humanities, Fellowship for University Teachers

1988-1989 Senior Faculty Fellow, Yale University

1986-1987 Junior Faculty Fellow, Yale University

1986-1987 Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College, University of Oxford

1969-1970 Annual Scholar, British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem

Recent administrative experience

Dean of Graduate Studies, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Oversee > 90 graduate programs enrolling 2,900 students in RIT’s eight colleges and overseas campuses. Advocate for graduate education and the needs of graduate students.

Dean, College of Liberal Arts, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Lead college with 145 full-time faculty in disciplines across the humanities and social sciences. Manage staff of 27. Administer budget of $15m.

Oversee general education program in the humanities and social sciences for RIT’s 13,000 undergraduates. Responsible for seven BS degree programs and four MS degree programs in the liberal arts, enrolling 600 students.

Archaeological interests

The archaeology of Western Asia, the Mediterranean, and Europe. The theory and practice of archaeology. The application of advances in the natural sciences to understanding the past. Prehistoric economies. The advent of agriculture and sedentary life in Southwest Asia, and their spread to adjacent continents. The early agricultural site of Abu Hureyra in Syria. The development of complex societies and town life in Western Asia. The inception of farming in the Mediterranean Basin and, especially, in Dalmatia.


Registrant, Register of Professional Archaeologists

Machteld Mellink Lecturer, Archaeological Institute of America, 2010

Robert J. Braidwood Lecturer, Archaeological Institute of America, 2003, 2004, 2012

Ludlow Hopkins Baldwin Lecturer, Baltimore Society, Archaeological Institute of America, 2000

Kershaw Lecturer in Near East Archaeology, Archaeological Institute of America, 1995-1996

Frederick R. and Margaret B. Matson Lecturer, Hamilton Society, Archaeological Institute of America, 2000

Fellow National, The Explorers Club, New York

President's Lecturer, Archaeological Institute of America, 1990-1991

Kervorkian lecturer, University of Pennsylvania 1984

Languages other than English

Fluent spoken and written French. Working knowledge of Arabic.

Professional Service

Member, Professional Advisory Panel, Digital Antiquity, Arizona State University

Archaeological Institute of America representative to the Register of Professional Archaeologists, 2012-present

2009 – 2010. Member, Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities Committee, Council of Graduate Schools

Chair 2010

First Vice President, Archaeological Institute of America, 2011-2014

President, Rochester Society of the Archaeological Institute of America, 2001-2011. Held various offices in the New Haven Society of the AIA, 1987-1999.

Academic Trustee, Governing Board, Archaeological Institute of America, 1999-2005

Co-Chair Mission and Governance Task Force 2001-2002

Member/Chair of several AIA committees

Lecturer, Archaeological Institute of America

Regular reviewer of grant applications for the National Science Foundation, National Geographic Society, and the National Endowment for the Humanities

Member of International Review Committee, West Asian Department, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada 1992

Member of review panel, Fellowships for University Teachers, National Endowment for the Humanities 1991

External examiner of doctoral candidates in archaeology at the University of Toronto and Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Member editorial board American Journal of Archaeology

Sometime member editorial boards for Radiocarbon, Journal of Mediterranean Prehistory, Journal of World Archaeology

Archaeological Field Experience

2003-present Director, with Professor Marko Menđušić, Early Farming in Dalmatia Project. Survey and excavation of the Neolithic sites of Danilo and Pokrovnik.

2002 Reconnaissance of Neolithic sites and museum collections, Dalmatian coast, Croatia

1996-present Director of the Jericho Project. Survey of Tell es-Sultan, ancient Jericho, and its environs, Jordan Valley

1993 Reconnaissance of prehistoric sites in southeast Turkey

1990 Reconnaissance of prehistoric and protohistoric sites in Iraq

1984, 1987,

1989, 1992 Surveys of prehistoric sites in north Syria

1977 Survey of archaeological sites in Euphrates valley, Syria


to present Directed excavation of Tell Abu Hureyra, Syria. Continuing research on the record from the site

1971 Took part in excavation by Henri de Contenson (CNRS, France) of Tell Aswad, Syria

1969 Excavated at Knossos, Crete with Professor J.D. Evans

1968 Surveyed Neolithic sites in Malta and Gozo. Participated in Dr. L. Barfield's excavations at Rivoli, North Italy.

1966 Member of Dame Kathleen Kenyon's excavation team in Jerusalem

1961-1965 Took part in many excavations in England on prehistoric, Migration and Medieval sites

Research Grants

2004 National Science Foundation ($215,592)

National Geographic Society ($17,691)

1997-2003 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research ($15,000)

1996 Cotsen Family Foundation

1995 Archaeological Associates of Greenwich, Connecticut

1994-1996 National Endowment of the Humanities: grant to complete the book on the Abu Hureyra excavation

1989 Enders Fund, Yale University

Social Science Faculty Research Fund, Yale University

1988 National Geographic Society

L.S.B. Leakey Foundation

A. Whitney Griswold Research Fund, Yale University

Social Science Faculty Research Fund, Yale University

1987 A. Whitney Griswold Research Fund, Yale University

Social Science Faculty Research Fund, Yale University

1985 Social Science Faculty Research Fund, Yale University

1984 Arthur Mag Fund, Yale University

A. Whitney Griswold Research Fund, Yale University

1981 University of Arizona Research Award

1975 British Academy Research Award

Meyerstein Fund, University of Oxford

1973 Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford

Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery

Bolton Museum and Art Gallery

British Academy Research Award

British Museum

City of Liverpool Museums

Meyerstein Fund, University of Oxford

Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford

Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto

Russell Trust

University Museum, University of Manchester

1972 Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford

Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery

Bolton Museum and Art Gallery

British Academy Research Award

City of Liverpool Museums

Manchester Museum,

Meyerstein Fund, University of Oxford

Oriental Institute, University of Chicago

University College, University of Oxford,

Wainwright Fund, University of Oxford

Membership of Professional Bodies

Register of Professional Archaeologists

Society for American Archaeology

Archaeological Institute of America

European Association of Archaeologists

Croatian Archaeological Society

Prehistoric Society

British Institute at Ankara

British Institute for the Study of Iraq

Council for British Research in the Levant

Courses taught

Early Human Archaeology and Ecology

Becoming Human

Archaeological Method and Theory

World Archaeology I and II

European Prehistory

Irish Prehistory

The Origins of Agriculture

Prehistory of the Near East

Origins of Agriculture and Settled Life in the Near East

Contributions to graduate courses on Palaeolithic, Near Eastern, and European archaeology, the advent of agriculture, and the nature of archaeological evidence.

Conference lectures

2012 Panelist “The future of theory in archaeology.” Theoretical Archaeology Group conference, University of Buffalo, New York.

2011 With R.H. Tykot, S. McClure, E. Podrug, J. Balen, L. Coomar, and L. Wajahat. “Studying Neolithic ceramic exchange in Dalmatia thru non-destructive pXRF analysis.” 17th annual meeting, European Association of Archaeologists, Oslo, Norway.

2011 With M. Menđušić and J. Zaninović. “The spread of farming to Mediterranean Europe: new insights from the Early Farming in Dalmatia Project.” 112th annual meeting, Archaeological Institute of America, San Antonio, Texas.

2010 Chair, symposium on “The Early Farming in Dalmatia Project 2003-2009: new insights on the spread of farming to the Adriatic.”

With S. Colledge, A. Legge and K. Reed, “Economy, Chronology and Environment.”

With C. Fadem, J.R. Smith and M. Menđušić, “Soils and site choice in Neolithic Dalmatia.”

75th Anniversary Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis, Missouri.

2009 With M. Menđušić and J. Zaninović. “The Early Farming in Dalmatia Project: latest results.” Annual meeting of the Croatian Archaeological Society, Vis, Croatia.

2008 With M. Menđušić. “How did Neolithic farmers in Dalmatia interact with the landscape? New insights from archaeology and ethnography.” 109th annual meeting, Archaeological Institute of America, Chicago, Illinois.

2008 With C.M. Fadem, J.R. Smith, and M. Menđušić. “Early European agriculture: the soil archive.” Annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, Houston, Texas.

2007 With C. Fadem. “The Danilo Bitinj site in geologic context.” Annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado.

2007 With M. Menđušić, E. Podrug, and J. Zaninović. “Investigating the development of farming in the Adriatic: new excavations at the Neolithic sites of Danilo and Pokrovnik in Croatia.” 13th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Zadar, Croatia.

2007 With M. Menđušić, J. Zaninović, A.J. Legge, and K. Reed. “The impact of early farming on the Mediterranean landscape: preliminary results from the investigation of two Neolithic sites in Dalmatia.” Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, Texas.

2007 With C. Fadem, J. Smith, and B. Moore. “A ceramic typology for the Early and Middle Neolithic in Central Dalmatia.” Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, Texas.

2007 Fadem, C., and Moore, A.M.T. “The Danilo Bitinj site in geologic context.” Annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado.

2006 With J. Smith. “Geoarchaeology and geomorphology of the Danilo Bitinj and Pokrovnik sites, Dalmatia, Croatia: ongoing research.” Annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

2006 With M. Menđušić, S. Colledge, A.J. Legge, and J. Smith. “Early farming in Dalmatia (Croatia): preliminary results of research at the Neolithic site of Danilo.” Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Puerto Rico.

2006 With J. Smith, and R. Giegengack. “Landscape and climate evolution during the Holocene in Dalmatia (Croatia): implications for early farming.” Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Puerto Rico.

2005 With R. Giegengack, J. Smith, D. Marguš and M. Menđušić. “Preliminary geoarchaeological and geomorphological investigations at the Danilo Bitinj site, Dalmatia, Croatia.” Annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah.

2005 With D. Marguš and M. Menđušić. “Danilo Bitinj – nova istraživanja.” Annual meeting of the Croatian Archaeological Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

2005 With D. Marguš and M. Menđušić. “Arheološka istraživanja na Danilo (Bitinj): školjkaši.” Symposium on “The river Krka and National Park ‘Krka’,” Šibenik, Croatia.

2004 Chair, colloquium on “From village to empire in the ancient Near East: honoring the contributions to archaeology of David B. Stronach.” Delivered lecture on “A village in Mesopotamia: David Stronach and prehistoric archaeology.” 105th annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, San Francisco, California.

2003 “Danilo - new methods in archaeological research.” Annual meeting of the Croatian Archaeological Society, Našice, Croatia.

2003 “Beyond stratigraphy – accelerator dates on early domesticated grains from Abu Hureyra and their archaeological interpretation.” 68th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

2003 Chair, colloquium on “Pondering the past.” Delivered lecture on “The significance of archaeology.” 104th annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, New Orleans, Louisiana.

2001 Chair, colloquium on “Noah’s Flood? The catastrophic flooding of the Black Sea c. 5,600 B.C. and its archaeological implications.” 102nd annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, San Diego, California.

2000 “Beyond stratigraphy – accelerator dates on early domesticated grains from Abu Hureyra and their implications for archaeological interpretation.” Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, University of Oxford.

2000 “Understanding the human past - the necessity for an interdisciplinary approach.” Kearse Distinguished Lecture, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York.

1998 “Abu Hureyra and the beginning of farming in Western Asia.” Conference on “The Neolithic transition in Europe: looking back - looking forward”, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy.

1998 “The development of agriculture on the Middle Euphrates.” Conference entitled “Material, thought, and action: technological perspectives on prehistory”, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

1997 Chair, colloquium on “The city and civilization in the Near East”. Delivered paper “From village to city in the ancient Near East”. 99th annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Chicago, Illinois.

1997 “Les interactions entre les habitants et leurs environs à l’ancien village d’Abu Hureyra sur l’Euphrate.” Colloquium entitled “Espace natural, espace habité en Syrie du nord”, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.

1996 “The development of agricultural societies in the Fertile Crescent: the interplay between archaeological theory and evidence in the last 50 years.” 95th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, California.

1995 Discussant in Symposium on "Late Neolithic transitions in the southern Levant”. 60th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

1994 "The anthropological perspective." Symposium on "Gods, State, and People in Ancient Egypt: Egyptological and Anthropological Perspectives". Sixth annual symposium of the American Research Center in Egypt, New York.

1993 "Abu Hureyra and the beginning of agriculture and village life."

International colloquium on "La Djéziré et l'Euphrate syriens de la protohistoire à la fin du second millénaire avant Jésus-Christ", Paris, France.