Town Of Crawford

P.O. Box 56 * Crawford, Co. 81415-0056 * (970)921-4725 * Fax (970)921-4726

Town Council Meeting

May 4, 2016 Wednesday 7:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

1.  Meeting is call to order 7:00pm by Mayor Wanda Gofforth. Those present were Cameron Clark, Mike Tiedeman, Tammy Broughton, John Paton, Hetty Todd, Chriss Watters was absent.

2.  Pledge of Allegiance recited by those present

3.  Approval of the minutes Tammy Broughton moved to approve the minutes from April 2016 meetings

Mike Tiedeman 2nd the motion. Approved

4.  Approve payment of bills Hetty Todd made a motion to approve the bills and John Paton 2nd the motion. Approved

5.  Public hearing begins on water and sewer rate increase. New resolutions read by Town Clerk Cally Gallegos. Jim Crook asked council how much the monthly bill would increase, $1.00 per month total. John Paton thinks that we need to revisit the charges for car washes and laundry business and churches. Hetty Todd moves that we approve the $1 (.50 per Sewer, .50 per water) increase to be added to the Capital Improvement Fund Cameron Clark 2nd’s the motion. All in favor.

6.  Connie Layton from the Area Chamber of Commerce ask for the towns approval to put the cut out sign made by the school in Pioneer Park on the Sign Board posts. The School is to get together with Bruce and Al before installing the sign. They will do the unveiling before school is out. Tammy Broughton moves that we let them install the sign in Pioneer park, John Paton 2nd the motion. All in Favor

7.  John Blair with DC Hawkins new rates for the year. See Attached rates. He suggested that since the building remodel is complete he suggested that we increase our coverage by $200000. And to increase the deductible to $1000. He will keep the premium rate at the $7242. For another year. Hetty Todd moved that we increase the coverage to $200000 and raise the $1000 deductible. John Paton 2nd the motion. Approved.

8.  Trustee Training in Hotchkiss May the 26th at 5:00pm please let Cally know if you are going by the 19th of May. Wanda ask that everyone try to be there.

9.  Town Clerk ask John Blair to explain the Liquor Liability certificate to the council. John strongly suggested that the town all renters of the facility should have a liquor liability when alcohol is served at the town building or park. He suggested $500k or $1 million dollar. Tammy Broughton thought that you we should ask for $1 million certificate. Hetty Todd moves that we have the $500k Certificate of Liability from Renters that serve alcohol, and $75 to rent the commercial kitchen and to be re-evaluated by the council in 6 months. John Paton 2nds the motion. All in favor. Tammy Broughton apposes.

10.  Wanda reports that she attended the Delta County quarterly meeting on April 29, 2016. Jeff Wright was there to explain the emergency plan. If we implement this emergency plan if disaster strikes them FEMA will be here to help. If no plan is in place then they don’t show up to assist. A fire or flood would devastate the town. We will send a letter of intent, to get the process started.

11.  Bruce Bair Ask if the town would reappoint Robert Pearce to the Crawford Water Conservancy District. Mike Tiedeman moves that the Town reappoints Robert Pearce as the Crawford Water Conservancy District representative, John Paton 2nds the motion. All in Favor. Town will write letter for Robert.

12.  The Crawford school principal Bill Eyler ask if the school could rent the theater on May 18, 2016. The town said that we would allow the school to use the stage for free. They will also let them set the chairs outside with the understanding that they do not leave the concrete. Hetty Todd moves that we let the Crawford school use the stage and the chairs on May 18th. John Paton 2nd’s the motion and all are in favor. Bill said he would try to arrange for the kids to help with the spring cleanup for the town.

13.  Bruce Bair ask about renting out the council room. Mike Tiedeman moves that we rent the council room out for $35 per day and John Paton 2nd’s the motion. All are in favor.

14.  Bruce Bair reports on the lift station. He has a tech coming up to make sure that everything is working on the lift station. Bruce has almost half of the town streets swept. He and All are working on a punch list for Phase II of remodel for Ridgway Valley. He also reports that the rain gutters on the crows nest needs replaced because when it rains the water runs down the side of the building and into the window and the rocks on the east side of the front foyer. Bruce spent a day repairing that section. Council suggested that Bruce get 2-3 bids for the repair of the gutter. Also, Al has hung all the blinds that we have and he reports that the class room has not blinds and that he suggested that we replace the blinds in phases and start with the class room. It has 8 windows. Wanda said that she would talk to the Friends of the Crawford Town Hall about that plan.

15.  Cameron Clark, Mike Tiedeman, Tammy Broughton, John Paton have nothing to report. Cally Gallegos reported that there will be a “Clean the Dobies Day” May 14,(may 21 if Raining on the 14th) BLM has agreed to help but Cally was asking for anyone with a tractor or loader to please help.

16.  Wanda reports that the latest layoffs at Bowie Resourses will leave the county about $48 Million short of revenue this year. If the town wants DOLA funding we need to apply quickly because there will be a lot of municipalities seeking funding. Delta County is implementing “Branding Delta County” and they urge everyone to log onto to help promote the communities. The Town of Crawford will be hosting the Delta County Meeting in September 2016. DHA has 1 more loan in Crawford.

Meeting adjourned 9:00pm