Collected by the Indiana State Library, Library Development Office, 140 N. Senate Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46204

1-800-451-6028, FAX 317-232-0002

Glossary and Instructions

Fiscal Year: July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2006

Part B – Library Staff (Include general, law, patient, school and staff library staff)

Type of Employee: Report the number of employees who are either professional librarians (have an ALA-MLS or are certified by the Indiana State Library or who have taken library science courses or have librarian as a job title or are designated as librarian. Report separately the other professional staff (anyone with a certificate or license), other staff and paid or volunteer offenders/residents/students.

Number of Employees: Report the number of employees who work full time (35 hours or more a week) and those who work part time (fewer than 35 hours a week) separately. FTE is no longer requested. Report all positions funded, whether those positions are filled or not.

Part C - Library Operating Expenditures (Include general, law, patient, school and staff library expenditures)

Include expenditures from whatever fund expenditures are made from, whether library or another fund)

Salaries and Wages: Expenditures for fulltime and parttime salaries and wages provided by institution for all regular library staff. Report gross wages, do not report employee fringe benefits, such as Social Security or Medicare. Report salary by type of employee. Since salary is a matter of public record, your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Books, & Other Print Materials, Serial Backfiles, & All Microforms: Expenditures for all print materials, any purchase of print or microform serial (periodical) issues to complete a volume or previous year and expenditures for all microforms, including roll microfilm, microcard, microfiche, and ultrafiche. Included are current serials on microfilm.

Periodicals: Expenditures for current paper subscriptions to magazines.

Audiovisual Materials: Expenditures for all audiovisual library materials. This includes graphic materials, audio materials, motion pictures, video materials, and special visual materials such as threedimensional materials. Included are current serials in AV formats.

Computer databases and Search Services: Expenditures for materials considered part of the collection, whether purchased or leased, such as CD-ROMs, magnetic tapes, and magnetic disks that are designed to be processed by a computer or similar machine.

Computer Hardware and Software: Expenditures for computer hardware and software, including maintenance agreements.

All Other Operating Expenditures: All other expenditures not already reported above. (This includes Document Delivery, Interlibrary Loan, and Furniture and Equipment).

Total Operating Expenditures: Total operating funds expended by the library for the report year from its regular budget and from all other sources, e.g., research grants, special projects, gifts and endowments, and fees for services. Includes all of the following that are applicable.

Part D – Annual Library Services (Include general, law, patient, school and staff library services)

Estimates are acceptable.

Number of hours open: The public service hours for the library during a week are reported.

Total number of items circulated (checked out): Total number of books, videos, etc. checked out. Include initial check outs and renewals.

Total number of registered resident users (if applicable): Total number of users registered, if library requires some registration/sign up procedure in order for an offender/resident/student to use the collection.

Total number of requests for items in Reserve collection: If library has reserves for usage of particular books, videos, etc.

Total number of presentations/programs: If librarian or other staff member has presentations to groups for usage of library, particular reference or other materials, programs involving library materials or resource people.

Total number of persons served in presentations/programs: Number of people attending presentations/programs.

Total number of Interlibrary loans: If your library borrows materials for patrons from other library agencies using Interlibrary loan (whether INCOLSA or another service)

Automated catalog: If catalog is automated and information about the collection is retrieved via computer. Since there are many automation systems (some of which do not work well with others), the name of the system is very helpful. Also, many agencies pick automation systems because the agency(ies) they work with closely have that specific system.

Numbers of computers for offender/resident/student and staff use. Those computers connected to the Internet are counted separately.

Do NOT count numbers of uses of computer, just the number of computers available for your patrons.

Part E - Library Collections, Fiscal Year (Include general, law, patient, school and staff library collections)

Estimates are acceptable.

Count physical units: An individual physical item of library material. Examples of units are: a volume (books and serials); a disk, cassette, cartridge, or reel (AV); a disk, tape, or cartridge (computer files).

Realia: Puzzles, games, developmental/teaching tools; anything of a physical, manipulable nature, not really informational.

Part F – General Questions

These questions are for use by the Indiana State Library. Responses will not be published.

Do you partner with your local public library? The Indiana State Library encourages partnerships with local public libraries, which are often interested in outreach to the local community.

How does your library accommodate limited/non-English speaking users? There are often grants available for services to these populations.