Slinfold Parish Council
PO Box 315, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9XX
Tel: 01403 785864 (Mobile 07733-359479)
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held on Thursday 26th June 2014
7:30pm in the Parish Room
115/14 Attendance and Apologies for Absence
Those present: Councillors C Gibson (Chairman), S Bailey, G Constantine, L Day, M Haines, P Redmond, H Sherwin-Smith, J Slipper, G Stenton-Chandler and M Wellesley-Wood, the Clerk M Burroughs, Cllr. P Youtan (District) and Cllr. L Kitchen (County)
Apologies: Cllr. G Constantine
Also present ten members of the public, nine had come with regard to planning applications (122/14), one on motorbike noise on the A29. Also present Tom Denton and Louise Faber on Gatwick Airspace
116/14 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests
Cllr. Day declared an interest in matters relating to Cherry Tree and the Village Shop, Cllrs. Redmond, Gibson and Haines with regard to the planning application for Stone Cottages (see 122/14) and Cllr. Whybrow with regard to the Village Shop.
117/14 Chairman’s Announcements - None
Public Speaking
v The agent spoke on behalf of his client in favour of the application for DC/14/1092;
v A member of the public spoke with regard to a petition for restricting the flow of traffic on the A29. He wanted to make the Parish Council aware that not all residents are in favour of the proposals on the petition;
v A Tree Warden spoke to recommend that the Parish Council ask that HDC refuse the application for felling trees at Stone Cottages;
v The applicant for DC/14/0992 spoke in favour of improvements to child care facilities;
v The resident of York Cottage, as neighbour to the application for Stone Cottages, DC/14/1247, advised that that he was disappointed that he had not been spoken to with regard to the felling of trees. He advised that the agent/loss adjustor acting on behalf of the Parish Cottages had not carried out an appropriate investigation and had not responded to the questions raised by him. He asked that he be fully consulted on this matter and urged the Parish Council to object to the application pending further investigations. The Chairman assured him that his concerns would be shared with the Trustees of the Parish Cottages who had not been aware that a planning application had been submitted until it appeared before the Parish Council.
118/14 Approval of the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council 29th May 2014 - the draft minutes having been circulated were taken as read. The minutes were approved and signed as a true record.
119/14 Matters arising from 118/14 – as circulated or included on the agenda
120/14 Matters arising from the last public session - Cllr. Wellesley-Wood is to speak to the residents of Railway Cottages following the receipt of a copy of a drainage report from AJW.
121/14 Gatwick Airport Consultation
Tom Denton, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Gatwick Airport introduced himself and described his role. He advised that he was looking to receive stakeholder feedback on the most recent consultation which is based on the existing (one) runway. There are 3 options being proposed and Mr Denton showed maps to reflect three routes. The route which appears to affect Slinfold the least is Option C. Mr Denton explained that the challenge is to reduce the number of people being over flown.
Mr. Denton responded to questions from Councillors and the public. The consultation period ends on 14th August 2014 and the Parish Council will consider their response at the next meeting
122/14 Planning
Cllr. Stenton-Chandler presented the Planning Report to the Parish Council. The report was reviewed, approved and the Parish Council ratified the decisions made by the Planning Advisory Committee as appropriate. Details follow:
New and amended planning applications: The following application(s) were received in the month and reviewed by the Planning Advisory Committee. HDC is to be advised of the Parish Council’s recommendations as follows:
HDC Application number / Address & Post Code of application / Details / Feedback for HDCDC/14/1247 / Stone Cottages, Hayes Lane Slinfold RH13 / Fell 1 x Oak (T1), Fell 1 x Blackthorn (TG1) , Fell 1 x Sycamore (T3), Fell 1 x Sycamore (T4) (Works to Trees In a Conservation Area) / Objection based on Tree Warden Report, loss of fine amenity (oaks) and insufficient evidence to support that felling the trees would improve the situation
DC/14/1092 / 1 Railway Cotts, Spring Lane, RH13 0RT / Proposed pair of 2-bedroom semi-detached cottages to the east of 1 Railway Cottages / Objection. Concern over car parking/access to Downs Link and known drainage problems in the area
DC/14/1062 / Old Farm House, The Street, RH13 0RS / Remove part of C20th partition wall in first floor bathroom, new partition wall to form smaller shower room, new external door to enclose open porch and form opening through wall with new lintel over in C20th extension and double doors in lieu of internal / NO OBJECTION
DC/14/1037 / Rowarts Farm North, Five Oaks Road RH13 0RL / Prior approval for change of use of agricultural buildings to two dwellings / NO OBJECTION
DC/14/1053 / The Coach House, Rookery Wood, Five Oaks Road RH13 0RQ / Construction of a timber frame, timber clad residential annexe on an existing concrete slab situated toward the rear of the main house / Objection unless the annexe is tied to the house so that it is not allowed to become a separate dwelling
DC/14/0992 / Russets, Hayes Lane Slinfold RH13 0SN / Construction of extension to building to form additional childcare facilities, staff room/office and to increase the number of childcare spaces from 12 to 20 / NO OBJECTION
DC/14/0812 / Lane End, Lyons Road RH13 0QS / Replacement Barn / NO OBJECTION
Applications permitted, refused and withdrawn:
HDC Application number / Date received by HDC / Address & Post Code of application / Nature of application / Status / Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date)DC/14/0766 / 16-Apr-14 / Crosby Farm House Lyons Road RH13 0RX / Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of replacement dwelling / Application Permitted / No Objection
DC/14/0755 / 11-Apr-14 / Woodside Forge Guildford Road BBH West Sussex RH12 3PQ / Provision of earth closet facility to existing cabin permitted under DC/11/1740 / Application Permitted / No Objection
DC/14/0700 / 7-Apr-14 / The Cottage, Park Street, Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RU / Erection of 3-bed cottage style dwelling with detached garage and widening of existing vehicular crossover and improvements to visibility splays pursuant to DC/13/2029 (Approval of Reserved Matters) / Application Permitted / Objection. The PC maintains that a new dwelling in this area should not have been given planning permission. The PC is challenging the change in the BUAB. The dwelling is too large for the plot and will have a negative impact on the street scene
Planning applications pending consideration or decision by HDC (2013 and 2014):
The Parish Council received a report on all previous applications currently pending consideration, or a decision, by HDC.
Site Address: / Rowarts Farm North, Five Oaks Road, Slinfold, HorshamDescription of development: / Lawful Development Certificate for the dwelling as built including curtilage at Rowarts Farm
Application reference: / DC/13/0294
Appellant’s name: / Mr John Walker-Smith
Appeal reference: / APP/Z3825/x/14/2219384
Appeal start date: / 9th June 2014
An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the decision of Horsham District Council to refuse in part to grant a certificate of lawful development and use.
Enforcements: None
It was RESOLVED to approve the Planning Report as above.
Other Planning Matters
Built Up Boundary Area (BUAB) and Planning Application DC/13/2029 - The Cottage, Park Street
Cllrs. Gibson, Redmond and Stenton-Chandler provided an update on their meeting with Tom Crowley and Caroline West, HDC. Mr Crowley advised that it may be possible to revert back to the previous BUAB. The Parish Council should reflect this in their response to the HDC Planning Framework consultation. On the subject of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA), Councillors noted their disappointment that our previous comments have been ignored. HDC recommended that these should be updated and sent again.
HDC Licensing – an application has been received from AJW but it is unclear what exactly the application is for. Cllr. Wellesley-Wood will clarify with HDC and AJW and report back.
Neighbourhood Plan – an update was provided by Cllrs. Haines and Wellesley-Wood. The recommendations from the forum were agreed to include the appointment of the consultant Dale Mayhew. The funding application is being progressed.
123/14 Report from the District and County Councillor(s)
Cllr. Kitchen (County) spoke on the following:
· The A24 meeting with WSCC and Warnham Parish. It is unlikely that measures will be put in place to prevent rat-running;
· WSCC’s 125 year anniversary – each primary school will have an emblem;
· Slinfold School – was very impressed by a recent visit.
Cllr. Youtan (District) spoke on the following:
· HDC’s transformation process is on-going;
· Parking at Christ’s Hospital. Mrs M Edmonds volunteered to liaise with Cllr. Youtan and HDC.
124/14 Finance
i) It was RESOLVED to approve payments totalling £14,141.41 for June 2014 (as reviewed by members present). Details of salaries are available on request;
Cheque/DD / Payee / £ / CommentDD / Saxon Weald / 58.98 / Monthly charge for garage rental
200663 / MRS M BURROUGHS / Monthly Salary
200664 / MR T MOTHE / Monthly salary
200665 / WSCC Pension / 224.25 / Clerks and PC Contribution
200666 / Slinfold Village Hall / 173.25 / April and May
200667 / Horsham Matters / 1353.23 / Q1 Staff and Operational Costs
200668 / Horsham District Council / 195.52 / 1/7 to 30/9
200669 / Paula Redmond / 50.10 / Q1 Allowance
200670 / HMR&C / 736.44 / Q1 Tax & NI
200671 / Slinfold Parish Council / 10,000.00 / Transfer to Barclays
Total / £14,141.41
ii) Legal Costs Cherry Tree – It was RESOLVED to approve a further £3,000 costs for the acquisition of land at Cherry Tree;
iii) Grounds Maintenance Contract – It was RESOLVED to cancel the contract with Commercial Services due to poor service and that the appointment of a new contractor is delegated to the Finance Committee. The Clerk will circulate quotes;
iv) New Accounts with Close Brothers and Lloyds Bank – some signatures were obtained. The Clerk will progress for the next meeting. There is no current concern with leaving monies in the Co-operative Bank;
v) Grant to Scouts – to be considered at the July meeting if the accounts are received.
125/14 Land behind Hayes Lane (Cherry Tree)
i. Update on the legal position with Slinfold LLP and the clubs – Cllr. Bailey provided an update on the position with regards the current status of documentation and agreement to the same. The S106 and commercial agreements should soon be in a position to be agreed. The clubs have both appointed solicitors to provide legal advise and the Parish Council’s solicitors, Hedley’s, will liaise with them;
ii. Approve the signing of legal documents – it was RESOLVED to delegate the completion of the matter to include the signing of the S106 agreement to Cllrs. Bailey and Gibson pending Hedley’s advice and confirmation that it is in order to do so. The legal documents will be signed in line with Standing Orders. The commercial agreements will be signed following approval from the clubs;
iii. Next steps
a. Share details of the clubs legal advisors with Hedley’s;
b. Request that the clubs expedite matters ASAP.
126/14 Highways and Footpaths
Drainage and Flooding Lyons/Five Oaks Road – the Clerk has asked WSCC to provide an update on the work to be done to improve the drainage in the area.
127/14 Consultations, Meeting & Projects
· Village Shop Meeting – an update was provided. The Parish Council has resolved in principle to pursue the possibility of taking over the responsibilities of the Slinfold Village Shop Association Ltd (SVSAL) to ensure the future provision of retail facilities for the village. Terms and Conditions are to be advised. There is nothing more to do at this time. Any agreement will be subject to SVSAL members’ approval. It was agreed to review again in October;
· The Quadrant response – the Parish Council was unable to send in a response to the very tight deadline. The Clerk advised that there still may be an opportunity to comment should the PC wish to do so;
· HDC’s Community Infrastructure Levy Consultation – the response was agreed.
· HDC’s Planning Framework Consultation – the response was agreed (an extract is given at Appendix A);
· Gatwick Airport Consultation (deadline 14th August) - this will be considered at the next meeting. Cllr. Wellesley Wood provided an update on an earlier meeting with Tom Denton.
128/14 Clerk’s Announcements & Documents for Circulation - None
129/14 Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies
Flood Action Group – Cllrs. Day and Wellesley Wood provided an update on the last meeting of the group. A submission has been made to WSCC, Operation Watershed for a grant of £10k. In addition to remedial work, a CCTV survey of the drains is required as well as an annual clearance of gullies and it was agreed in principle that the cost of some of the work would be met from Parish Council reserves.