Example Telephone Reference Questions
Never call without candidate’s permission.
Accept only from those with recent professional relationship to applicant.
Don’t rely on reference letters.
- Has Doctor Smith told you about the position he is applying for? (Briefly tell the reference about your organization and the open position.)
- How do you and Doctor Smith know each other? What is your relationship? For how long?
- Tell me about Doctor Smith’s overall performance.
- What were Doctor Smiths’s duties? Did he supervise anyone? What were their titles?
- What is Doctor Smith really like?
- What do you like about Doctor Smith? What did you like about working with him?
- How does Doctor Smith compare to other physicians in your organization who have the same job?
- Tell me about his communication skills.
- What motivates Doctor Smith?
- Doctor Smith told us (or CV says) that he was responsible for . . . ? Can you tell me about that?
- You said Doctor Smith is really good at . . . Can you give me an example of that?
- When did Doctor Smith start working for you? When did he leave and why? Why didn’t you keep him? Why didn’t you renew his contract?
- Tell me about Doctor Smiths’s performance? Any issues there? How were they resolved?
- What is Doctor Smith like under pressure?
- What is Doctor Smith like when he’s made a mistake and has to correct it?
- How does Doctor Smith act when someone senior to him is wrong and won’t give in? What is he like when politics don’t go his way?
- What kind of people did Doctor Smith have trouble with?
- What kinds of things get Doctor Smith upset?
- If we were to hire Doctor Smith, what areas of his will we have to work on to make sure he succeeds?
- In what areas does Doctor Smith need to improve or strengthen?
- Would you hire Doctor Smith again?
- If you were me, would you send your spouse/child/parent to Doctor Smith?
- Is there someone else you think I should talk to?
- I’ve met (or talked with) Doctor Smith and I think he’s a reasonable candidate for us. What else should the search committee know as we make our hiring decision?
Questions 1-4 are introductory. 5-9 deal with motivation, 10 & 11 tells you if the reference really knows the candidate, 12-18 address any disruptive behavior, and 19 & 20 with weaknesses.
Delve further into any responses of “generally . . . “, “usually . . . “, “most of the time . . . “, or “personally . . . “