MEETING MINUTES FOR February 7, 2012
MEMBERS PRESENT; Gene Lozano, Chair;David Mana-ay, Vice Chair; Art Delao, Randy Hicks,Chris Jensen, Leoma Lee,Colleene Miller, Ex-Officio; Rami Zakaria representing David Villanueva, Ex-Officio.
MEMBERS ABSENT (Excused):Lois Diamond, Paulino Duran, Ex-Officio; Cheryl Martin,Reggie Nelson,Delette Ziegelmann-Jackson.
GUEST(S): Patty Gainer, Consumer Advocate; Jeff Tardaguila, Consumer Advocate
STAFF: John Franklin and Cheryl Bennett, Disability Compliance Office (DCO)
AGENDA ITEM / DISCUSSION/RECOMMENDATIONS / ACTION/NEXT STEPSCall to Order and Introductions / The meeting was called to order with a quorum present. / Those present introduced themselves.
Approval of the Minutes / The Chair called for the approval of the November minutes. / M/S (Lee/Hicks) to approve the November minutes as submitted. Approved, unanimously.
Public Comment Period / Jeff Tardaguila inquired, how may we bring forward disability related issues from other public meetings to the DAC? The Chair responded that the Announcements section of the Agenda was intended for that purpose.
Patty Gainer noted that the Napper lawsuit over proposed changes in the county’s mental health delivery system had been settled. The feeling in the mental health community is that there is now more transparency and community involvement as a result.
New County Web Portal / Rami Zakaria summarized the changes made to the County’s newly redesigned Web portal, The previous one had been overly heavy on the use of text. The new one is designed to be more user friendly to the general public. There are three key new features – how to find your County Supervisor; all information related to your residence, such as property tax or garbage pick-up information; and access to a County Newsletter from the County Public Information Office. There is a new software being tested that converts text in PDF files to speech. There is a free limited version of this software available for download; the full version costs $49. Gene Lozano expressed concern that the cost would be prohibitive for many people with disabilities, who are on limited incomes such as SSI beneficiaries. Mr. Lozano continued that there are ongoing issues with PDF files and screen readers used by people who are blind or visually impaired. Even some of the latest versions of screen reading software, such as JAWS 12, are inconsistent with regard to being able to read different versions of PDF documents. This is of particular concern with regard to sample ballot documents. Mr. Zakaria offered to demonstrate the new text to speech software at the next meeting.
2012 Work Plan / Gene Lozano noted that the DAC Executive Committee met just prior to this DAC meeting and had proposed a work plan for 2012. The topics proposed for this year are: 1) Voting Accessibility; 2) Emergency Preparedness Planning for People with Disabilities; 3) Accessible Public Meetings and Communication. / M/S (Lee/Mana-ay) to approve the proposed DAC 2012 workplan as submitted. Approved, unanimously.
Ex-Officio Reports / Mike Morse announced that a Wi-Fi connection is now installed in the cafeteria in the basement of 700 H Street. Additionally, his staff is developing a design and contract to install an automatic door opener on the doors of the Board of Supervisors’ Chambers.
Colleene Miller noted that the proposed new state budget will have a dire impact once again on the Department of Human Assistance. She offered to bring and discuss a budget impact statement to next month’s meeting.
Chair’s Report / Gene Lozano updated members on the topics discussed at the Executive Committee’s meeting with the Chiefs of Staff. They thanked the Chiefs and the Board for finding the additional funding forWinter Shelter programs. The additional funds provided motel vouchers for people with disabilities and families who could not be accommodated in the Winter Sanctuary program. The Executive Team then followed up on a previous discussion with the Chiefs of Staff regarding the establishment of a funding stream or budget line item to ensure that there were adequate funds to meet requests for interpreter services and other accommodations needed by people with disabilities to participate effectively in public outreach meetings. Lastly, they discussed the need to make county staff informed and aware of the requirement to ensure that contractor’s goods and services are accessible to people with disabilities.
Chief’s Report / John Franklin expanded on the topic of access in contracted services. This issue was recently illustrated by a situation in which a county employee who uses a wheelchair attempted to find counseling services though the county’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP staff provided her with a list of services they stated were located in accessible facilities but on further investigation, she learned that their facilities were NOT compliant with accessibility requirements. Mr. Franklin is working with the Employee Benefit division of Personnel Services to address these issues with the EAP service. Mr. Franklin noted that the DCO’s workload is exceptionally heavy at this time with a marked increase in employee accommodation requests, and a disability discrimination investigation.
Housing Subcommittee Report / Chris Jensen noted that the Housing Subcommittee had developed its workplan for 2012. They will continue working on homeless concerns and any access concerns arising from Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency’s programs and services. In addition, the Affordable Housing Ordinance is being amended in the coming months and the Planning Department has committed to working with the Housing Subcommittee to insure input from the disability community. At the last meeting, Planning Department representative Tim Kohaya presented information regarding a draft plan for Senior Housing Design Guidelines and took input from the Subcommittee regarding considerations for disability access. / Next regular meeting February 16, 2012.
Programs and Services Access Subcommittee Report / This Subcommittee currently has no chair and is not meeting.
Physical Access Subcommittee Report / Gene Lozanoreported that the Subcommittee did not meet in December or January. At the February meeting, Carl Mosher from Airports will update members on the status and progress of addressing the access concerns identified in the September 2011 walk through. Airports staff is meeting with vendors of videophones and exploring options for placement in both Terminal A and B. It is anticipated that all of the access concerns will be completed by the end of this year. / Next meeting February 21, 2011 at 4:30 p.m.
Human Services Coordinating Council (HSCC) Report / There are currently no appointees from the DAC on the HSCC.
Unfinished and New Business, Announcements / Unfinished Business: Staff reminded those members whose term expires in June to submit their membership applications as soon as possible to avoid delays in reappointment. Last year, this process took several months. Announcements: Members made announcements about upcoming events of interest to the disability community.
Adjournment / Adjournment moved (Hicks) and seconded (Lee). Approved unanimously. / Next meeting March 6,2011.