Monthly meeting was held on May 25, 2016 at Young’s Cafeteria, Glen Dale W.V. Kim Johnston chaired the meeting.


Kim Johnston, Covestro


Amber Greenlee, HRE


Brad Simms, OVMC

Norm Pastorius, AEP


Mike Witherno, WVDOH


R.J. Feldmeier, Axiall

Tad Greene, Wetzel County Hospital


Jamie McMullen, Mark West


Mike Mucheck, MCOEM

Chad Weatherson, AEP


Bill Williams, Covestro


Brian Habig, Axiall

lunch provided by: NORIMAC

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved

Financial report: Last Statement-05/16/16, Motion: Amber Greenlee /Approved: R.J. Feldmeier.

Balance: / $9,548.74
Expenses: / $0.00
Deposits: / $1,493.52
Ending Balance: / $11,042.26

Committee Reports:NONE

Communications: If you have not done so, please up-date contact information with “2016 Member Contact Information” form via Amber Greenlee.

Need to get radio back from Air Products at the north end of Covestro, but no one is sure if there is anyone there. Denise Powell is believed to have a phone number for a former Air Products Employee.

Material Assistance:NONE

Medical Assistance: Kim Johnston and Jody Rine will make a presentation at the June meeting on how NORIMAC affiliates can work to prevent job related injuries and illnesses, “Lost time incidents” and how to better manage employee injuries.

Traffic Diversion: Larry Couch’s MEMORANDUM for Employee Roadblock Passage was strongly accepted. Everyone felt it was the best solution.

Motion: R.J. Feldmeier

Second: Bill Williams

Membership:There was discussion about expanding NORIMAC’s Footprint to include Mark West (Mobley, Wetzel County); Dominion (Pine Grove, Wetzel County); several Blue Racer Facilities and a new compression facility in Galmish near Pine Grove, W.V., and a new Compression Facility on McKimmie Ridge near Reader, WV (BOTH in Wetzel County). The overall discussion was that it would definitely be a benefit to NORIMAC, but we definitely need to revisit the policies on things such as traffic diversion, communications and any other related topics. Expanding gives a wider spectrum of communication, supplies,training and knowledge, which will ultimately lead to learning, developing and progressing together.

Nominating Committee: Appointed in October for Nominations and Election @ November Meeting.

Old Business: Invoices have been sent out, please pay accordingly.

New Business: Material Assist Forms are needed for Mark West and any new members.

Also, Norm Pastorius informed all that NORIMAC’s Tax ID Number was deleted out of the Federal System because the Federal Government thought we didn’t use it anymore and were not sure if the organization still existed. Norm has since taken care of this and we now have a Tax ID Number once again.

For the Good of the Organization:Currently updating NORIMAC Procedures Manualand looking into restoring old NORIMAC Roadblock ID Card system.

When is the next Quarterly Drill, and who is going to be doing it?

Announcement of Date, Time and Location of next Meeting: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 @ Clarington Volunteer Fire Department, Lunch at 11:30 / Meeting at 12:00 Noon.

Motion to Adjourn:

Motion: Amber Greenlee

Second: Norm Pastorius