Associated Student Government

Monday, January 23rd 2012

Call to Order 3:08 PM

Present: Elsie Floyd, Melissa Childs, Jaxum Spencer, Ethan Garrison, Nathan House, Hyunkyu Jun, Justin Parter, Scylise Little, Ally Cuneo

Not Present: James Parttman

Approval of Past Minutes

Scylise motions to approve past minutes

Ally seconds

Motion passed

Approval of Devin Miner as a senator

Ally motions to approve Devin Miner as a senator

Justin seconds

Motion passed

Executive Reports


·  Talked with Anna Waycott about the Arcade night

·  Need to pick a date for the event and see about sleeping and travel arrangements

Vice President

·  Have funds request for OCCSA meeting

·  Need someone to accompany Jaxum to the meeting

·  $700 for OCCSA meeting

·  Want to have more advertising for events on campus

Request for funds approval

Scylise motions to approve $700 for OCCSA meeting

Ethan seconds

Motion passed


·  I set up a meeting with Karina to discuss the budget for ASG

Director Reports

Activities Director

·  $650 or less for the bowling night

·  Up to ten teams and seven people per team

Funds request for Intramural bowling

Elsie motions to approve $650 for bowling

Scylise seconds

Motion passed

Clubs Director

·  Clubs rush is tomorrow from 11-1

·  Justin will be there to help out Ethan

Communications Director

·  Take a look at the Laker Loo and look for spelling errors

·  Any events or activities that need to be added into the Laker Loo?

Volunteer Services Director

·  Had a talk with Karina and Elsie and I am resigning from ASG

·  I don’t feel like I can fulfill the time commitment and the office hours

·  Would like to stay on as a senator at this time and focus more on other responsibilities

Approval of Justin Parker as a senator

Jaxum motions to approve Justin as a senator

Scylise seconds

Motion passed

Sustainability Director

·  Will be cleaning the floor soon in the clubs workroom next to the ASG office.

Curry Campus Representative

·  Need to know the date and the time for the event

·  Need to make a sign up sheet for students to know how many are going

·  Can I get more information? Do students need to bring money and how are we transporting for the students?

Other Business

Egyptian Fundraising - There is some interest in using the Performing Arts Center to fundraise for the Egyptian Theatre and making a deal so the Egyptian would only have to pay $100 to use the PAC. ASG would just be supporting it and maybe getting some money back.

Leadership Conference - Feb. 11th there is a leadership conference and I would encourage anyone who wanted to go to talk to me about it. I need to figure out how many people are going and finances.

OCCSA Representative – Amber Hastings is coming tomorrow to talk about legislative issues and meeting with Jaxum to talk about voting and senate bills. If you have time please go talk to Amber sometime tomorrow.

Meeting adjourned 3:37 PM