The Venus-Rahu period (25 February 2015 to 24 February 2018) in Vimshottari next will bring socio-economic transformation in Pakistan and financial STAGNATION in the economy of the country. Rahu is in the second house of national resources and its depositor Venus is in the fourth house of landed property IN PLANETARY WAR AND IS COMBUSTED AND Sun will give the results for the same .

Sun has no digbala strength and a Debilitated Sun is better in the 10th house than Sun in the 4th house

After 15th Sept 2015 there will be Mars and Saturn retrun aspect in the 8th house over natal Ketu In transit Mars and Saturn both are in the eight house Scorpio on the 20th Feb 2016

Pakistan:14 August 1947, 00:00 hrs, Karachi (Pakistan) , Longitude 67 E 03’ and Latitude 24 N 52’.

Source of data:Time Tested Techniques of Mundane Astrology by Vani Publications, Delhi.

Nawaz Sharif Government may fall any time after 9th Jan 2016 when Rahu Transits the 10th house . and Saturn in the Lagna for 2.5 year is a crucial factor for him. Saturn at this point will be in the 8th house of the Pakistan Foundation chart and has activated the natal degrees of Ketu since at the time of being Stationary Saturn between 28th July to 7th August was over Natal Ketu over the same navamsha and very close degrees , now when Rahu Shifts in the Leo sign Saturn will be influencing the 7th from Ketu , which is the eighth house of the foundation chart of Pakistan, as the Pakistan army may put pressure on Nawaz Sharif to call early elections and threaten to impose martial law if he refuses. The most likely period of the fall of Sharif government will be in year 2016 when Mars is fallen in the sign of Libra, at this point of time Mars the Lagna Lord of the Nawaz Sharif Oath taking chart and will pose all kinds of hastles for him, infact the bad time will start from 15th Sept. 2015 when Mars will be aquare to Saturn and there will be return aspect of the two. The period of Venus-Rahu-Mercury period in Vimshottari, when transiting Rahu will be in Leo the tenth house of the Oath Taking Chart of Nawaz Sharif and it will eclipse his Political career as the Prime Minister of Pakistan..

Since we don’t have the authentic horoscope of Nawaz Sharif so i am taking his swearing-in chart here to see when he is going to overcome from the current political crisis in Pakistan.

Oath Taking Chart of Nawaz Sharif:

5 June 2013 , 17:33:50 hrs, Islamabad (Pakistan) , (Time Zone 05:00 east) , Longitude 73 E 10 , Latitude 33 N 42 , Lahiri Ayanmsha used.

Source of Data: From the article of Pakistani astrologer, Muhammad Imran published in Saptarashi Astrology web site.

In the swearing-in chart of Nawaz Sharif, the lagan is a fixed sign Scorpio, which is good, but there is no benefic in Kendra (Square) from the lagan as well as from the Moon, which is an apparent weakness. The Moon is in Bharini Nakshatra, which is aKroora(malefic) Nakshatra and it is not favored, as per the classics of Muhurta in the Hindu Astrology, for swearing-in ceremonies. The Mercury, which is the 8thlord signifying longevity of the government, and Rahu, placed in the twelfth house of humiliation, are the two planets which are very closed to the degrees of Mrityu-bhag thus having propensities to inflict danger.

The Sharif government may fall within two and half year’s period of Saturn’s transit into Scorpio sign, which is also the eighth house of the foundation chart of Pakistan, as the Pakistan army may put pressure on Nawaz Sharif to call early elections and threaten to impose martial law if he refuses. The most likely period of the fall of Sharif government will be in year 2016, when transiting Rahu will be in Leo the tenth house of the Oath Taking Chart of Nawaz Sharif and it will eclipse his political career as the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The Imran Khan will rise then as the most popular leader of Pakistan and will surely become the prime minister of his country when the elections will be conduct next.

Let us first see the Panchang Parameters along with Placement of the Day lord, Lagnesh, Karyesh, Moon and Rahu in the Yama chart

As per the Panchang Parameters the 5 limbs of the Muhurat chart

Day Lord is Mercuryplaced in the 8th house , who is also the 11th Lord of gains and is Karyesh and in the nakshatra of Rahu who is In forward motion is the most crucial parameter in the Muhurat chart to give adverse results.


TithiKP-13 and Day lord Mercury

formingMrityu Yoga


Nakshatra Bharini Aggressive nakshatra and is adverse for auspicious muhurats


YogaAtigandha Inauspicious

KarnaTaitila .

Moonis placed in the 6th house in the nakshatra of Bharini whose lord is placed in the 8th house in the Nakshatra of Rahu who is in forward motion is again adverse for the Muhurat. Moon is in Rahu-ketu axis in close degrees and hence Rahu is in Forward motion . Moon is also afflicted by Saturn . Moon afflicted badly Inauspicious

Yama chart AboveAs per this chart ,Rahu is placed in the Eastern direction is adverse for the Muhuratand specially when it is in forward motion,it is with Retrograde Saturn in Rahu nakshatra and is aspecting the 9th house with its powerful 10th aspect , it is also afflicting Moon and the 9th lord Moon, clearly shows that there has been rigging in the Elections held in June 2013 and will be surfaced the Moment Rahu goes in the Arudha Lagna Virgo..

Planets in Rahu nakshatra are Saturn, Mercury and Venus are negative for the Muhurat.

Uday Lagna is Scorpio, Arudha Lagna is Virgo and Chaitra Rashi is Gemini 8th house , from Moon Uday Lagna and ArudhaLagna not Placed well and Chaitra Rashi in the 8th house is alsoInauspicious.

The Bhav Bala of Virgo is the strongest hence till Rahu is there in Virgo will be a most crucial Period from 14th July 2014 till 9th Jan 2016 ever since Rahu has ingressed in virgo for Nawaz Sharif , since Rahu is adverse.When Mercury ingresses in Virgo on the 23rdAugust 2015 could also be fructifying factor for adversity for Nawaz Sharif. Strong protest by US and the Aid given to Pakistan may be withdrawns .

Lagnais Scorpio 00.36 degrees in the nakshatra of Vishaka whose lord is placed in the 8th house . Lagna is Shirshodayo and aspected by its Lord Mars , but Mars is placed in a Dagdha Rashi with 10th Lord Sun who is also the owner of a Dagdha Rashi, Mars is also the 6th Lord , There is no benefic placed in Kendra or Trikona , Although the Lagna is Fixed but in Rashi sandhi is weak. Navamshathe sign rising is the 9th house of the Muhurat chart Cancer movable sign having malefic connection, hence the change will be with malefic influence for Nawaz Sharif. Lagnais having Sun and aspected by Saturn who has come in the 7th house and aspecting the Lagna , hence there are bound to be Judicairy problems and could be rigging in the elections as stated above.

The Oath taking chart is not conducive to bring good results as per the above Parameters and its fortification will entirely depend on the transitting planets , specially Saturn, Rahu and Jupiter, Moon and Mars .

In the Present scenario Mars has joined Saturn in the 12th house on the 14th July 2014 and Rahu who was in forward motion has come in the 11th house of gains and since was adverse creating adversities for Nawas Sharif , although Jupiter in transit is aspecting the Lagna from the 9th house but again Jupiter is also aspected by Saturn. If you look at theTransit of the 23rd August 2015 when Mercury 8th Lord will be in the 11th house over Transit Rahu. The moment Mars goes in Leo will be a period which could put Pakistan in doldrums and when Mar and Saturn join Lagna on the 20th Feb. 2016 will be Period when Navaz will be put into Trouble and may have to step down .Mercury Transit in Virgo could also act as a fuel to the fire against him till 29th Oct. 2015. And will be a crucial l period for Nawaz Sharif. Nawaz Sharif Position as a Prime Minister could again be at stake when Saturn ingresses the Scorpio sign and the Lagna of the Muhurat chart after the 2nd Nov . 2014. Jupiter could save him for some time till Jupiter aspects the Lagna ,but again Jupiter is also influenced by Saturn and is in the sign of Mercury in the yama chart and will not be able to give the required Protection. Saturn in the Lagna will then be in the 8th from the Muhurat Moon and Chaitra Rashi . Hence the Nawaz Sharif is bound to get into trouble soon. The Country it seems is heading for Disaster and The Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif may have to step down due to military interventions/terrorism /Us withdrawing Financial asistance .The period therefore from 23rd August to 29th Oct. 2015 and then from 15th Sept. 2015 to 3rd Nov. 2015 and the Till Mars is there in the Scorpio sign for 211 days could bring the downfall of Navaz Shariff in the Present context.

anil aggarwala

14th August 2014