Lesson Plans – Subject to Change
World History 6th Grade Graves, Halter, Martin
Week of: 05.16 to 05.20 / Unit : Unit 7 Ancient Rome / Duration: 5 weeksStandard(s): / Ancient Rome
SS.6.E.3.3 Describe the traditional economy of Rome and elements of those economies that led to the rise of a merchant class and trading partners.
SS.6.W.3.1 Analyze the cultural impact the ancient Phoenicians had on the Mediterranean world with regard to colonization (Carthage), exploration, maritime commerce (purple dye, tin), and written communication (alphabet).
SS.6.W.3.8 Determine the impact of significant figures associated with ancient Rome. Examples are Augustus, Cicero, Cincinnatus, Cleopatra, Constantine the Great, Diocletian, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, Hadrian, Hannibal, Horace, Julius Caesar, Ovid, Romulus and Remus, Marcus Aurelius, Scipio Africanus, Virgil, Theodosius and Attila the Hun.
SS.6.W.3.9 Explain the impact of the Punic wars on the development of the Roman Empire.
SS.6.W.3.10 Describe the government of the Roman Republic and its contribution to the development of democratic principles (separation of powers, rule of law, representative government, and civic duty).
SS.6.W.3.11 Explain the transition from Roman Republic to empire and Imperil Rome, and compare Roman life and culture under each one.
SS.6.W.3.12 Explain the causes for the growth and longevity of the roman empire. Examples are centralized and efficient government, religious toleration, expansion of citizenship, the legion. And the extension of road networks.
SS.6.W.3.13 Identify the key figures and basic beliefs of early Christianity and how these beliefs impacted the Roman Empire. Examples are Christian monotheism, Jesus as the son of God, Peter, Paul.
SS.6.W.3.14 Describe the key achievements and contributions of Roman civilization. Examples are art and architecture, engineering, law, literature, and technology.
SS.6.W.3.15 Explain the reasons for the gradual decline of the Western Roman Empire after the Pax Romana. Examples are internal power struggles, constant Germanic pressure on the frontiers, economic policies, over dependence on slavery and mercenary soldiers.
SS.6.W.3.16 Compare life in the Roman Republic for patricians, plebeians, women, children and slaves.
SS.6.W.3.17 Explain the spread and influence of the Latin language on Western Civilization. Examples are education, law, medicine, religion and science.
SS.6.C.1.2 Identify how the government of the Roman Republic contributed to the development of democratic principles (separation of powers, rule of law, representative government, and civic duty).
SS.6.C.2.1 Identify principles (civic participation, role of government) from ancient Greek and Roman civilizations which are reflected in the American political process today, and discuss their effect on the American political process.
Learning Goal: / Students will recognize significant events, figures and contributions of ancient Rome.
Essential Question / Who and what from ancient Rome made the greatest impact on future civilizations and our world today?
Assessment: / Unit Assessment, End Product, mini DBQ
Key Vocabulary / Forum, republic, legion, maniple, toga, veto, senate, patriarchal, society/paterfamilias, villas, empire, province, concrete, aqueduct, Romance languages, satire, gladiator, mosaics
Monday / Benchmark: SS.6.W.3.11 / Roman transition
Daily Objective / Explain the transition from Roman Republic to empire and Imperil Rome, and compare Roman life and culture under each one.
ANTICIPATE (Bell Ringer) / Citizenship in Athens and Rome—which do you believe is the better system? Explain?
I DO: / Introduce the transition of the Roman Republic into an empire and Imperil Rome (Textbook pages 336 – 337)
WE DO: / Discuss key points
You DO: / Create a Flow Map
REFLECT:(Exit Ticket) / How did the Pax Romana help create economic growth in the empire?
Homework / Work on Flow map
Tuesday / Benchmark: SS.6.W.3.14 / Roman Achievements
Daily Agenda
Daily Objective / Describe the key achievements and contributions of Roman civilization. Examples are art and architecture, engineering, law, literature, and technology.
ANTICIPATE( Bell ringer) / What type of leaders ruled the Roman Empire and how did they affect the Roman Republic?
I DO: / Introduce Roman achievements
WE DO: / Discuss key points
You DO: / Begin creating a foldable.
(Exit Ticket) / How did roads, aqueducts, and concrete contribute to city life of Rome?
Homework / Work on foldable
Wednesday / Benchmark: SS.6.W.3.8 / Roman Key Figures
Daily Agenda
Daily Objective / Determine the impact of significant figures associated with ancient Rome. Examples are Augustus, Cicero, Cincinnatus, Cleopatra, Constantine the Great, Diocletian, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, Hadrian, Hannibal, Horace, Julius Caesar, Ovid, Romulus and Remus, Marcus Aurelius, Scipio Africanus, Virgil, Theodosius and Attila the Hun.
( Bell Ringer) / What was concrete made from? Why was it’s use important?
I DO: / Introduce Roman key figures
WE DO: / Discuss key points
You DO: / Add the achievements of key figures to foldable
(Exit Ticket) / What were some of Augustus’ achievements? Explain their important to Roman civilization.
Homework / Work on foldable
Thursday / Benchmark: SS.6.W.3.8 / Roman Key Figures
Daily Agenda
Daily Objective / Determine the impact of significant figures associated with ancient Rome. Examples are Augustus, Cicero, Cincinnatus, Cleopatra, Constantine the Great, Diocletian, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, Hadrian, Hannibal, Horace, Julius Caesar, Ovid, Romulus and Remus, Marcus Aurelius, Scipio Africanus, Virgil, Theodosius and Attila the Hun.
( Bell Ringer) / Why is Cicero remembered? Explain his achievements?
I DO: / Continue with Roman key figures
WE DO: / Discuss key points
You DO: / Add the achievements of key figures to foldable
(Exit Ticket) / Who was Constantine the Great? Why is he a key Roman figures?
Homework / Work on foldable
Friday / Benchmark: SS.6.W.3.12 / Roman Growth and Longevity
Daily Agenda
Daily Objective / Explain the causes for the growth and longevity of the roman empire. Examples are centralized and efficient government, religious toleration, expansion of citizenship, the legion. And the extension of road networks.
ANTICIPATE( Bell ringer) / In what area of achievements did Roma excel? Explain.
I DO: / Introduce Roman growth and longevity (Halter: Weekly Review Drill)
WE DO: / Discuss key points
You DO: / Take Cornell Notes
(Exit Ticket) / Explain religious tolerance and explain how it relates to modern times.
Homework / Wriite questions ansd reflection for Cornell Notes.
Scale # / Requirements for Level4 / I understand the principles of the Roman empire and Imperil Rome and I can compare them to the United States.
3 / I can explain the Roman empire and Imperil Rome and their affects on ancient Roman civilization.
2 / I can describe the development of the Roman Empire and Imperil Rome.
1 / I have some background knowledge and a few of the vocabulary words down, but I still need help with tasks.
0 / I have no experience with this topic and I need to start at the beginning.
WICR Strategies used during each unit.Writing
Writing activities that help
students understand the
content / Inquiry
Questioning strategies
that help students
understand the content / Collaboration
Working together with a
partner or in a group of
students to understand, to
problem solve, or to
complete a task/project / Reading
Any strategies in reading
that help students
• summaries
Process writing
• using a rubric as evaluation
On-demand/Timed writing
• writing that is completed in class within a set amount of time
• grade is evaluated using a rubric
Cornell Notes
• taking notes on the most important information
• summarizing
• using the notes to study
Reflective writing
• students write about what they have learned and what they still need / Higher level questioning
in classes
• Costa’s Level 1: Students
find the answers right there
in the text.
• Costa’s Level 2: Students
must figure out the answer
from information in the
• Costa’s Level 3: Students
apply what they have
learned or use what they
have learned to evaluate or
create. / Think Pair Share
Sharing ideas with a
partner or in a group
Carousel/Gallery Walk
Problem solving in groups
Projects in groups / Before reading activities
• vocabulary activities
• accessing prior knowledge
• making predictions
During reading activities
• marking the text
• Cornell notes
• graphic organizers
After reading strategies
• summarizing
• group projects
Accommodations used daily on an individual basis in accordance with IEP and 504 plans and ELL Students
· Read directions for the student
· Check for understanding
· Allow to leave class for assistance
· Extra time for exams
· Daily agenda / · Allow student time to step out to de-escalate
· Testing in small groups
· Use of a planner/binder for organization
· English Language Dictionary / · Extended time on assignments =1 day
· Preferential seating
· Written direction given
· Break directions into chunks / · Read Aloud to Students
· Visual manipulatives
· Cooperative Learning,
· Vocabulary, Description, Introduction,