System software and machine architecture - The Simplified Instructional Computer (SIC) - Machine architecture - Data and instruction formats - addressing modes - instruction sets – I/O and programming
To understand the relationship between system software and machine architecture.
SessionNo / Topics to be covered / Time Allocation / Books Referred / Teaching Method
1. / Introduction to System Software & Machine architecture. Simplified Instructional Computer (SIC). / 50m / 1(15-18) / BB/LCD
2. / SIC/standard version -Machine Architecture – Memory, Registers, Data Formats, Instruction format, Addressing Modes, Instruction Set, Input and Output. / 50m / 1(19-21) / BB/LCD
3. / SIC/XE –Machine Architecture – Memory, Registers, Data Formats, Instruction format, Addressing Modes, Instruction Set, Input and Output. / 50m / 1(21-26) / BB/LCD
4. / SIC/XE – Instruction Sets. / 50m / 1(25-26) / BB/LCD
5. / SIC/XE – Addressing Modes with example. / 50m / 1(23-24) / BB/LCD
6 / Tutorial on SIC Program / 50m / BB/LCD
7 / SIC – Programming Examples (Data movement, arithmetic operation & Indexing, looping) / 50m / 1(26-31) / BB/LCD
8 / SIC /XE – Programming Examples (Data movement, arithmetic operation & Indexing, looping) / 50m / 1(26-31) / BB/LCD
9 / SIC & SIC/XE– Programming Examples (Input/Output & Subroutine/record input) / 50m / 1(32-34) / BB/LCD
10 / Tutorial on SIC /XE Program / 50m / BB/LCD
11 / RISC and CISC / 50m / 1(35-54) / BB/LCD
Basic assembler functions - A simple SIC assembler - Assembler algorithm and data structures - Machine dependent assembler features - Instruction formats and addressing modes - Program relocation - Machine independent assembler features - Literals - Symbol-defining statements - Expressions - One pass assemblers and Multi pass assemblers - Implementation example - MASM assembler
To understand the design and implementation of assemblers.
SessionNo / Topics to be covered / Time Allocation / Books Referred / Teaching Method
12 / Basic Assembler Functions
A Simple SIC Assembler / 50m / 1(57-64) / BB/LCD
13 / Assembler algorithm and Data Structure / 20m
30m / 1(64-66) / BB/LCD
14 / Pass I Algorithm / 50m / 1(66-67) / BB/LCD
15 / Pass II Algorithm / 50m / 1(68) / BB/LCD
16 / Tutorials on Algorithms / 50m / BB/LCD
17 / Machine-Dependent Assembler Features - Instructions Formats and Addressing Modes / 50m / 1(66-75) / BB/LCD
18 / Program Relocation / 50m / 1(75-79) / BB/LCD
19 / Machine-Independent Assembler Features- Literals / 50m / 1(80-85) / BB/LCD
20 / Symbol Defining Statements / 50m / 1(85-89) / BB/LCD
21 / Expressions / 50m / 1(89-91) / BB/LCD
22 / Assembler Design Options
One-Pass Assemblers / 50m / 1(106-112) / BB/LCD
23 / Multi Pass - Assemblers
Implementation Example-MASM assembler / 50m / 1(112-119) / BB/LCD
24 / Tutorials on one pass and Multi-pass assembler. / 50m / BB/LCD
Continuous Assessment Test -I / 75m
Loaders & Linkers
Basic loader functions - Design of an Absolute Loader - A Simple Bootstrap Loader - Machine dependent loader features - Relocation - Program Linking - Algorithm and Data Structures for Linking Loader - Machine-independent loader features - Automatic Library Search - Loader Options - Loader design options - Linkage Editors - Dynamic Linking - Bootstrap Loaders - Implementation example - MSDOS linker.
To understand the design and implementation of linkers and loaders.
Macro processors:
Basic macro processor functions - Macro Definition and Expansion - Macro Processor Algorithm and data structures - Machine-independent macro processor features – Concatenation of Macro Parameters - Generation of Unique Labels - Conditional Macro Expansion– Keyword Macro Parameters-Macro within Macro-Implementation example - MASM Macro Processor - ANSI C Macro language.
To have an understanding of Macro Processors.
SessionNo / Topics to be covered / Time Allocation / Books Referred / Teaching Method
37 / Basic Macro Processors Functions
Macro Definition and Expansion / 50m / 1(190-194) / BB/LCD
38 / Macro Processors – Data Structures / 50m / 1(195-197) / BB/LCD
39 / Algorithm for Macro Processor / 50m / 1(198-200) / BB/LCD
40 / Tutorial on Macro Processor / 50m / BB/LCD
41 / Machine Independent Macro Processor features - Concatenation of Macro Parameters,
Generation of Unique Labels / 50m / 1(200-203) / BB/LCD
42 / Conditional Macro Expansion / 50m / 1(203-210) / BB/LCD
43 / Keyword Macro Parameters / 50m / 1(210-211) / BB/LCD
44 / Recursive Macro Expansion (Macro within Macro) / 50m / 1(213-216) / BB/LCD
45 / Implementation Examples-
MASM Macro Processor / 50m / 1(230-223) / BB/LCD
46 / ANSIC Macro Language / 50m / 1(223-227) / BB/LCD
47 / Summary and tutorials / 50m / BB/LCD
Continuous Assessment Test -II / 75m
System Software Tools:
Text editors - Overview of the Editing Process - User Interface - Editor Structure –
Interactive debugging systems - Debugging functions and capabilities - Relationship with other parts of the system - User-Interface Criteria.
To have an understanding of system software tools.
SessionNo / Topics to be covered / Time Allocation / Books Referred / Teaching Method
48 / Text Editors
Overview of the Editing Process / 50m / 1(445-446) / BB/LCD
49 / User Interface / 50m / 1(446-449) / BB/LCD
50 / Editor Structure / 50m / 1(449-454) / BB/LCD
51 / Tutorial on Text Editor / 50m / BB/LCD
52 / Interactive Debugging Systems
Debugging Function and Capabilities / 50m / 1(454-458) / BB/LCD
53 / Debugger Relationship with the Other Parts of the System / 50m / 1(458-459) / BB/LCD
54 / User Interface Criteria / 50m / 1(459-460) / BB/LCD
55 / Summary and tutorials / 50m / BB/LCD
Continuous Assessment Test –III / 75m
Course Delivery Plan:
1. Leland L. Beck, “System Software – An Introduction to Systems Programming”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2000.
1. D. M. Dhamdhere, “Systems Programming and Operating Systems”, Second Revised Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1999.
2. John J. Donovan “Systems Programming”, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 1972.
3. John R. Levine, Linkers & Loaders – Harcourt India Pvt. Ltd., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2000.
Prepared by / Approved bySignature
Name / Ms.G.Sangeetha
Ms.B.Lalithambigai / Dr.D.Balasubramanian
Designation / Assistant Professor/IT / HOD/IT
Date / 24-06-14 / 24-06-14