Board of Fire Commissioners
Windsor Locks Fire Department
Minutes–Wednesday, May 14, 2014
- Call to Order
-The meeting ofMay 14, 2014was called to order by Chairman Dennis Gragnolatiat 7:32p.m.
- Pledge of Allegiance
3.Roll Call
-Commissioners present: Dennis Gragnolati, Dan Riley, Pat Courtney and David Montemerlo
-Chiefs present: Chief Ruggiero and Assistant Chief DeBella
-Fire Marshal present: John Kupernik for Mike Sinsigalli who was absent
- Secretary’s Report–
ChairmanGragnolatientertained a motion to approve the Secretary’s Report for the meeting of April 9, 2014.Motion was made by Commissioner Courtney and seconded by Commissioner Montemerlo to approve the minutes as submitted. All Commissioners voted in favor of the motion.
4.Report of Officers
-Fire Marshal report–
-Fire Marshal Sinsigalli is at the National Fire Academy. No report was submitted, two will be given next month.
-No ongoing fire investigations and no new plans were received.
-John Kupernik is having on going difficulties getting in our computers. He needs to be able to access the computers to do his job. Chief Ruggiero will contact the correct people to get this fixed.
-Chief report
-There were 24 alarms and 3drills duringApril
-Haz Mat Operational Refresher course was held during the month of April.
-On April 2st the Department was dispatched to a fire on Greenview Lane. The call was a working fire and considerable amount of fire damage was done to the structure. The Department did a great job stopping the spread of the fire.
-On April 18th we got called to assist on a fire in Red Hill Trailer Park in Warehouse Point on a mutual aid request.
April 20th there was a fire at LaQuinta Inn. It was called in as a mulch fire but was actually a fire in the structure and walls.
-May 4th the tower ladder was officially taken out of service and started its trip to Seagraves. Much thanks to our Stewards and Firefighters who removed the equipment from Tower 1 and relocated much of its equipment on our other apparatus.
-Making arrangements for the “ride to school on a fire truck” to support the dollars for scholars.
-Francis DeBella has been attending Department meetings representing the Fire Department.
5.Standing Committees-
Purchasing– Ongoing.
Budget – Winding down this years’ budget process, we have not gotten a copy back. Next Tuesday is the Town meeting to vote on the budget.
Truck Committee – Ladder left Monday night will be there tonight or tomorrow .
Training- We have the Gas Company coming in for training, next Tuesday. We are also trying to combine with Enfield to get some Rail training.
Building Committee– We will be setting up that Committee soon, looking for people that would like to be on the committee to study the needs of this building. We need people from the public.
Human Resources– We have one application we are working to finalize. Amber Hill is here and ready to be sworn in.
Discussed the possibility of advertising for new Fire Department members on the sign out front. Chairman Gragnolati asked if we have any money in our budget to make flyers to insert into the tax bills making people aware that we could use some more members. This will be looked into further.
Town Ordinance – No report.
6.Old Business - None
7.New Business–
-Next Wednesday is the meeting Hartford County Fire Emergency Plan meeting. They also have an apparatus showcase. Good networking event. Donna Kupernik is the President, she is leaving in June and will be replaced with John Kupernik.
-May 26th is the Memorial Day Parade.
-July 11, 12 and 13 will be the carnival and parade. The Social Officers have been running the carnival for the past few years. The President is Chris Lemay.
-In 2015 it’s the Departments 125th year anniversary.
-The three new members will be taking Firefighter 1 course over the summer.
8.Appointments and Promotions –None
-Chairman Gragnolati swore in a new member, Amber Hill.
9.Correspondence - None.
10.Public Input – None
11.Commission Comments– None
12. Announcements–None
Chairman Gragnolatientertained a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 p.m. Motion made by Commissioner Courtneyand seconded by Commissioner Montemerlo. All Commissioners voted in favor.
Submitted by Susan Urso,