Wednesday, October 22, 2014

3:00 p.m.

Present: Chris Cornell, Ryan Wyckoff,Candice Milam, Bob Mattson, Kathy Leary, Stacy Ehmen


Academic Affairs:

The team discussed Math placement. It was a short meeting.


Thanksgiving potluck will be held November 13.

The Holiday Party will be held December 5 at Turtle Run.


The team went on trip to the Krannert Center.

Hispanic Fair was held.

Discussing possibility of having a comedy group come to campus.

Planning a Food Festival for November 18.

Employee Development Team:

Team has not met.


The team did not meet in October.

The team is looking at how courses are filled, how register people. Looking at doing a modified purge/drop….you haven’t paid this is what you can do. Not doing in January as it is such a short time period. Possibly reinstate purge for fall 2015.

Registration starts Monday. Campaign: Be a Smarty, register early. Smarty candy is being handed out to students.

The college will be going to mandatory advisement eventually. Will be year round and hope all can register online.

Human, Financial & Physical Resources:

No meeting.


Technology testing information presented by Vic Dudley. Fall 2013, a pilot test was given to the Success in College classes. The students’ scores averaged around 50%. No spring test was given because the interfacing with Labyrinth testing company did not work.

The champions are meeting the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 12:30 p.m.

A sub-committee was formed to look at the assessment that college offices are doing.

On October 27-29 the department deans and the champions will be attending a Higher Learning Commission Workshop on assessment at the Q Center in St. Charles, Illinois.

A discussion was held on how we do assessment. Items discussed were slowing down the process and giving faculty time to look at their assessments and be able to give feedback on what happen the year after the assessment. Dave K. offered to tie program money to assessments to encourage full time faculty to complete their assessments.

Next meeting date will be November 18, 2014 at 3:00 p.m.

Student Support & Development:

Spirit Week daily activities are going on this week. Chili cook off was held. Pictures for costume contests are being formatted today to be published.

A movie night is being discussed by the team. Probably for whole family, around Christmas and have popcorn.

Technology Resources & Services:

The team met in September.

The college is working on hiring a new Director, Computer & Network Services. Have held some interviews but have reposted the position due to rewording of the job description.

The team discussed new curtains for Bremer, training for interactive white boards, google drive and blackboard.


There was a verbal PIF shared regarding the cleaning off of the tables in the Student Union area. The issue will be shared with Mike Cunningham.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, December 17, 2014