Professor and Range Ecologist, Retired in 1998

Rancher, Quartz Valley Red Angus, Purebred Red Angus Cattle

Current address:

Dr. John W. Menke

10935 Quartz Valley Road

Fort Jones, CA 96032

(530) 468-5341


Academic Degrees:

Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Ph.D., Range Ecology, 1973

University of California, Davis, M.S., Agronomy, 1970

University of California, Davis, B.S., Range Management, 1969

American River College, Sacramento, A.A., Mathematics, 1967


Red Angus Association of America

Professional Experience:

1997-1998 Range Ecologist, Department of Agronomy and Range Science,

University of California, Davis; Range Ecologist (Temporary),

Klamath National Forest stationed at Fort Jones.

1995-1997Range Ecologist, Department of Agronomy and Range Science, University of California, Davis; Intergovernmental Personnel Agreement, Klamath National Forest stationed at Fort Jones.

1993-1995Professor, Department of Agronomy and Range Science, University of California, Davis; Intergovernmental Personnel Agreement, Klamath National Forest stationed at Fort Jones.

1986-1993 Professor, Department of Agronomy and Range Science, University of California, Davis

1979-1985Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy and Range Science, University of California, Davis

1973-1978Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry and Resource Management, University of California, Berkeley


1978Summer Teaching Honorarium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Department of Forestry

1983/84International Agriculture Center Fellowship, Agricultural University, Wageningen, The Netherlands

1990"The Outstanding Professor of the Year Award", University of California, Ecology Graduate Student Association

1991Klamath National Forest, Forest Supervisor's Award for dedication and scientific support in ecology and land management planning


Trlica, M. J., M. Buwai, and J. W. Menke. 1977. Effects of rest following defoliations on the recovery of several range species. J. Range Manage. 30:2127.

Menke, J. W., and R. Villasenor. 1977. The California Mediterranean ecosystem. Pages 257-270 In: Proc. of the Symposium on the Environmental Consequences of Fire and Fuel Management in Mediterranean Ecosystems. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. WO3.

Wakimoto, R. H., and J. W. Menke. 1978. Measuring chaparral fuels. Calif. Agric. 32(10):1516.

Monette, N. H., and J. W. Menke. 1979. Determining range site potential on annual rangeland. Rangelands 1:3133.

Menke, J. W. 1979. Ecological impact of fires on community productivity, structure and diversity. Pages 23-25 In: Fire and Fuel Management in MediterraneanClimate Ecosystems: Research Priorities and Programmes. James K. Agee (Ed.). UNESCO MAB Technical Note 11.

Ruyle, G. B., J. W. Menke, and D. L. Lancaster. 1980. Delayed grazing may improve upland waterfowl habitat. Calif. Agric. 34(11 and 12):2931.

Kie, J. G., J. W. Menke, J. R. David, and W. M. Longhurst. 1980. Mitigating the effects of reservoir development on blacktailed deer in Trinity County, California. CalNeva Wildlife Transact. pp. 2740.

Menke, J. W., and M. E. Fry. 1981. Trends in oak utilization Fuelwood, mast production, animal use. Pages 297-305 In: Proc. of the Symposium on Ecology, Management and Utilization of California Oaks. USDA Forest Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW44.

Menke, J. W., and M. J. Trlica. 1981. Carbohydrate reserve, phenology and growth cycles of nine Colorado range species. J. Range Manage. 34:269277.

Cavallaro, J. I., J. W. Menke, and W. A. Williams. 1981. Use of discriminant analysis and other statistical methods in analyzing microhabitat utilization of duskyfooted woodrats. Pages 222-231 In: Proc. Workshop on the Use of Multivariate Statistics in Studies of Wildlife Habitat. USDA Forest Serv. Gen. Technical Rep. RM87.

Kie, J. G., T. S. Burton, and J. W. Menke. 1982. Deer populations and reservoir construction in Trinity County, California. Calif. Fish and Game 68:109117.

Perrier, G. K., W. A. Williams, and J. W. Menke. 1982. Tarweed, an unloved annualtype range plant. Rangelands 4:149150.

Menke, J. W., and M. J. Trlica. 1983. Effects of single and sequential defoliations on the carbohydrate reserves of four range species. J. Range Manage. 36:7074.

Pendleton, D. F., J. W. Menke, W. A. Williams and R. G. Woodmansee. 1983. Annual Grassland Ecosystem Model. Hilgardia 51:144.

Ewing, A. L., and J. W. Menke. 1983. Reproductive potential of Bromus mollis and Avena barbata under drought conditions. Madrono 30:159167.

Ewing, A. L., and J. W. Menke. 1983. Response of soft chess (Bromus mollis) and slender oat (Avena barbata) to simulated drought cycles. J. Range Manage. 36:415418.

Menke, John W. (ed.). 1983. Proc. of the Workshop on Livestock and WildlifeFisheries Relationship in the Great Basin, May 35, 1977, Sparks, Nevada. California Agricultural Experiment Station Special Publication No. 3301, 173 pp.

Kie, J. G., T. S. Burton, and J. W. Menke. 1984. Comparative condition of blacktailed deer, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus, in two herds in Trinity County, California. Calif. Fish and Game 70:7888.

Kie, J. G., T. S. Burton, J. W. Menke, and W. E. Grenfell, Jr. 1984. Food habits of blacktailed deer, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus, in Trinity County, California. Calif. Fish and Game 70:183186.

Menke, J. W., and M. F. Miller. 1984. Sampling and statistical considerations in range resource inventories: Comment and discussion. Pages 789-807 In: Developing Strategies for Rangeland Management. National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.

Loft, E. R., and J. W. Menke. 1984. Deer use and habitat characteristics of transmission-line corridors in a Douglas fir forest. J. Wildl. Manage. 48:1311-1316.

Loft, E. R., J. W. Menke, and T. S. Burton. 1984. Seasonal movements and summer habitats of female black-tailed deer. J. Wildl. Manage. 48:1317-1325.

Nichols, R., and J. Menke. 1984. Effects of chaparral shrubland fire on terrestrial wildlife. Pages 74-97 In: J. J. DeVries (ed.) Shrublands in California: Literature Review and Research Needed for Management. Calif. Water Resources Center Contrib. No. 191, Univ. of California.

Nichols, R., T. Adams, and J. Menke. 1984. Shrubland management for livestock production. Pages 104-121 In: J. J. DeVries (ed.) Shrublands in California: Literature Review and Research Needed for Management. Calif. Water Resources Center Contrib. No. 191, Univ. of California.

George, M., J. Clawson, J. Menke, and J. Bartolome. 1985. Annual grassland forage productivity. Rangelands 7:17-19.

Caldwell, R. M., J. W. Menke, and D. A. Duncan. 1985. Effects of sulfur fertilization on productivity and botanical composition of California annual grassland. J. Range Manage. 38:108-113.

Rice, K. J., and J. W. Menke. 1985. Competitive reversals and environment-dependent resource partitioning in Erodium. Oecologia 67:430-434.

Loft, E. R., J. W. Menke, and J. G. Kie. 1986. Interaction of cattle and deer on mountain rangeland. Calif. Agric. 40:69.

Keulen, H. van, H. Breman, J. J. van der Lek, J. W. Menke, L. Stroosnijder, and P. W. J. Uithol. 1986. Prediction of actual primary production under nitrogen limitation. Pages 42-79 In: Proc. Workshop Modelling Extensive Livestock Production Systems. N. de Ridder, H. van Keulen, and N. G. Seligman. (eds.) International Livestock Center for Africa, Addis Ababa.

Loft, E. R., J. W. Menke, J. G. Kie, and R. C. Bertram. 1987. Influence of cattle stocking rate on the structural profile of deer hiding cover. J. Wildl. Manage. 51:655-664.

Welker, J. M. and J. W. Menke. 1987. Quercus douglasii seedling water relations in mesic and grazing-induced xeric environments. Pages 229-234 In: Proc. Internatl. Conf. Measurement of Soil and Plant Water Status. Vol. 2. Plants. July 6-10, 1987. Utah State University, Logan.

Menke, J. W. 1987. Indicators for production changes. Pages 1216 In: Monitoring Animal Performance and Production Symposium Proceedings. February 12, 1987, Boise, Idaho. Society for Range Management, Denver, Colorado.

Loft, E. R., T. S. Burton, J. W. Menke, and G. E. Peterson. 1988. Characterization of black-tailed deer habitats in a northern California oak-conifer zone. Calif. Fish and Game 74:154-171.

Haferkamp, M. R., P. O. Currie, J. Menke, and B. Zamora. (eds.). 1988. Range Research Areas in the Western United States. Oregon Agric. Expt. Sta. Bull. 671. 40 pp.

George, M. R., K. Olson and J. W. Menke. 1988. Range weather: A comparison at three California range research stations. Calif. Agric. 42:3032.

Menke, J. W. 1989. Management controls on productivity. Pages 173-199 In: L. F. Huenneke and H. A. Mooney. (eds.) Grassland Structure and Function California Annual Grassland. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Gordon, D. R., J. M. Welker, J. W. Menke and K. J. Rice. 1989. Competition for soil water between annual plants and blue oak (Quercus douglasii) seedlings. Oecologia 79:533-541.

Welker, J. M. and J. W. Menke. 1990. The influence of simulated browsing on tissue water relations, growth and survival of Quercus douglasii (Hook and Arn.) seedlings under slow and rapid rates of soil drought. Functional Ecol. 4:807-817.

Loft, E. R., J. W. Menke, and J. G. Kie. 1991. Habitat shifts by mule deer: The influence of cattle grazing. J. Wildl. Manage. 55:16-26.

Kie, J. G., C. J. Evans, E. R. Loft, and J. W. Menke. 1991. Foraging behavior by mule deer: The influence of cattle grazing. J. Wildl. Manage. 55:665-674.

Wagner, F. H., J. Berger, D. R. McCullough, J. W. Menke, E. S. Murray, B. W. Pickett, U. S. Seal, and M. Sharpe. 1991. Wild Horse Populations: Field Studies in Genetics and Fertility. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.

Menke. J. W. 1992. Grazing and fire management for native perennial grass restoration in California grasslands. Fremontia 20:22-25.

Momen, B., J. W. Menke, and J. M. Welker. 1992. Tissue water relations Quercus wislizenii seedlings: Drought resistance in a California evergreen oak. Acta Oecologica 13:127-136.

Menke, J., and G. E. Bradford. 1992. Rangelands. Agric., Ecosyst. and Environ. 42:141-163.

Zomer, R., and J. Menke. 1993. Site index and biomass productivity estimates for Himalayan alder-large cardamom plantations: A model agroforestry system of the middle hills of eastern Nepal. Mountain Res. and Dev. 13:235-255.

Loft, E. R., J. G. Kie, and J. W. Menke. 1993. Grazing in the Sierra Nevada: Home range and space use patterns of mule deer as influenced by cattle. Calif. Fish and Game 79:145-166.

Koukoura, Zoi and John Menke. 1994. Effect of root pinching on growth patterns of blue oak (Quercus douglasii H. & A.) seedlings. Phyton (Horn, Austria) 34:109-118.

Momen, B., J. W. Menke, J. M. Welker, K. J. Rice, and F. S. Chapin, III. 1994. Blue oak regeneration and seedling water relations in four sites within a California oak savanna. International J. Plant Sciences 155(6):744-749.

Dyer, A. R., H. C. Fossum, and J. W. Menke. 1996. Emergence and survival of Nassella pulchra in a California grassland. Madrono 43:316-333.

Menke, J. W., C. Davis, and P. Beesley. 1996. Rangeland Assessment. Chapter 22 In: Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project: Final Report to Congress. Vol. III, Assessments, Commissioned Reports, and Background Information. Centers for Water and Wildland Research, Univ. of California, Davis.

Carlsen, T.M., J.W. Menke, and B.M. Pavlik. 2000. Reducing competitive suppression of a rare annual forb by restoring native California perennial grasslands. Restoration Ecology 8:19-29.

Limited Distribution Reports:

Barrett, R. H., J. W. Menke, M. E. Fry, and D. Mangold. 1976. A review of the value of hardwoods to wildlife in California with recommendations for research. Final Report to USDA Forest Service, Supplement 8, Part A under Master Agreement No. 21398, 45 pp.

Dorken, S., and J. W. Menke. 1977. Effects of prescribed burning on four fuel types in Calaveras Big Trees State Park. Final Report, State of California Department of Parks and Recreation, 18 pp.

VanZee, C. J., and J. W. Menke. 1978. The Round Valley Indian Reservation rangeland management plan. Bureau of Indian Affairs, Central California Agency, Contract No. 6J500100466, 140 pp.

Kie, J. G., and J. W. Menke. 1980. Deer habitat response to Trinity River habitat manipulation. Final Report of Phase I to USDA Forest Service, Contract 74579, 158 pp.

Berg, N. H., W. L. Bradford, K. J. Brown, J. W. Menke, M. S. Singer, and J. L. Smith. 1980. An evaluation of possible effects of weather modification on hydrologic processes in the American River Basin, California. Proc. of Workshop IV, Berkeley, California. Pages 1-43 In: The Sierra Ecology Project, Volume Two. U. S. Department of Interior Technical Report, Water and Power Resource Service, Denver, Colorado.

Menke, J. W., and C. W. Cook. 1981. The data base for assessment of the impacts of technologies on productivity of rangeland resources. Consultant Report, Contract No. 1330350.0, Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment, Washington D. C., 58 pp.

Menke, J. W. 1981. A range and related resources inventory and condition study/report with management recommendations for Fort Hunter Liggett, California. Final Report Order No. DACA 0581P0138, Department of Army, Sacramento District, Corps of Engineers, 49 pp., Appendix.

Kellogg, E. M., J. W. Menke, and D. F. Pendleton (eds.). 1982. Gund Ranch Management Plan June 1982. Final Report of Range Science 170, Range Ecosystem Course, University of California, Davis, 118 pp.

Kellogg, E. M., and J. W. Menke. 1983. Analysis of grazing policy, range improvements, and the future of cattle businesses on the Tule River Indian Reservation. Final Report USDI Bureau of Indian Affairs. 44 pp. and Appendix.

Menke, J. W. 1983. Evaluation of rangeland at Fort Hunter Liggett, California. Final Report Order No. DACA0583P0234, Department of the Army, Sacramento District, Corps of Engineers, 11 pp.

Menke, J. W., M. J. Singer, and R. R. Curry. 1984. Chaparral management effects on water and the environment. Technical Completion Report, California Water Resources Center Grant Program G830, 50 pp.

George, M. R., W. J. Clawson, J. W. Menke, and J. Bartolome. 1984. Annual grassland forage productivity. Cooperative Extension, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Leaflet 21378.

Menke, J. W. 1985. Rangeland evaluation report on Fort Hunter Liggett. Final Report Order No. DACA0585P0100, Department of the Army, Sacramento District, Corps of Engineers, 9 pp.

Olson, K., M. George, J. Menke, A. Murphy, J. Van Horne, and L. Lohr. 1987. Incorporating weather variation into California rangeland stocking rate decisions. Univ. of Minnesota, Inst. of Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics Staff Paper Series, Staff Paper P8740, 26 pp.

Menke, John W. 1988. Range and watershed management. Pages C1C9. In: Agricultural Research Opportunities for U.S. and Mexico Collaboration. INIFAP Conference, March 2730, 1988, Guadalajara, Mexico.

Menke, J. W. 1988. Report on range status and expected responses to absence of domestic livestock grazing in the Coso Geothermal AreaJune 16, 1988. Report to California Energy Company, Inc., Inyokern, California, 5 pp.

Menke, J. W. 1989. Role of prescribed fire and livestock grazing in the conservation of native species in California grasslands. Final Report to Public Service Research and Dissemination Program, Univ. of California, Davis, 56 pp.

Loft, E. R., and J. W. Menke. 1991. Evaluation of fire effects on mule deer habitat in Lassen County. Final Report. California Dept. of Fish and Game Hill Contract No. FG1C-2090, 30 pp.

Menke, J. W. 1991. Native grasslands at Ellwood Beach. Report for LSA Associates, Inc. Appendix H. Open Space and Habitat Management Program, 7 pp.

McCalvin, C. A., and J. W. Menke. 1992. Hope Valley Wildlife Area Vegetation Survey. Final Report. California Dept. of Fish and Game, Region II, 19 pp., maps and appendix.

Stromberg, M., P. Kephart, J. Menke, and B. Heneks. 1993. Native grass trials--Rana Creek Ranch, 1993-1994. Annual Report. 12 pp.

Adams, T. E., Jr., and J. W. Menke. 1993. Use of perennial grasses to eliminate roadside weeds. California Dept. of Transportation Contract No. RTA 65N623. Final Report. 10 pp. plus 5 tables and attachment.

Menke, J. W. and V. J. Van Sickle. 1994. Comparison of Vegetation Patch Structure, Biodiversity and Animal Use of Marble Mountain Wilderness Area Meadow Systems. Final Report, California Dept. of Fish and Game, Hill Bill Project.

Alexander, J. D. and J. W. Menke. 1997. Bird associations with forest characteristics on the Goosenest Adaptive Management Area. Klamath National Forest, Yreka, CA. Final Report to USDA Forest Service Region 5, Partners in Flight Landbird Conservation Program. 19 pp.