Date of Issue / SEND and Inclusion Policy / Policy Number
1.9.2014 / 2
Review Date / Policy Owner
1.9.2016 / JHE
  1. Purpose

1.1The purpose of the policy is to ensure that Bedford Free School executes its statutory duties regarding the special educational needs and disability code of practice (2014) and any guidance relating to the Children and Families Act (Part 3, September 2014).

1.2The policy will ensure that:

  • The needs of those pupils with SEND are identified early through rigorous assessment and appropriate provision made to meet their needs.
  • Those pupils with SEND receive their full entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum and appropriate inclusion in all school activities.
  • Pupils with SEND are valued equally with all other pupils and will be enabled and encouraged to develop their potential to the full.
  • The organisation of the school will ensure an appropriate support framework to respond to pupil’s identified needs.

1.3For the purposes of this policy, a child is deemed to have special needs if he/she:

  • Has significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of their peers, either temporarily or permanently because of medical or social, emotional or mental health difficulties.
  • Has a disability which either prevents or hinders him/her from making use of the educational facilities of a kind usually provided for pupils of the same age.
  • Has a statement of SEND or an Education and Health Care Plan
  1. Policy

2.1It is the policy of Bedford Free School to identify pupils with SEND as early as possible and that their needs are met.

2.2Bedford Free School will ensure systems are in place to notify and advise staff of pupils with SEND.

2.3The school will provide all children with a broad and balanced curriculum that will be differentiated according to the needs and ability of the individual.

2.4Bedford Free School will be sympathetic to each child’s needs by providing a strong partnership between children, parents, Local Authority and outside agencies.

2.5It is the policy of Bedford Free School to ensure all pupils make effective progress, realise their full potential and take a full and active part in school life.

  1. Responsibilities

3.1The ultimate responsibility for SEND issues rests with the Board of Governors and the Principal.

3.2In the discharge of their duties the Governors will ensure:

  • The appointment of a member of staff as the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO).
  • The Principal has delegated powers and responsibilities to ensure all school personnel and visitors to the school are aware of and comply with this policy.
  • The high standard of SEND provision.
  • Due regard has been taken of the Code of Practice when undertaking its responsibilities.
  • The effectiveness of the school’s SEND policy is reported annually to parents.
  • Funding is made available to support this policy.
  • That a link Governor has been nominated to visit the school regularly, liaise with the SENDCo and report back to the Governing Body.
  • The effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation of this policy.

3.3The day to day management of the SEND policy will be the responsibility of the Principal.

3.4The Principal will ensure:

  • That all school personnel, pupils and parents are aware of and comply with this policy.
  • The Governing Body is kept fully informed of all matters relating to its responsibilities for the provision of SEND.
  • Parents of children with SEND provision are informed.
  • The effectiveness of this policy is monitored and reports prepared for the Governing Body relating to its success and development.

3.5The day to day application of the SEND policy will be the responsibility of the SENDCo.

3.6The SENDCO will ensure:

  • Leadership of SEND development throughout the school.
  • The provision of advice, guidance and training regarding SEND matters to all staff.
  • Where deemed necessary to progress learning, Individual Learning Plans for children with SEND are developed and maintained to enable enhance progress and the comprehensive tracking of progress made.
  • New developments and resources available to support SEND provision are reviewed and considered for use.
  • Full liaison with parents, Local Authorities, outside agencies and feeder schools to maximise the effectiveness of informed decision making.
  • Liaison with the link Governor and Principal in their development of SEND reports for the Governing Body.

3.7Each member of the teaching staff has a responsibility to be aware of this policy and the procedures for the identification and assessment of pupils with SEND.

3.8In the discharge of their responsibilities each teacher will:

  • Deliver the individual programme for each SEND pupil as set out in their ILP.
  • Assist in the development of ILPs for pupils with SEND by working closely with the SENDCo and learning support staff.
  • Undertake training related to SEND provision as appropriate.

3.9Bedford Free School will actively encourage parents and pupils with SEND to work in partnership with the school to ensure the effective development of ILPs through timely reviews.

  1. Related Documents

4.1SEND Procedure

4.2Safeguarding and Pupil Welfare Policy

4.3Equal Opportunities Policy

4.4Risk Assessment Procedure


  1. Monitoring, Evaluation and Review

5.1The school Governors are responsible for ensuring the Free School adheres to this policy and that this policy is periodically monitored and reviewed.

5.2This policy will be reviewed at least every two years.