Department of Political Science, University of Vienna

A-1010 Vienna, Universitätsstrasse 7/2


F: +43/1/4277/9477

Current position

Senior lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna (since 2011)

Faculty member of the Initiative College “European Historical Dictatorship and Transformation Research”, Faculty for Historical and Cultural Studies and Faculty for Social Sciences, University of Vienna (since 2009)

Associated lecturer at the Postgraduate Program “Master of European Studies”, University of Vienna (since 2008)

Visiting faculty at the Nationalism Studies Program, CEU Budapest (since 2012)

Visiting fellow at the Jean Monnet Chair, Comenius University Bratislava (since 2006)


2007 Postdoctoral lecture qualification in Political Science (habilitation), University of Innsbruck

1998 PhD in Political Science, University of Vienna

1990 Diploma Postgraduate Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies and Scientific Research, Vienna

1985 Diploma Universitary Course of Studies “Advertising and Marketing”, University of Economics, Vienna

Professional Positions held

Winter semester 2011 Visiting professor (Comparative dictatorship and transformation research) at the Department of Contemporary History; University of Vienna

Spring term 2009 and fall term 2009 Visiting professor at the Institute of Government and Politics, University of Tartu

Fall term 2008 Visiting fellow at the University of Podgorica

Spring term 2008 Visiting professor (Comparative political culture research) at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna

2007 to 2008 Visiting fellow at the WSHE Łodz

2003-2008 Researcher at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna

1996-2003 Researcher at the Social Sciences Department of the Austrian Institute of East and Southeast European Studies, Vienna

1997-1998 Researcher at the Research Centre „Discourse, Politics, Identity“, Vienna

1990-2000 Researcher at the Institute for Inter-disciplinary Research and Consulting WKW, Vienna

Further teaching and supervising experience

Since 2007 regular supervision of Master and Doctoral thesis at University of Vienna and University of Innsbruck

2011-2012 Associated lecturer at the University of Klagenfurt

2008 to 2010 Staff member of the Summer School & Distance Learning Program "Security, Stability & Integration", Chisinau

2005-2007 Associated lecturer at the Department of History, University of Vienna

2000-2007 Associated lecturer at the “Universitätslehrgang Politische Bildung/ MSc-Program“/ IFF Klagenfurt

1996/1997 Associated lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Salzburg

Since 1995 Associated lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Innsbruck

1991-2011 Associated lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna

Publications (extract since 2009)



Cultural Patterns of Politics (ed. with Olga Gyarfasova). Berlin-Münster-Vienna (forthcoming).

Gedächtnispolitik als Konfliktfeld im europäischen Integrationsprozess. Vienna (forthcoming).


Europäische Bildpolitiken. Politische Bildanalyse an Beispielen der EU-Politik. Vienna (with Petra Bernhardt, Leila Hadj-Abdou, Andreas Pribersky).

The Discursive Construction of National Identity. Second Edition (revised and updated). Edinburgh University Press (with Ruth Wodak, Rudolf de Cillia, Martin Reisigl).

Zeitgeist Ne Anlatyor? Istanbul (eds. with Alpat, Emrah/ Arslan, Tunca/ Bilbilik, Erol/ Hepkon, Haluk).



The CEE and SEE expansion of Austrian banks: A showcase analysis of relating media coverage. In: Ágh, Attila/ Vass, László (eds.): European Futures: The Perspectives of the New Member States in the new Europe. Budapest (forthcoming).

Austria in the European Parliament Elections. In: Donatella M. Viola (ed.): Pride and Prejudice. Public Attitudes, Voting Behaviour and Party Performance in the European Parliament Elections. Oxford (with Silvia Kritzinger) (forthcoming).

Discursive and Visual Representations of EU Presidencies: Austria, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland in Comparison. In: Gyarfasova, Olga / Liebhart, Karin (eds.): Cultural Patterns of Politics). Berlin-Münster-Vienna (forthcoming).

Visual Narratives of Transformation: Images of System Change in European History Text Books. In: Gayrfasova, Olga / Liebhart, Karin (eds.): Cultural Patterns of Politics. Berlin-Münster-Vienna. (with Petra Mayrhofer) (forthcoming).


Political Culture in Southeast Europe. In: Döring, Thomas/ Sternad, Dietmar (eds.): Handbook of Doing Business in Southeast Europe. Houndmills Basingstoke. 51-86.


Demokratiequalität und Demokratiereform – aktuelle Diskussionen auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene. In: Prammer, Barbara/ Rosenberg, Barbara/ Duffek, Karl A. (eds.): Die Qualität der Demokratie. Kriterien, Befunde, Herausforderungen. Vienna. 91-117.


Stichwort „Europa“. In: Adibeli Nduka-Agwu, Hornscheidt, Antje (eds.): Rassistische Sprachhandlungen. Berlin. 299-303.

Anmerkungen zu Gedächtnis und Politik im europäischen Integrationsprozess. In: De Cillia, Rudolf et al. (ed.): Diskurs-Politik-Identität. Festschrift für Ruth Wodak. Tübingen. 275-281.

Menschen-Mythen-Meilensteine. Die Österreichische Länderausstellung 1996. In: Rupnow, Dirk/ Uhl, Heidemarie (eds.): Zeit-/Geschichte ausstellen in Österreich. Bestandsaufnahme und Recherche. Vienna. 255-274.


Divergierende Erinnerungskulturen und gedächtnispolitische Konflikte als Faktoren im europäischen Integrationsprozess: Das Beispiel der Baltischen Staaten Estland und Lettland. In: Ratkovic, Viktorija et al. (eds.): Spielregeln der Gewalt. Klagenfurt. 119-138.

Ezoterik, Okültizm ve Asain Sagci Düsünce. In: Alpat, Emrah, Arslan, Tunca, Bilbilik, Erol, Hepkon, Haluk, Liebhart, Karin (eds.): Zeitgeist Ne Anlatyor? Istanbul. 94-122.

Other professional activities

Evaluator for the European Commission/ FP7 and FP6 (2011, 2009, 2007, 2003)

Member of the editorial board of the online orientation tool “wahlkabine.at”

Member of the scientific board of the project “Neugestaltung der Österreichischen Gedenkstätte in Auschwitz-Birkenau“

Member of the board “Doktorat neu”, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna

Member of the inter-disciplinary working group “Visual Studies in Social Sciences”, Faculty for Social Sciences, University of Vienna

Member of the inter-disciplinary working group „East-West-legacies and -linkages in Europe”, Faculty for Social Sciences, University of Vienna

Member of the inter-disciplinary working group “Sites of memory”, Commission of Cultural Studies and History of the Theatre, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

Member of “AGORA (Section on Democracy Research)”, Austrian Political Science Association (AuPSA)

Continuous function as reviewer for academic journals, funds and institutions such as European Science Foundation, The Polish-Norwegian Research Programme NCBIR; OTKA (Hungary); Comenius University Bratislava, University of Tartu, AuPSA, Austrian Journal for Political Science, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austrian National Bank, ICM (OeAD)

Main research interests

Political cultures and political systems

Political, economic, social and cultural processes of transformation

Democratic quality and political participation

European integration, enlargement process and European Neighborhood Policy

Memory politics

Visual representations of politics and political communication

Social sciences methods

Gender studies

Membership and activities in professional associations

2009-2012 President of the Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA)

2010-2011 Chairperson of the Austrian Political Science Association (AuPSA)