Minutes of Council Meeting 22/09/08 Cont…..
MINUTES of the Proceedings of a meeting of the
Ulverston Town Council held in the Town Hall, Ulverston
on 22 September 2008 at 7.15 p.m.
PRESENT : Councillor J. Jenkinson (Chairman), N. Bishop-Rowe, J. Hancock,
M. Hornby, H. Irving, P. Jones, J. Pickthall, J. Prosser, J. Rice, C. Hodgson,
B. Wilkinson, A. Rigg, C. Williams, B. Marr, P. Lister.
Also Present : R. Spours, Cllr. M. Wilson, S. Burns, Press (2).
M.153. APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE : Cllrs. T. Watson (ill). D. Wright.
Cllr. Wilkinson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item 6 planning application SL/08/0884. He also declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item 9 Finance & Grants.
Cllr. Marr declared a personal and prejudicial interest in planning application SL/08/0884 and SL/08/0858. Cllr. Irving declared a personal and prejudicial interest in planning application SL/08/0884.
Cllr. Jenkinson declared a personal interest in Item 6 as a member of the District Council Planning Committee. Cllr. Bishop-Rowe declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item 9. Cllr. Lister declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item 8.
Cllr. Jenkinson welcomed Cllr. Mark Wilson and Ralph Spours to the meeting.
Cllr. Jenkinson welcomed Scott Burns Culture & Economy Manager from S.L.D.C., who would present the options appraisal regarding Ulverston’s CCTV system.
Cllr. Hodgson recommended that members would debate the findings in Part II. This was agreed.
Scott Burns introduced himself and his role in the CCTV operations in Ulverston. He emphasised that there was a guaranteed budget of £31,000 for the system which needed to be replaced. The Council had 3 options to choose from. We could start replacing the equipment and gradually replace the cameras or renew the system. He had done some investigation, and what might be ok in one town, may not suit another.
He explained that we could still choose a police preferred system which links into the Barrow Police Station, or a stand-alone system for Ulverston that would allow a great amount of accountability and improved equipment, and suggested that a partnership working with Barrow Borough Council and the Traders. Cllr. Wilkinson said that fibre optic option gave a better quality.
Cllr. Jenkinson thanked Mr. Burns for his input and said that once the matter had been discussed, we would notify him of our decision.
M.157. MINUTES :
It was resolved that the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 8 September 2008, including Part II, and the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 15 September 2008 Part II were approved.
(i) Resolved : That the following observations be made on planning applications :-
SL/08/0628 1 Mayfield Road, Ulverston. The Town Council APPROVE this application.
SL/08/0831 Seawood, Canal Foot. Subject to the views of neighbours being taken into consideration, the Town Council APPROVE this application.
SL/08/0872 Hill Foot Hotel. The Town Council APPROVE this application.
SL/08/0845/6 Buffers, Station Approach. The Town Council welcomes, and APPROVES this application with the view of neighbours being taken into consideration, and also with the view of time restrictions.
SL/08/0858 The Old Morecambe Tavern. The Town Council APPROVE this application.
SL/08/0875 70 Market Street. The Town Council APPROVE this application.
SL/08/0903 9 Town Bank Road. The Town Council APPROVE this application.
SL/08/0345 Barn to rear of 16 The Gill. The Town Council APPROVE this application.
SL/08/0884 30 Soutergate. The Town Council APPROVE this application.
SL/08/0902 Roxy Cinema, Brogden Street. The Town Council are concerned how the business has been run over the last 12 months, and feel that it is not suitable for retail causing vehicle disruption in Brogden Street and the A590, and therefore REFUSE this application.
(ii) Applications Granted and Refused by the District Council noted.
Letter of thanks received from Yvonne Blood – Town Crier in appreciation of the card and present given to her on the birth of her baby daughter.
JobCentreplus – Letter received from Steve Johnson District Manager advising that the premises in Glynis House will be closing on October 3, 2008, and that they will be offering an advisory service from Ulverston Town Hall.
Geoff Dellow’s correspondence. Cllr. Jenkinson informed members that we were receiving a large number of copy emails, and asked Councillors how the correspondence should be dealt with. Cllrs agreed only correspondence addressed to the Town Council will be dealt with. Mr. Dellow’s correspondence is available at the Town Hall office if any member wishes to read them. Regarding the petitions that Mr. Dellow obtained, Cllr. Jenkinson said it was up to the individual members if they wished to sign.
Cllr. Bishop-Rowe was asked by the Town Clerk to advise members that the special meeting held on 15 September 2008 regarding the Cottage, UTC are seeking advice from solicitors before any further investigation is taken, and Councillors will be informed.
Cllr. Rigg spoke about an article in the Evening Mail in July regarding the merger of two women’s units at Furness General Hospital, and had spoken to the Divisional Director and confirmed that the proposed wards 1 and 4 were only half full. No formal decision has yet been made. Cllr. Rigg’s concern is that the woman’s unit will have all the beds in one ward, and there will be no dedicated support for mothers and babies. Cllr. Jenkinson thought that the patients should come first, and that the Council write to the Chief Executive of the Hospital Trust to establish exactly what the situation is. It was then proposed that we write to the Chairman of the Hospital Trust copied to the Chief Executive, Vanessa Harris Divisional Director, the Chairman of Cumbria Health and Well Being Committee, Cllr. B. Richardson, and also copied to John Hutton.
Cllrs. Wilkinson and Bishop-Rowe left the Chamber.
The Committee considered in favour of contributing £1,000 towards the minibus, but were waiting to hear further information from the ATC before a final decision was made.
a) Cllr. Hornby commented on a very good Lantern Procession, but was distressed to learn that several public conveniences in the Town were closed, and asked if this could be put on the next agenda.
b) Cllr. Rigg asked if the Leisure Centre Swimming facilities could be placed on the next agenda.
c) Cllr. Jenkinson reminded members of the Locality Working in South Lakeland meeting will take place at Swarthmoor Hall on Thursday 25 September 2008. She also mentioned the “Together We Can” campaign which starts on 17 November, and asked if anyone interested to please give their names in at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Cllr. Lister left the Chamber.
d) Cllr. Jenkinson reminded Cllrs. About the Ward Walkabout.
M.164. PUBLIC : None.
It was then proposed, seconded and agreed that the meeting move into Part II
(The Meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.)