

The Breathitt County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex or handicap in employment, educational programs, or activities.

Wayne Sizemoreis the designated Title IX coordinator and can be reached at the Breathitt County Schools District Office, 420 Court Street, Jackson, KY 41339, phone 606-666-2491, extension 2015.



Breathitt County High School is rich in History. I am glad to become a part of the tradition at Breathitt High School. This handbook is designed to acquaint you with our policies and procedures. We have made some changes as we continue to grow. Please make your parents aware of this information so they can become a part of your total educational process. Our main focus is to treat all stakeholders in your educational journey with respect. Our staff is dedicated and willing to help you achieve your educational goals. We want to provide you with opportunities to reach these goals. Breathitt students are what drives our compassion and spirit to teach.


Building Character and High-achieving Students

Who are College and/or Career Ready.


Breathitt High School will continuously use data results to set the expectation of and provide safety nets for all students to be prepared for the next level.


  • School and student evidence will inform ALL decisions concerning student growth and achievement.
  • Every stakeholder is responsible for student success.
  • Good role models influence student behaviors positively by demonstrating respect and responsibility.
  • All students can learn based on what WE do.
  • PEOPLE come first and are treated with dignity and respect.
  • Motivation is our responsibility.
  • Student learning/success is our top priority.


Master Schedule with class change times...... 4

Faculty / Staff Listing...... 4

Attendance Policy...... 5

Make-up and Late Work Policy...... 6

Dress Code...... 7

Grading Scale...... 8

Weighted Grades Policy...... 8

Graduation Requirements...... 10

Credit Recovery...... 11

Electronic Devices Policy...... 11

District Technology Property Deployment Agreement...... 12

Valedictorian/Salutatorian Criteria...... 12

Guidance and Counseling Services...... 12

Exams and Exam Schedules...... 12

Seniors...... 12

Senior Trip...... 13

Emergency Cards...... 13

Alcohol and Drugs...... 13

Parent Conference...... 13

Visitors...... 13

Early Sign-Out Procedures...... 14

Schedule Changes and Corrections...... 14

Policy on Incomplete Grades...... 14

ACT Test Dates...... 15

Governor’s Scholars Program...... 15

Academic Boosters of Breathitt County...... 15

Testing...... 15

General Statement of Good Behavior...... 15

Relationships...... 16

First Aid and Emergency Care...... 16

Automobile Regulations...... 17

Textbook Policies...... 17

Student Debts...... 17

Food and Drink...... 17

School Trips...... 18

Tobacco Policy...... 18

Acknowledgement of Receipt of Handbook (Parent signature required)...... 19



1st Period8:00-8:55

2nd Period8:59-9:54

3rd Period9:58-10:53

4th Period10:57-12:17

1st Lunch 10:57-11:19

2nd Lunch11:24-11:48

3rd Lunch11:53-12:17

5th Period12:21- 1:16

6th Period1:20 - 2:15

7th Period2:19-3:14


David Kyle AbnerTonya Raines

Kansas AdamsRandy Riley

Scott AllenRobert Shouse

Dosha BackTeasha Sloas

Augusta BarnettRyan Spicer

Wallace BatesSherrie Stewart

Jennifer BowlingDonna Thomas

Paula Clemons-CombsWillie Turner

Eric CollinsLinda Yates

Donna Combs

Kenneth CombsOffice Staff

Annette CoomerCarolyn McDaniel, Principal

John EppersonTim Johnson, Assistant Principal

Alonzo FugateBeverly Neace, Guidance Counselor

Paul HaleJudy Hamilton, Secretary/Reception

Tara Beth HallBetty Maggard, Guidance Secretary

Rena HamblinSharon Gross, School Nurse

Jason HeraldMichelle Johnson, School Psychologist

Nan Herald

Darren IaconoATC Staff

Donna LittleJoe Mayabb, Principal

Bonnie LivelyDebbie Smith, Receptionist

Rich McCuneBurlie Adams

Maria MontañoGene Booth

Kyle MooreKelly Clibern

Jamie NeaceRebecca Neace

Malissa NobleJerry Smith

Lucy PrewittVerna Stacy


1st Reading: June 19, 2013

2nd Reading & Adoption: June 24, 2013

To be enacted for the 2013-2014 and beyond school years.

Absences and Excuses

Pupils are required to attend regularly and punctually the school in which they are enrolled. Recording of absences and tardies shall be made in compliance with the requirements of 702 KAR 007:125.1

Truancy Defined

Any student who has attained the age of six (6), but has not reached his/her eighteenth (18th) birthday, who has been absent from school without valid excuse for three (3) days or more, or tardy without valid excuse on three (3) days or more, is a truant.

Any student enrolled in a public school who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years, but has not reached his/her twenty-first (21st) birthday, who has been absent from school without valid excuse for three (3) or more days, or tardy without valid excuse on three (3) or more days, is a truant.

Any student who has been reported as a truant two (2) or more times is a habitual truant.

For the purposes of establishing a student's status as a truant, a student’s attendance record is cumulative for an entire school year. When students transfer from one Kentucky district to another, attendance information from the previous district shall become part of their official attendance record for that school year.

Students identified as truant in middle school or high school will be referred to the Truancy Diversion Program sponsored by the Breathitt County Court and Breathitt County Attorney.

Excused Absences

An excused absence or tardiness is one for which work may be made up, such as:

  1. Death or severe illness in the pupil's immediate family,
  2. Illness of the pupil,
  3. Religious holidays and practices,
  4. One (1) day for attendance at the Kentucky State Fair,
  5. Documented military leave,
  6. One (1) day prior to departure of parent/guardian called to active military duty,
  7. One (1) day upon the return of parent/guardian from active military duty,
  8. Visitation for up to ten (10) days with the student’s parent, de facto custodian, or person with legal custody who, while on active military duty stationed outside of the country, is granted rest and recuperation leave, or
  9. Other valid reasons as determined by the Principal, including trips qualifying as educational enhancement opportunities.

Students shall be granted an excused absence for up to ten (10) school days to pursue an educational enhancement opportunity determined by the Principal to be of significant educational value. This opportunity may include, but not be limited to, participation in an educational foreign exchange program or an intensive instructional, experiential, or performance program in one (1) of the core curriculum subjects of English, science, mathematics, social studies, foreign language, and the arts.

Unless the Principal determines that extenuating circumstances exist, requests for date(s) falling within State or District testing periods shall not be granted.

The Principal’s determination may be appealed to the Superintendent/designee whose decision may then be appealed to the Board under its grievance policy and procedures.

Students receiving an excused absence under this section shall have the opportunity to make up school work missed and shall not have their class grades adversely affected for lack of class attendance or class participation due to the excused absence. Students shall have the same number of days excused to make up the missed work. It is the responsibility of the student to meet with teachers to get missed assignments.

A student who is participating in a school-related activity during school hours shall not be counted absent. However, the student shall be required to make up any assignments missed.


Parent Notes: A student returning to school after an absence must bring a note within three (3) days signed by his/her parents or guardian. Three (3) parent or guardian notes are accepted for excuse each school year.

Health Care Provider Notes: A student who is absent due to illness and goes to the doctor shall within three (3) days of return to school present the health care provider’s statement. The following information is required on the excuse statement:

  • name of health care provider;
  • date and time of appointment;
  • reason for visit;
  • health care providers instructions to be followed, if any; and
  • date student can return to school.

Up to ten (10) days per year may be excused with a health care provider’s note.

School Handbooks

Each school handbook shall include specific attendance requirements.

Unexcused Absences

Work missed during unexcused days may be made up at the discretion of the school administration.

Any appointment, i.e. dental, doctor, eye, court, etc, will be unexcused if they exceed a half-day, unless otherwise noted on the excuse from the provider.

Habitually truant students shall be ineligible for extracurricular activities, i.e. sports, field trips, academic competitions, prom or other dances, and graduation ceremonies.


Projects or homework assigned prior to suspension shall be accepted for credit. Students shall be responsible for submitting assignments due during the time of the suspension.

Longterm projects assigned during the suspension and due at a later date shall be accepted.

Work assigned and due during suspension shall be required to be completed.


1st Reading: June 19, 2013

2nd Reading and Adoption: June 24, 2013

Students will be permitted make-up work with EXCUSED absences ONLY.

A. The student will have days for make-up that are equal to his/her days of absence. (Example – One day of make-up for one day absent).

B. If a teacher has previously assigned deadlines for work (syllabus), the work is due on the return day.

C. By the nature of some class activities (included but not limited to bell ringers, participation grades, etc.), they cannot be made up if a student is absent.

D. If a student is present in class and has chosen not to complete or participate in that day’s activities, the student is not allowed to make that assignment or activity up at a later time.

E. It is the student’s responsibility to get make-up work by using time before/after class such as lunch, break, or before/after school.

F. Completion of make-up work for a suspension will be at the discretion of the building administrators.

G. Make-up work for a student suspended from school is permissible with approval from administration, but must be completed during after school hours. Work must be turned in as soon as the student returns from the suspension.

H. Late Work – For late work (homework or assignments with an established due date), 10% will be subtracted from the grade for each school day the assignment is late. After five (5) school days, the assignment cannot be submitted for credit, though the student may still be required to submit the assignment.


Dress code requirements apply to all students (male and female) and are to be followed during school hours, during school-sponsored events, and during extracurricular activities. Students who are participating in Physical Education classes must adhere to all dress code requirements before entering the hallways or classrooms. Teachers of the physical education classes will set the dress codes for the physical education classes. However, shirts (those meeting dress code standards) must be worn at ALL times.

  1. Shoes must be worn at all times.
  2. Shorts, skirts, dresses, and skorts (including those worn with leggings, etc.) must be no shorter than four (4) inches from the top of the knee.
  3. No sleeveless shirts or off-the-shoulder clothing will be permitted. Students who participate in a sport or club that have sleeveless shirts that are a recognized part of an official school uniform will be the only ones to vary from this. Then, they can only be worn during regular practice/competition times.
  4. Pants, jeans, shirts, shorts, or any other clothing item that contains a hole exposing skin above the knees is not permitted while attending BCHS. Any questionable garment may be required to be covered during the school day.
  5. Students are not permitted to possess nor wear sunglasses, hats, caps, or bandanas during the school day unless authorized for a school activity. Students are not to wear toboggans, beanies, or hoods that cover the head.
  6. No clothing shall be permitted which promotes alcohol or drugs or which bears offensive language, pictures, signs, or offensive insinuations. Examples include, but are not limited to: “Big Johnson,” “Hooters,” “Co-ed Naked”. If it is illegal for you to do, it is banned on clothing in our building.
  7. See-through clothing, bare midriffs, and any article of clothing considered indecent or distracting is prohibited.
  8. Shirts must be of length that they could be tucked in and remained tucked in whether sitting or standing or stretching. We are not attempting to enforce that shirts be tucked in, but to enforce the fact that shirts must be of proper length to cover the midriff region the entire time the shirt is worn. At no time should a student’s shirt expose the bare back or midriff.
  9. All clothing must be “form-fitting”. Clothing that is excessively baggy will not be tolerated.
  10. All pants and shorts must be worn at the waist. The waist is considered the area ABOVE the tip of the hipbones. Underwear cannot be visible at anytime.

Dress Code for ALL Formal Dances

The dress code for the Homecoming and Sweetheart candidates is as follows:

  • The attire for the candidates will be informal (no formal gowns). Adhere to the school dress code.
  • Girls may wear sleeveless dresses, but no halter tops, spaghetti straps or revealing necklines (as determined by the school staff). The skirt length will be no shorter than three (3) inches above the knee. The top of any slit cannot be any higher than 3 inches above the knee.

The dress code for Prom, JROTC Military Ball and other formal dances is as follows:

  • Males – The attire should be formal, i.e. dress jacket, shirt, and tie, and dress slacks or tuxedos. No tee shirts, jeans, or cargo pants are permissible. All clothing must remain on and buttoned up EXCEPT for jackets, ties, and vests.
  • Females – The attire should be formal. The skirt length will be no shorter than four (4) inches above the knee. The top of any slit cannot be any higher than 4 inches above the knee. No bare midriff or excessively revealing neckline (as determined by the school staff) is permissible. No attire is permissible that reveals more than half the back.
  • NOTE: Prom dresses must be approved by administration before wearing to prom. Student must either provide a photograph of the dress or bring the dress in for final approval. If the student does not get approval and the dress is deemed inappropriate, the student will be escorted out.

DRESS CODE FOR GRADUATION – Graduation is a formal ceremony and will be treated as such. For this reason, the following dress code will be followed:

1. No flip flops or boots.

2. No shorts.

3. Gentlemen - Dress slacks/khakis, collared shirts, dress shoes

4. Dress slacks or dresses/skirts for young ladies – MUST meet dress code requirements



A = 90 – 100

B = 80 – 89

C = 70 – 79

D = 60 – 69

F = 59 and below


Advanced Placement

Students in Advanced Placement courses must sit for the College Board AP Exam in the spring. Students who do not take the exam will receive regular course credit toward their GPA—not Advanced Placement or Advanced course credit. Should the student receive regular course credit, AP designation will be removed from the course title on their transcript. The exception to this policy would be students who have elected the dual credit option (if offered) for an Advanced Placement course. Students who elect the dual credit option are not required to sit for the AP exam.

Class Rank and Grade Point Averages
Individual class rank and grade point average (GPA) shall be calculated at the end of the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth semesters. This calculation shall be based on performance in all courses taken during the high school years.

Full year course credits will be used to compute the final GPA. Quality points shall be assigned as follows:

AP/Dual Credit / Honors / Regular
A (90-100)=5.0 / A (90-100)=4.5 / A (90-100)=4.0
B (80-89)=4.0 / B (80-89)=3.5 / B (80-89)=3.0
C (70-79)=3.0 / C (70-79)=2.5 / C (70-79)=2.0
D (60-69)=2.0 / D (60-69)=1.5 / D (60-69)=1.0
F (59-Below)=0.0 / F (59-Below)=0.0 / F (59-Below)=0.0

Advanced Placement Courses include the following: English Composition, English Literature

Dual Credit Courses

Breathitt High School, Morehead State University, and Hazard Community and Technical College have developed an agreement that allows students to take courses at BHS that will grant college credit. Theyinclude the following:

ENG 100, ENG 200, MAT 152 (College Algebra), MAT 174 (Pre-Calculus), MAT 123 (Intro to Statistics), HIS 108 (History of the US through 1865) & 109 (History of the US since 1865), CIS 101 (Intro Computer Science), CIS 211 (Data Modeling), and other courses as available.

Students that participate in this program must:

  • have minimum GPA of 3.0.
  • have minimum ACT Composite of 18; and all subscore requirements: English-18, Math-22, Reading 20.
  • be a Junior or Senior.
  • meet all BHS prerequisites (such as English I & II).
  • be recommended by the Guidance Counselor.

Honors Course: Geometry

Correspondence Courses/Alternative Credit Options (including Kentucky Virtual High School)

In addition to regular classroom instruction, high school students may earn elective credits toward graduation through correspondence courses and/or virtual on-line courses. Except as noted below, the board shall only award credit for those courses that qualify as an elective for the student.

Only courses offered by agencies and institutions recognized by the Board will be accepted. The express approval of the Principal/designee shall be obtained before the course is taken and an official record of the final grade must be received by the school before a diploma may be issued to the student. Under ordinary circumstances, student or their patents/guardians shall pay for approved courses the student chooses to take.

Virtual/Online Courses

As determined by school/council policy, students applying for permission to take a virtual course shall complete prerequisites and provide teacher/counselor recommendations to confirm the student possesses the maturity level needed to function effectively in an online learning environment.